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Still 4.2.

I am actually strict with my diet.
I eat not much carb and active with my dog and traning with different stuff
IT is over 5. 5 half time since i sat humalog and then i ate 4low carb crispbread with cheese and ham and cucumber
I know you say your healthcare system isn't the best but could you please ask about carb counting, taking too much insulin and not eating enough carbs with it is what could be causing the hypo's you are having almost everyday, with carb counting you'd learn how to adjust your insulin to match the carbs you were eating, you may also have to look at adjusting your insulin to fit your active lifestyle x
Still 4.2.

I am actually strict with my diet.
I eat not much carb and active with my dog and traning with different stuff
IT is over 5. 5 half time since i sat humalog and then i ate 4low carb crispbread with cheese and ham and cucumber
There is no point in following a low carb diet if you are using too much insulin and then having to eat a lot of carbs to treat the hypos caused by the insulin. As @Kaylz says, you need to get some help with carb counting and adjusting your insulin doses. Insulin can potentially kill you if you take too much. It is very serious indeed and needing so much carbohydrate to treat a hypo suggests that your dose is way too high.

I hope it doesn't sound like we are being critical of you but we are exceptionally worried for you. We all had to learn this stuff because we didn't know about it either when we were first started on insulin, but we were made aware of how dangerous it can be and our initial few weeks were regularly overseen by a nurse who would check our readings and food diary and make adjustments to keep us safe. You don't seem to have any of that support or you don't seem to have understood how dangerous insulin can be.
I have only once had a hypo where I needed more than 15g carbs to treat it and then it was only 30g carbs. You have needed more than double that amount of carbs today so your dose must be wrong for what you are eating. It is a very careful balancing act.
I understand.
But this still New for me and i am learning, but it take times. Therese last 5 days i have hond 3.5 kilogram. My weigth is normal. I now weigth 66.5 kilgrams and i am 175 higth.i am not use to insulin, but i read about it. Listen to you all guys and my doctor. I do eat little carb but in early Day my blood sugar is very hight. I am having time once a week now with my doctor and know him and trust him.

I hope that i am not wrong to all of you. Try my best.
I dont use much humalog only if is really hight. Just did like the doctor told me. I feel like everybody her think i not good. I try not to aske more
We are all trying to help you and are only worried about you as constant hypos can be dangerous
No. we really don't want you to leave, but we do want you to be safe and we are really worried. We feel responsible for you because you are part of our community, but we worry that you are not understanding what we are telling you or that we might be misunderstanding you. It happens often enough between those of us whose first language is English let alone someone who is communicating in a second.... or possibly third language..... Huge respect to you for that!

We understand it is new to you but sometimes it seems like you don't follow the advice we give you, so it looks like you didn't understand. There are gaps in the information you give us so we only know part of what you are doing and we don't know what might be going on in between which might be really important to the advice we would give you.
I mostly understand What you guys are writing.
And i take all that in. Now i have much more information i and try my best. But Norway is not the best country to get help in. Because i have problems with my bodu because of illness and now, all of this with insulin i feel hopeless to be honest
If somebody wondering Something Just ask. I am a open person and will not be a burden
Don't be sad. It was really good to hear that you had sorted some hypo treatments out today so that you have them ready. That was a good step forward.
It would help if you can portion them into 15g packets so that you just take one packet when you are hypo and then test again in 15 minutes and if your levels haven't come up above 4 then take a second treatment.
Are you eating regular meals? Do you understand that the Humalog is to take before each meal but not to take it if you are not going to eat.
You keep mentioning low carb foods but when you are on insulin, you might be best to eat normal food rather than low carb. This may be why you are hypoing. It is safer to be a bit high than having hypos and at the moment you are having to eat lots of sweet stuff when you hypo so it would be best to eat normal foods for meals and then hopefully not need the hypo treatments.... that would be much healthier.
Thank you for all your help and advice.

I know that humalog Just takes with food.

But when it over a wish level he want me to take it, and that it different the doses, It was my blood sugar level is on.

I have a goal to weigt 47 kilogram and now a weight 66.5kilograms an are 174 hight.

Before i was a very huge and heavy girl ca 236kilograms.

I am careful with humalog. And i know hypo is very dangerous.

Very much because of you and i am so happy for you all being here and support eachother.

I am grateful to everybody in here❤️
I understand.
But this still New for me and i am learning, but it take times. Therese last 5 days i have hond 3.5 kilogram. My weigth is normal. I now weigth 66.5 kilgrams and i am 175 higth.i am not use to insulin, but i read about it. Listen to you all guys and my doctor. I do eat little carb but in early Day my blood sugar is very hight. I am having time once a week now with my doctor and know him and trust him.

I hope that i am not wrong to all of you. Try my best.

If your blood sugar is high early in the day, perhaps you could have a low carb breakfast, and then more carbs for lunch and your evening meal? If you can try to eat a similar amount of carbs for each meal, that will help you get the Humalog right, e.g. you might have a low carb breakfast, then 40g carbs for lunch and 60g for you’re evening meal (those numbers are examples only - you should have as many grams of carbs as works for you).

If you’re having lots of low sugars, then probably your insulin needs reducing or you need to eat more carbs. It’s a balance - a balance between carbs and insulin. If you try to have similar amounts of carbs as I said above, it will make it easier to get your carbs and insulin in balance.
@Stressabeccy You are quite tall - 174cm. If you weighed only 47kg, you would be very underweight (too thin). The weight you are now puts you in the healthy range.
You can look using this tool:

You can change to cm and kg. It will calculate your BMI. That is Body Mass Index in English. It shows if a person is in the healthy weight range or above or below.

At 66.5kg you are a healthy weight:

BMI: 21.9
Your result suggests you are a healthy weight

Healthy weight range for your height:
56kg - 75.7kg
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