Perpetually hungry

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Yes , I am overweight.
Yes, I do exercise and watch what I eat.
Is there anyone else that is willing to admit that once they start eating it is difficult to stop feeling hungry?
If you have got through this how did you succeed to win , what feels like the never ending battle?
This has not happened overnight it has gone on for many years.
Every new diet try of something is always the same.....
Just need ideas to carry on. It really gets me down.
After 5 years and more of low carb eating I really don't feel hungry ever.
I have not eaten anything today and it is after 4pm - I tend to eat just one meal a day now, and I cook less food for myself these days.
I used to eat half a bag of stirfry at a time, now I divide it into 3 servings.
It is only the carbs I restrict though, I eat whatever protein and fat I feel like at the time.
I read an article once that was headlined 'Why Are Type 2 Diabetics Always Hungry?' I believe it's called hyperphagia.
Hi @Nayshiftin , at times I've also been always hungry. I seem to avoid this by eating a lower carb diet, and ensuring that whatever carbs I eat are those that take longer to digest - the low glycaemic index ones, such as wholemeal, whole oats, and trying to get more of my calories from proteins and "good" fats. So basically "carb counting" and "low GI". Thankfully I don't have problems going overweight - so it may be different for me than you - as we're all different. Good luck with it anyway. Nick
Hi @Nayshiftin , at times I've also been always hungry. I seem to avoid this by eating a lower carb diet, and ensuring that whatever carbs I eat are those that take longer to digest - the low glycaemic index ones, such as wholemeal, whole oats, and trying to get more of my calories from proteins and "good" fats. So basically "carb counting" and "low GI". Thankfully I don't have problems going overweight - so it may be different for me than you - as we're all different. Good luck with it anyway. Nick
Thanks yes I stopped the wholemeal and the oats only having vegetables mainly. I have used things like courgettes , celeriac for spuds and cauliflower for rice . I have made almond muffins and used coconut flour once for bagels but I have not used usual bread and flour or rice, pasta etc.
I have cheated once last week and guess that is why its hard to get back on. It is so difficult to be strict all the time especially when hungry.
So pleased you do not have a weight issue as i think that complicates it more.
Thanks for the support and good wish.
Tomorrow I am going to see Diabetic nurse for a foot check etc. I'll get persuaded to try more diabetic drugs but not looking forward to it all, lets hope I sleep tonight.
Some of us, like my wife, find it difficult to stop eating due to failure of some of the body's control mechanisms. I'm lucky. Do make sure you keep the carbs down and have enough proteins and fats which should help you stay 'full'
Thanks yes I stopped the wholemeal and the oats only having vegetables mainly. I have used things like courgettes , celeriac for spuds and cauliflower for rice . I have made almond muffins and used coconut flour once for bagels but I have not used usual bread and flour or rice, pasta etc.
I have cheated once last week and guess that is why its hard to get back on. It is so difficult to be strict all the time especially when hungry.
So pleased you do not have a weight issue as i think that complicates it more.
Thanks for the support and good wish.
That all sounds great as far as the low carb goes - but you still need fuel and energy. Have you upped the good fats and the proteins to replace the ditched carbs? Low carb should not mean hungry - ever.

It’s contrary to the historic advice of low fat everything but almost on a daily basis now I’m reading in the mainstream news more and more drs saying how essential the good fats (the non processed, non seed, non vegetable oil ones) are and how they help us lose weight. Previously it was just in the low carb research papers of the last decade

Yes they have more calories per gram if you burn them in a test tube. But in a type 2 body with hormones and insulin resistance it’s not a fair comparison for one thing and also even although they have more calories they are calories out body isn’t damaged in dealing with (as we are carbs) and they keep us full for a lot longer than double the carbs do.
I know people often quote that the reason they are overweight is genetic and for many that is not true but for some it actually is and a faulty gene means the signals that they are not hungry don't get passed between stomach and brain, just as there people who never feel hungry due to a faulty gene.
@Nayshiftin I read in other thread that your breakfast and lunch don't fill you up and you feel hungry all day until dinner. I'm not an expert but I would say a meal plan that keeps you hungry all day is not sustainable and is normal if you overeat later as a result.

I understand if you have a weight loss goal you can't always have the quantities or types of food that you would like, and you will have to resist cravings sometimes. But is important to find a balance where your diet is healthy for you but also fills you enough so you are not starving all day every day. If you have access to a diabetes nutritionist you could try and get some advice from them.
I know people often quote that the reason they are overweight is genetic and for many that is not true but for some it actually is and a faulty gene means the signals that they are not hungry don't get passed between stomach and brain, just as there people who never feel hungry due to a faulty gene.
Could be as I do come from families who on all sides are large. However as a child i was able to
starve easier and was thinner than most of them. Since my children i blamed hormones, tiredness , stress but Ive yo yo dieted for years but now I go on a diet any and first month i am good then it slows and i get to i cant eat less. feel deprived. If i don't eat i can go longer but once i eat .
i need to find a way to get through the night easier.
That all sounds great as far as the low carb goes - but you still need fuel and energy. Have you upped the good fats and the proteins to replace the ditched carbs? Low carb should not mean hungry - ever.

It’s contrary to the historic advice of low fat everything but almost on a daily basis now I’m reading in the mainstream news more and more drs saying how essential the good fats (the non processed, non seed, non vegetable oil ones) are and how they help us lose weight. Previously it was just in the low carb research papers of the last decade

Yes they have more calories per gram if you burn them in a test tube. But in a type 2 body with hormones and insulin resistance it’s not a fair comparison for one thing and also even although they have more calories they are calories out body isn’t damaged in dealing with (as we are carbs) and they keep us full for a lot longer than double the carbs do.
using the Diabetes Uk low carb diet snd yes im eating and drinking high fat. Never had as much cream , cheese . Ive even eaten meat. Not as much as hubby but he has potatoes padt rice etc and eats crackers inbetween . Hes not fat not diabetic . i make jeals fir three he eats teo i wat one . Cant keep him going in fruit and yes I'm the fat diabetic one.
Men do need more sustenance agreed but he”s a greedy one yet a good weight so its okay for now.
ive had egg and a slice of bacon this morning . he's gad three if bacon two eggs and two hunks of bread. A plum and some nuts he's taken through. Hell have chic biscuits later too before lunch. Im iff to DN this morning do that will keep me busy . ive also had three cups to drink coffee tea and wAter. So hunger is in my mind.
im goid usualky am and after lunch . 5 pmmim really chomping fir fonner . We eat just after 6 then its hungry until i get to sleep.
On the diet there is no room for snacks . Trying to keep three meals a day is not easy.
DN was very kind . She has started me on Jardiance. Ill give it a go
You mean you have an egg and a single rasher of bacon and then wonder why you are hungry?
I have half the packet of bacon and at least two eggs, plus a little stirfry or a tomato - then I am not hungry for the rest of the day.
Control of diabetes is not about starving yourself, it is just eat the nourishment you need and avoid the things which cause high blood glucose.
using the Diabetes Uk low carb diet snd yes im eating and drinking high fat. Never had as much cream , cheese . Ive even eaten meat. Not as much as hubby but he has potatoes padt rice etc and eats crackers inbetween . Hes not fat not diabetic . i make jeals fir three he eats teo i wat one . Cant keep him going in fruit and yes I'm the fat diabetic one.
Men do need more sustenance agreed but he”s a greedy one yet a good weight so its okay for now.
ive had egg and a slice of bacon this morning . he's gad three if bacon two eggs and two hunks of bread. A plum and some nuts he's taken through. Hell have chic biscuits later too before lunch. Im iff to DN this morning do that will keep me busy . ive also had three cups to drink coffee tea and wAter. So hunger is in my mind.
im goid usualky am and after lunch . 5 pmmim really chomping fir fonner . We eat just after 6 then its hungry until i get to sleep.
On the diet there is no room for snacks . Trying to keep three meals a day is not easy.
One egg and one slice of bacon would leave me hungry too. Why are you eating so little if it does you too?

Forget comparisons to your husband (mines like yours in that he eats loads, including a lot of carbs, and is slim with a perfect hba1) or to anyone else. You are not him and all it does is cause frustration.
You mean you have an egg and a single rasher of bacon and then wonder why you are hungry?
I have half the packet of bacon and at least two eggs, plus a little stirfry or a tomato - then I am not hungry for the rest of the day.
Control of diabetes is not about starving yourself, it is just eat the nourishment you need and avoid the things which cause high blood glucose.
yes but i hate meat so i'm having it to help. I am overweight . i did however get encouragement from the DN who said i am going in the right direction . However its unlikely ill manage without medications she has started Jardiance . She said that should help the hunger .
I am hoping it does.
i will have about a tablespoon of tuna and a huge salad of leaves a tomato and cucumber. ill push the boat out and make coleslaw too .
She told me to stop beating myself up if i have a relapse as long as i can go back on the diet thats good.
What i don't get is the Jardiance will not bring my blood sugar down but will get rid if the sugar.
So how will that help?
One egg and one slice of bacon would leave me hungry too. Why are you eating so little if it does you too?

Forget comparisons to your husband (mines like yours in that he eats loads, including a lot of carbs, and is slim with a perfect hba1) or to anyone else. You are not him and all it does is cause frustration.
it does. However i cant eat too much or i dont lose the weight.
You mean you have an egg and a single rasher of bacon and then wonder why you are hungry?
I have half the packet of bacon and at least two eggs, plus a little stirfry or a tomato - then I am not hungry for the rest of the day.
Control of diabetes is not about starving yourself, it is just eat the nourishment you need and avoid the things which cause high blood glucose.
I notice you have lost weight . well done. Did you lose it on the shake diet. I'm contemplating buying some but hubby is not keen . I think
mainly as going back on food after will be hard.
Also on holiday we will have b and b but unsure the sausages will be Heck ie 97% so would you eat those. Bacon is processed too so I don't know. Last time we ate bfast out all i had was a piece of bacon and egg as no toast, hash browns . beans or sausage allowed.
It get that cheese is good but im now anxious as DN let me away with no statins as i want yo see that this Jardiance works good alone. i do get inna state over meds as so many don’t help me
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