NHS Shake and Soup Diet


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hello everyone. I have been approved to go on the NHS Soup and Shake Diet. I am T2 and jot on medication. HBAC1 is 56. I am wondering whether anyone has tried it? The variety of flavours and products does not look great. Interested to hear how others found it and whether 800 calories a day saps energy levels
Hi, yep I've done it - my thread about it is here...

Mine was provided for by Oviva and yep, the choice wasn't amazing, but I saw that as a good thing as it cut down the decision making!

I found it didn't zap my energy levels, although was advised not to exercise so didn't initially - the more it went on though I found my energy levels increased, so in the end had to let out that energy somehow so started walking for exercise

2 years on and i'm a Runner and avid cyclist and have way more energy now that I'd had for years!

Step onboard and enjoy the ride!
The NHS pay for it then? I'm going to ask. They did once offer me bariatric but I felt it was too late for me. Also they gave me the Slimmers World but I wasted it and didn't have any faith in that as the lecturer was Type 2 and it wasn't good for her, made her levels go up. Do you just ask at the docs?
I have no experience of the diet so won't comment. I would recommend our friend google to get as many opinions and experiences as possible rather than a small set. However, I am not saying you won't get a good idea from the responses to this thread.
I started out my diabetes journey by sticking to around 800 cals per day to start with, but using "normal" food. I ate lots of eggs, lean protein such as fish and meat, and loads of green leafy veg. I split it so it was around 200 cals for breakfast, and 300 each for lunch and tea. I still eat this diet, but allow myself more of everything (plus a nice glass of red with dinner now!). So if you're not fancying the shakes, it can be done by other means. Best of luck whichever you choose.
Way back in the 70s I was in Market Harborough, at Allied Lyons factory there, in the product development and storage testing lab, and Dr Howerd who developed the Cambridge diet came to us to mix and pack the sachets for his diet.
I suspect that my dessert of sugar free jelly with yoghurt or cream with mixed berries is a homage to the desserts in that regime - I have used different flavours from time to time, but of course I don't have access to the really good ones I could use back then.
The way I eat now owes a lot to all the experience I had up to the age of 65 and diagnosis with type 2, but I do wish that some serious research could be done, untainted by influence from those with vested interests or entrenched opinions, or the concept that the body needs to be punished for reacting to the modern diet in the way so many do. It is surely obvious that something is going very wrong with our food supply - isn't it?
I called the surgery. I told them I'm Type 2 and can I go on the NHS shakes diet, I told her 'a friend' was on it. Receptionist asked if it was a private doctor and just fobbed me off really! She did take my name though so might get back to me.
I was offered it when first diagnosed but I like to eat so it wasn't for me :D

A friend at work did something similar and did lose a shed load of weight but as soon as she started eating real food again, the weight came back, mainly because no-one had educated her that her food habits needed to change for life not just for a short period.
I called the surgery. I told them I'm Type 2 and can I go on the NHS shakes diet, I told her 'a friend' was on it. Receptionist asked if it was a private doctor and just fobbed me off really! She did take my name though so might get back to me.
...Never let them fob you off!

Keep at them!!
I was offered it when first diagnosed but I like to eat so it wasn't for me :D

A friend at work did something similar and did lose a shed load of weight but as soon as she started eating real food again, the weight came back, mainly because no-one had educated her that her food habits needed to change for life not just for a short period.
This is it...

The program i took part in was 12 months total, which meant it gave me lots of time to re-learn about food...

...Saved my life really - and it's ALL based on Roy Taylor's work on the 'DiRect' studies which are ongoing...(year 5 currently of that study...)
I called the surgery. I told them I'm Type 2 and can I go on the NHS shakes diet, I told her 'a friend' was on it. Receptionist asked if it was a private doctor and just fobbed me off really! She did take my name though so might get back to me.
Good luck @Ditto , I'll keep my fingers crossed for you x
I can't do it, I'm too old! But thank you. 😳 :D
The NHS pay for it then? I'm going to ask. They did once offer me bariatric but I felt it was too late for me. Also they gave me the Slimmers World but I wasted it and didn't have any faith in that as the lecturer was Type 2 and it wasn't good for her, made her levels go up. Do you just ask at the docs?
Yes, I read about it and asked my Diabetic nurse to refer me. It is all free, the sachets and the telephone support and encouragement
Yes, I read about it and asked my Diabetic nurse to refer me. It is all free, the sachets and the telephone support and encouragement
It is not available in Cambridgeshire