Please support my Diabetes Petition

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i've signed it!
Thanks for your help Shiv,

Nearly there now - only need 31 more supporters to ensure that 10 Downing Street need to respond.

Best wishes - John
Just signed it
Thanks rachela - I'm grateful! We are up to 473 supporters now. Just need another 27 to reach 500 - the level at which the Government need to make a formal response.

I hope that there might be some more new members or members who haven't signed up yet.

The petition can be found via the link below:

Hope that more of you will consider supporting my petition and perhaps encourage friends and family to offer their support also.

Thanks to all who have supported my petition so far - I'm grateful!

We are up to 479 supporters now. Just need another 21 to reach 500 - the level at which the Government need to make a formal response. Hoping for a final push to get us to that target.

The petition can be found via the link below:

If you haven't already done so I hope that you will take a couple of minutes to do so. Please encourage friends and family to offer their support also.

Thanks to all who have supported my petition so far - I'm grateful!

We are up to 536 supporters now but still need as many more as we can get to send the strongest possible message to 10 Downing Street.

The petition can be found via the link below:

If you haven't already done so I hope that you will take a couple of minutes to do so. Please encourage friends and family to offer their support also.

Hoping to find some more supporters from our newer members at least.

Thanks to all who have supported my petition so far - I'm grateful!

We are up to 543 supporters now but still need as many more as we can get to send the strongest possible message to 10 Downing Street.

The petition can be found via the link below:

If you haven't already done so I hope that you will take a couple of minutes to do so. Please encourage friends and family to offer their support also.

Hoping to find some more supporters from our newer members at least - Mark and Mary possibly and maybe others?

I put links to yours and Alison's petitions on my blog post yesterday John, hopefully get you a few more names!
Thanks Northerner - I'm grateful.

Please be aware that Alison's e-petition has now expired. She really ought to have let it run for the full term - i.e. twelve months - to give her sufficient chance to reach a level of support that ensures a Government response - i.e. usually 500 supporters.

Mine comes to an end in April so it's quite a lot of time left.

That point is worth bearing in mind for anyone starting a new e-petition. I wish that more people would do so to keep our messages needing to be addressed by the Government of the day.

Best wishes - John
That point is worth bearing in mind for anyone starting a new e-petition. I wish that more people would do so to keep our messages needing to be addressed by the Government of the day.

Best wishes - John

Hi John,
These petitions to 10 Downing Street don't even make it through to their alleged destination. The e-petition scheme is looked after by a Civivl Servant in Watford(?) who just ignores any that fail to reach 500. If they score 500 he passes them on the relevant Govt Dept ( NOT 10 Downing Street). They in turn just put up a Sir Humphrey to brush the petition aside and tell the petitioner that "Nanny Knows Best".
Students of Politics have named these e-petitions ( one of the last gimmicks of our Tony) as one of the reasons for the current disenchantment with politics and politicians. Earnest people petition on subjects they are closely involved with and they are just get scant attention and are kicked into touch.
The Civil Service is furious that this pointless e-petition scheme has been allowed to run on under Gordon.
Hi John,
These petitions to 10 Downing Street don't even make it through to their alleged destination. The e-petition scheme is looked after by a Civivl Servant in Watford(?) who just ignores any that fail to reach 500. If they score 500 he passes them on the relevant Govt Dept ( NOT 10 Downing Street). They in turn just put up a Sir Humphrey to brush the petition aside and tell the petitioner that "Nanny Knows Best".
Students of Politics have named these e-petitions ( one of the last gimmicks of our Tony) as one of the reasons for the current disenchantment with politics and politicians. Earnest people petition on subjects they are closely involved with and they are just get scant attention and are kicked into touch.
The Civil Service is furious that this pointless e-petition scheme has been allowed to run on under Gordon.

I wonder if contacting the local MP might lend a bit more weight to the petition's progress? Especially if not a Labour MP.
I live in the same area as the originator of the petition and our MP is a labour minister who always supports the government. He has just hit the headlines for saying that repossession is possibly the best option for many...
I live in the same area as the originator of the petition and our MP is a labour minister who always supports the government. He has just hit the headlines for saying that repossession is possibly the best option for many... about writing to his opposition candidates in that case!😱
I wonder if contacting the local MP might lend a bit more weight to the petition's progress? Especially if not a Labour MP.
Oh Northerner! I contact MPs as well - not only mine but other MPs too. You will find somewhere that there are quite a few politicians including MPs - Conservative, Liberal Democrat and Labour - who have added their support to this particular petition.

I'm a quite simple-minded person really - I just believe in campaigning for things that I feel strongly about. I never expect immediate results because things don't happen like that. However, I do believe that the more pressure that is applied on politicians then the greater the chance that something will be done at some stage.

In my opinion, we ought to bombarding people with our messages in the hope that something might trigger the wheels that turn so slowly in a different direction.

After all if diabetics can't be bothered to press on matters that are wrong and affect us - then how can we expect the powers that be to be interested?

Please encourage others to support my campaign.

I live in the same area as the originator of the petition and our MP is a labour minister who always supports the government. He has just hit the headlines for saying that repossession is possibly the best option for many...
Hi oskar,

Yes - he does and yes he did. However, I think that he was ambushed into saying what he did and then not allowed to finish off saying what he intended to say.

I'm sometimes critical of him but the MP that you refer to is basically a good guy. However, he is the President of the Wath Diabetes UK Family Support Group so he has shown an interest in our problems.

Do you fancy coming along?

Best wishes - John
Had a sudden surge of support for my diabetes petition on 10 Downing Street.

Anyone any ideas on where the support might be coming from? It's the names at the bottom of the list that are the new additions. I'd be interested to know if anyone has any ideas.

Anyone else on this forum willing to add their support - or better still get family and friends to support the petition? I'd appreciate any help that you can give.

You can find the petition via this link:

I don't recognise the names John. I did put a link to your petition on my blog, so it's always possible that was a source for one or two of them! Great to see that you're over 500! 🙂
Contacted MP

I wonder if contacting the local MP might lend a bit more weight to the petition's progress? Especially if not a Labour MP.

Dear Northerner,

I contacted Adrian Sanders (Liberal) regarding a diabetes issue and he was absolutely useless.

Warmest Regards Dodger
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