Perpetually hungry

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That’s not quite true. The more accurate statement is you can’t eat too much of the wrong things. And for a type 2 that’s sugars and starches ie carbs.

If you only want a little meat have more eggs, add cheese.

Jardiance (emplagflozin) works by helping you pee out excess glucose rather than keep it in the blood. So it does lower blood glucose but it doesn’t make you hypo (go too low) on its own except in very rare cases (like Metformin). Its biggest side effect is increased uti’s or thrush. Also as an sglt2 medication it means you can’t cut carbs too much as there is a small risk that you can develop euglycemic dka (Ie high ketones with normal blood glucose instead of the high glucose seen in dka more typically). The typical advice is not to go below 130g. 130g is still way more than many type 2 can cope with though. So if you want to manage it with a low carb diet then this medication doesn’t sit well with that.
So far one tablets has made me feel is thirsty. So if it continues it will make me lose weight with all
the extra fluid.
They are finger sized from Waitrose
yes used to
thematchbox size rule. Like you get in hospital. Maybe because i had this at 4 I am not hungry tonight but maybe the Jardiance. I got through a hard time maybe ill cope the other end.
So far one tablets has made me feel is thirsty. So if it continues it will make me lose weight with all
the extra fluid.
I think if you read the product information it suggests you should drink at least 2-3litres of fluid per day as otherwise you could become dehydrated.
I think if you read the product information it suggests you should drink at least 2-3litres of fluid per day as otherwise you could become dehydrated.
don't we get advised to
that anyways?
Yeah and you'll be on the toilet all day. Although, works for me.
Thats is one side of the tablet anyways as it rids sugar. i did not visit loo anymore than usual. if anything i slept the whole night. Im usually up twice.
Thats is one side of the tablet anyways as it rids sugar. i did not visit loo anymore than usual. if anything i slept the whole night. Im usually up twice.
I'm an extremely slow reader so I haven't read all the thread above. I'm just saying if like me you drink a lot of fluid, me water, you won't get dehydrated but ultimately you need to go to the toilet more. But again some people can hold it in longer than others. The bladder also has a maximum capacity of 600ml. But before anyone corrects me I've been able to keep in 2 litres.
I'm an extremely slow reader so I haven't read all the thread above. I'm just saying if like me you drink a lot of fluid, me water, you won't get dehydrated but ultimately you need to go to the toilet more. But again some people can hold it in longer than others. The bladder also has a maximum capacity of 600ml. But before anyone corrects me I've been able to keep in 2 litres.
Im not keen on water, tend to drink , coffee, red bush, tea or tonic water. I loved fruit juices and squash but do not have anymore for obvious reason. In the winter I will have fruit teas. Tried but only like hot and in winter. Guess they might be banned too as im sure they are sweet.
Im not keen on water, tend to drink , coffee, red bush, tea or tonic water. I loved fruit juices and squash but do not have anymore for obvious reason. In the winter I will have fruit teas. Tried but only like hot and in winter. Guess they might be banned too as im sure they are sweet.
I think fruit teas should be fine, I like sparkling flavoured water. No foods are actually banned, it just needs to be counted in your carbs for the day.
I am away at the moment and have found even though I have ordered something and said NO CHIPS, what is on the plate CHIPS. Grrr
I think fruit teas should be fine, I like sparkling flavoured water. No foods are actually banned, it just needs to be counted in your carbs for the day.
I am away at the moment and have found even though I have ordered something and said NO CHIPS, what is on the plate CHIPS. Grrr
oh can you refuse. They are not banned but in my diet i ban things.
You might be okay with the chips if you are exercising a lot.
Hubby cooked last night or i might have been tempted to get fish n chips of the van.
I have done so well though not
going to spoil it . Saying Pride before a fall. It is too early chips do not go down for breakfast.
I am not hungry this morning. Total change again.
aha ….
Im not keen on water, tend to drink , coffee, red bush, tea or tonic water. I loved fruit juices and squash but do not have anymore for obvious reason. In the winter I will have fruit teas. Tried but only like hot and in winter. Guess they might be banned too as im sure they are sweet.
Yeah not a lot of people are. I drink a lot of tea and coffee. Caffeine keeps me awake. Water is not brilliant but free or the minimal cost that water companies charge in rates. I like Robinsons no added and fresh orange juice but that stuff is ridiculously expensive around these parts.
Yeah not a lot of people are. I drink a lot of tea and coffee. Caffeine keeps me awake. Water is not brilliant but free or the minimal cost that water companies charge in rates. I like Robinsons no added and fresh orange juice but that stuff is ridiculously expensive around these parts.
Everything has gone up, i cant keep up with prices. i however don't buy bottled water unless out and in need of a drink. i also not keen on fizzy juice. i like some pop but it more a social thing like some would sip wine in company i associate it with that. i have taken to an odd glass of wine but its not a regular thing. i loved wine sauces. typical they had honey etc in them. oops no
wonder i have diabetes.
Honey, shortbread, crisps, bread and apple juice.
Well ill manage without but hmmm heaven if i got the taste again.
I can say this this morning as i am not hungry.
Can anyone believe two days from saying I'm always hungry . i was crying poor me saying i was sick of being so hungry and thiprnong i said to hubby .No breakfast I'm actually not “Hungry”.
Frame it .A first.
All because i gave in snd had extra cheese lol,
And the scales were down .
Everything has gone up, i cant keep up with prices. i however don't buy bottled water unless out and in need of a drink. i also not keen on fizzy juice. i like some pop but it more a social thing like some would sip wine in company i associate it with that. i have taken to an odd glass of wine but its not a regular thing. i loved wine sauces. typical they had honey etc in them. oops no
wonder i have diabetes.
Honey, shortbread, crisps, bread and apple juice.
Well ill manage without but hmmm heaven if i got the taste again.
I can say this this morning as i am not hungry.
Can anyone believe two days from saying I'm always hungry . i was crying poor me saying i was sick of being so hungry and thiprnong i said to hubby .No breakfast I'm actually not “Hungry”.
Frame it .A first.
All because i gave in snd had extra cheese lol,
And the scales were down .
Congrats on the speedy results.
I’ve had the odd time when I feel hungry, I have some little cheeses, snack sized things in fridge. I have one or two and that stopped the grumbling
Today the scales are down. i am not hungry.Maybe the meds or the extra bit of cheese. Thank you i think this was what i needed .
Congrats on the speedy results.
Thank you.
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Today the scales are down. i am not hungry.Maybe the meds or the extra bit of cheese. Thank you i think this wax what i needed .

Thank you.
You're welcome. I like to see goals met and also to keeping things positive, if possible.
yes but i hate meat so i'm having it to help. I am overweight . i did however get encouragement from the DN who said i am going in the right direction . However its unlikely ill manage without medications she has started Jardiance . She said that should help the hunger .
I am hoping it does.
i will have about a tablespoon of tuna and a huge salad of leaves a tomato and cucumber. ill push the boat out and make coleslaw too .
She told me to stop beating myself up if i have a relapse as long as i can go back on the diet thats good.
What i don't get is the Jardiance will not bring my blood sugar down but will get rid if the sugar.
So how will that help?

it does. However i cant eat too much or i dont lose the weight.
I am overweight aswell, yesterday though i had Fage 0% yoghurt with some warmed up berries mixed in (buy frozen berries as they are much cheaper), then lunch was a whole tin of tuna (in spring water) with tomatoe, cucumber, beetroot, onion and some cheese and also a mug shot. Dinner was not good as i was out and the only veggie thing on offer was a pie so i ate the middle and the veg. then i had one digestive biscuit with cheese. I am only on day 6 of being diabetic but i am still eating quite a lot, bloods and weigh in tomorrow
I am overweight aswell, yesterday though i had Fage 0% yoghurt with some warmed up berries mixed in (buy frozen berries as they are much cheaper), then lunch was a whole tin of tuna (in spring water) with tomatoe, cucumber, beetroot, onion and some cheese and also a mug shot. Dinner was not good as i was out and the only veggie thing on offer was a pie so i ate the middle and the veg. then i had one digestive biscuit with cheese. I am only on day 6 of being diabetic but i am still eating quite a lot, bloods and weigh in tomorrow
Good luck with bloods and weigh in.Let us know how you get on. Fingers crossed.
The problem is probably your brain does not get the signal it is supposed to when you are full.
Your DN is right you shouldn't beat yourself up.

They say you can improve this signal by improving your microbiome, which benefits the socalled gut-brain axis.
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