Newly Diagnosed - Given Metformin

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I’m new here, newly diagnosed in April my Hba1c was 93, sudden onset following really severe Covid. I refused meds and said I’d follow Keto for 3 months and recheck my bloods, I have lost 34lbs and my Hba1c is now 55 but I’m really disappointed. Should my figure be lower or is it normal to take longer to come right down, my diet is very low carb so I don’t understand why it’s still so high, any help would be gratefully received
That is a fantastic reduction in such a short time, it is better that it comes down slowly as if it is too quick then some people get problems with eyes and nerves so you are lucky that you have not had any problems.
Well done on the weight loss, do you still have more weight to lose if so keeping going with what you are doing should see good results next time.
Don't forget the HbA1C is an average of 3 months so if you have just had another test then it will be covering some of the time when your level was at 93. Usually they do not repeat the test earlier than a three month gap.
That is a fantastic reduction in such a short time, it is better that it comes down slowly as if it is too quick then some people get problems with eyes and nerves so you are lucky that you have not had any problems.
Well done on the weight loss, do you still have more weight to lose if so keeping going with what you are doing should see good results next time.
Don't forget the HbA1C is an average of 3 months so if you have just had another test then it will be covering some of the time when your level was at 93. Usually they do not repeat the test earlier than a three month gap.
Sorry I was diagnosed in March not April so it has been 3 months on keto, but hopefully I’ll see a bigger drop in another 3 months of following the same. Thank you it’s just so confusing to know what to do for the best as I’ve had no advice/ diabetes help from the Doctors
Sorry I was diagnosed in March not April so it has been 3 months on keto, but hopefully I’ll see a bigger drop in another 3 months of following the same. Thank you it’s just so confusing to know what to do for the best as I’ve had no advice/ diabetes help from the Doctors
You have gone a lot lower on carbs with a keto regime than most people are able to do and sustain but it had clearly worked for you. How many grams per day carbs do you have.?
I think keto is under 30 gms net carbs so I mostly have under 30 and occasionally go above but no more than 50gms, I don’t find it too bad/ hard to stick to and am hoping that my weight loss continues.
I got my Navii today… I tested my blood, it was 5.7. I had 4 squares of dark chocolate about an hour and a half ago. I think this is a good reading. I’m not taking meds as you know so I’m hoping it’s all ok. Will check again after my evening meal. It says after meals it needs to be less than 8.5 so I’m hoping to stay within that range. If I was taking the metformin, would this reading be lower? I’m not quite sure how it all works!
I had a similar response from my doctor on diagnosis. She told me I would be on medication for the rest of my life, which depressed the hell out of me, and enough not to trust her, so I did tons of research on food and what it does to our systems. I tested the hell out of myself to see first-hand what happened when I ate things like white bread and rice. By the end of the first year (I think?) I had it all under control and came off my meds. I have been controlling my diabetes with just exercise and diet now for the last 5 years. You can do it, if you want to. Good luck 🙂
That’s brilliant Pet70. I’m hoping to do the same. What did you find spiked your readings? I feel so hungry today. The thought of doing this forever is daunting but I’m learning a lot about different foods here so hopefully I’ll get the hang of it!
That’s brilliant Pet70. I’m hoping to do the same. What did you find spiked your readings? I feel so hungry today. The thought of doing this forever is daunting but I’m learning a lot about different foods here so hopefully I’ll get the hang of it!
It is very early days and you need to allow your body to adjust to lower carbohydrates, you will feel less hungry if you have more healthy fats in your meals. You just need to break the cycle of high carbs which actually make you more hungry so you eat high carb snacks which then make you hungry soon after.
If you need snacks then protein rather than carbs.
I have been doing low carb for 2 years, don't feel hungry and enjoy what I have and feel it is sustainable.
I got my Navii today… I tested my blood, it was 5.7. I had 4 squares of dark chocolate about an hour and a half ago. I think this is a good reading. I’m not taking meds as you know so I’m hoping it’s all ok. Will check again after my evening meal. It says after meals it needs to be less than 8.5 so I’m hoping to stay within that range. If I was taking the metformin, would this reading be lower? I’m not quite sure how it all works!
You want to be looking at the range 4-7mmol/l before meals and no more than 2-3mmol/l increase 2 hours after your meal and aiming at no more than 8.5mmol/l.
So if you had 5.7mmol/l just before you started eating then as long as your 2 hour after is less than 8.7mmol/l your meal was Ok, obviously nearer to a 2mmol /l increase the better. But as you start to lower the increases by good food choices than you before meal reading will start to be lower but do keep sight of the range and don't always try to get too fussy.
@Pet70 that is very encouraging. Doctors can be very frightening at the best of times, but to give a dianosis, medication and a doomsday view of the future. Sigh. Good on you for proving
1. You are right. 2. You are in control of what happens to you. 3. Having courage to do it. 4. Having the ability to do effective research and weed out the bad advice from
the good. I hope many people read your response.
It is very early days and you need to allow your body to adjust to lower carbohydrates, you will feel less hungry if you have more healthy fats in your meals. You just need to break the cycle of high carbs which actually make you more hungry so you eat high carb snacks which then make you hungry soon after.
If you need snacks then protein rather than carbs.
I have been doing low carb for 2 years, don't feel hungry and enjoy what I have and feel it is sustainable.
That’s what I’m hoping. I’ve changed a lot of things already. Was it you who told me you had 70g of carbs? I’m currently trying to have 100.
You want to be looking at the range 4-7mmol/l before meals and no more than 2-3mmol/l increase 2 hours after your meal and aiming at no more than 8.5mmol/l.
So if you had 5.7mmol/l just before you started eating then as long as your 2 hour after is less than 8.7mmol/l your meal was Ok, obviously nearer to a 2mmol /l increase the better. But as you start to lower the increases by good food choices than you before meal reading will start to be lower but do keep sight of the range and don't always try to get too fussy.
I guess sometimes it’s going to be higher than others while I try to find foods that work for me. After food this evening it was 6.4. I’m assuming that without meds this would be acceptable.
That’s what I’m hoping. I’ve changed a lot of things already. Was it you who told me you had 70g of carbs? I’m currently trying to have 100. I took my blood today an hour and a half after food and it was 5.7. Tonight after food it was 6.4. Does that seem ok? How much is acceptable to go up after food?
Yes it was me that said I have 70g carbs per day but I did have eye problems going that low too quickly.
That sounds pretty good. It is usual to test 2 hours after food and the increase of no more than 3mmol/l so your results look good.
Just be careful of going too low carb too quickly because of eye issues, with those results you can allow yourself a bit of leeway because this has to be long term not just a few days or weeks.
Yes it was me that said I have 70g carbs per day but I did have eye problems going that low too quickly.
That sounds pretty good. It is usual to test 2 hours after food and the increase of no more than 3mmol/l so your results look good.
Just be careful of going too low carb too quickly because of eye issues, with those results you can allow yourself a bit of leeway because this has to be long term not just a few days or weeks.
Im Just desperate to bring that level of 50 down to at least a pre diabetic level when I next see my GP in 3 months. I don’t know how many carbs I was eating before. 100g seems high but I don’t mind increasing it if you feel’s best. I’ve had 67g today but that would be very rare and I might have a snack later to bump it up a bit
I guess sometimes it’s going to be higher than others while I try to find foods that work for me. After food this evening it was 6.4. I’m assuming that without meds this would be acceptable.
Metformin take about 2 weeks to build up in your system before it has any impact and then it is extremely minimal. It doesn't really lower your BG levels as such, it just helps the cells of your body to access and utilize the glucose in your blood more efficiently and/or store the surplus as fat. Putting less glucose into your blood stream in the first place by eating low carb is massively more effective than Metformin can ever be.
Metformin take about 2 weeks to build up in your system before it has any impact and then it is extremely minimal. It doesn't really lower your BG levels as such, it just helps the cells of your body to access and utilize the glucose in your blood more efficiently and/or store the surplus as fat. Putting less glucose into your blood stream in the first place by eating low carb is massively more effective than Metformin can ever be.
I’m glad I haven’t started metformin at this point from what you have said. I’d rather try to change things without meds if I can.
Im Just desperate to bring that level of 50 down to at least a pre diabetic level when I next see my GP in 3 months. I don’t know how many carbs I was eating before. 100g seems high but I don’t mind increasing it if you feel’s best. I’ve had 67g today but that would be very rare and I might have a snack later to bump it up a bit
I think 100g is a good starting place, low carb is suggested as less than 130g so you are well under that. I know some people do go lower but they have determined that they need to by testing using their monitor. But other people may be fine with the 130g. you have the advantage of having the monitor so you can make sensible choices but gently does it, many people use the expression that good blood glucose management is a marathon not a sprint so bear that in mind and allow your self some time for things to settle and for your body to adapt to having less carbs.
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