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Minimed 780G who’s got one?

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I’m going have to sit and read all of that on my PC, it’s too much to take in on the phone lol but very interesting to see the budget costs laid out like that.
One thing to add to the calculation is the price the health services would pay compared to the market price, I’m pretty sure the equipment would be heavily discounted and even the drug companies loss leading the equipment just to sell their insulin’s.
The move towards closed loop systems has upset their world quite a lot where there is more or less monopolies controlling the insulin manufacturing and sales.
interesting times are ahead and for once it maybe the sufferers that will benefit after years of stagnation
I pulled the costs from the BNF, brit natnl formulary whuch dont very too much between list and nhs costs. I suspect pump and injections might be given free ro tge ngs as inducements, similar to test kits as the longer consumable cost more than covers such a cost.
I pulled the costs from the BNF, brit natnl formulary whuch dont very too much between list and nhs costs. I suspect pump and injections might be given free ro tge ngs as inducements, similar to test kits as the longer consumable cost more than covers such a cost.
Similar to nhs mortgages on hospitals.
The gov borrows off itself for a drama via QE^n, but pays 40% of a hospitals annual cost on the mortgage...ergo payas your is in preference to up front costs.
I’m going have to sit and read all of that on my PC, it’s too much to take in on the phone lol but very interesting to see the budget costs laid out like that.
One thing to add to the calculation is the price the health services would pay compared to the market price, I’m pretty sure the equipment would be heavily discounted and even the drug companies loss leading the equipment just to sell their insulin’s.
The move towards closed loop systems has upset their world quite a lot where there is more or less monopolies controlling the insulin manufacturing and sales.
interesting times are ahead and for once it maybe the sufferers that will benefit after years of stagnation

Unfortunately banandroid err "rearranged" the nice formulating of my tables, the beast whuch doesnt help :-/
Thats very good and i bet your target is narrower than on mdi or pump no sensor
I have 4.8 - 5.5 as my target, I get a bit obsessed with it lol, when I was doing the training for the pump I was in a hospital clinic for 6 days so I could be monitored, as we were setting up the basal settings, finger pricking every 2 hours day and night was a pain but it makes you very aware of your BG and the effects of your diet, I would get flustered when my BG would go up to 9.0 or 10.0 after eating but the doctor told me not worry about those peaks as long as they were flattening out and coming back to range as the bolus insulin kicked in
On the whole thes sensors are ok but not fantastic, I use their guardian 3 sensor and they have been known to fail now and then I would say don’t expect a Libre style sensor, fit and forget.
if they dislodge at all you can expect a lot of wasted time waiting for them to calibrate only for your pump to tell you to change it after 5 hours. For some reason during the day they are great but during the night everything seems to happen, kicked out of auto mode because of wanting a BG when it was calibrated 4 hours ago is one that seems to plague me at the moment.
I heard a new one is on the horizon that deals with the issues people are reporting but we will have to see what hurdles the FDA put up for it to become reality
Really there should be a block wide interoperability.standard to permit selection on price quality interface.
I have 4.8 - 5.5 as my target, I get a bit obsessed with it lol, when I was doing the training for the pump I was in a hospital clinic for 6 days so I could be monitored, as we were setting up the basal settings, finger pricking every 2 hours day and night was a pain but it makes you very aware of your BG and the effects of your diet, I would get flustered when my BG would go up to 9.0 or 10.0 after eating but the doctor told me not worry about those peaks as long as they were flattening out and coming back to range as the bolus insulin kicked in
What was your range before you were on a pump and sensor?

And if you imagine a thermometer with
100% quality of life, (qol) across work, social, personal, exercise and leisure
65% as chronic disease which interferes with normal life patterns eg haemodialysis (3x/wk 4 hr dialysis)
0 as death,
-0.3 as screaming pain worse than death

How woyld you rate your qol now and before you started your current form of t1d management.?

I appreciate. feelings about qol will vary over time, but even so, an indication is useful.
Mine on pump no sensor is
6.4 +/- 0.5mM 7am-9pm
7.4 +/- 0.5mM 9pm-7am

I say im in range 30% of time.

I cant lower the day target without hypoing frequently and loosing awareness.
I have 4.8 - 5.5 as my target, I get a bit obsessed with it lol, when I was doing the training for the pump I was in a hospital clinic for 6 days so I could be monitored, as we were setting up the basal settings, finger pricking every 2 hours day and night was a pain but it makes you very aware of your BG and the effects of your diet, I would get flustered when my BG would go up to 9.0 or 10.0 after eating but the doctor told me not worry about those peaks as long as they were flattening out and coming back to range as the bolus insulin kicked i
What was your range before you were on a pump and sensor?

And if you imagine a thermometer with
100% quality of life, (qol) across work, social, personal, exercise and leisure
65% as chronic disease which interferes with normal life patterns eg haemodialysis (3x/wk 4 hr dialysis)
0 as death,
-0.3 as screaming pain worse than death

How woyld you rate your qol now and before you started your current form of t1d management.?

I appreciate. feelings about qol will vary over time, but even so, an indication is useful.
I remember starting with the Libre sensors and was amazed to manage 65% with my target range at 4.5 - 8.5. The pump definitely has made a massive difference to my life.
i don’t really have Hypos or Hypers any more when everything is running well.
I’m not so tired anymore and I don’t have to fight my illness to live my life how I would like too
For Medtronic sensor on phone, I trialled the Guardian Connect (standalone CGM with no link to pump) on my old iPhone.

There's a screengrab of the then-compatibility warning on my blog post from the time

Obviously that was a long time ago... And things have almost certainly changed by now.

I don't know if Guarduan Connect is what the future releases will use but this lists compatible devices and OS for that
Thanks Mike

I have their up to date list of compatible phones for their equivalent system, now called Carelink.
Your data bout the amount of data you have used is a good indicator, and my current contract of £5/month includes 3GB of data, so I don’t think I need to worry about whether I will have enough.

All I need is to chose a phone off their list and I think I should be sorted. I will also do my usual practice of paying for them to do all the setting up for me (Before I get lots of messages telling me it easy I have tried it once, and personally leaving them my phone for an hour , giong or stroll and coming back seems worth every penny)

Thanks again
Mine on pump no sensor is
6.4 +/- 0.5mM 7am-9pm
7.4 +/- 0.5mM 9pm-7am

I say im in range 30% of time.

I cant lower the day target without hypoing frequently and loosing awareness.
I am of the opinion there is a sweet spot where your body likes to be and it’s different for everyone. The medical world have to work within their wider range but only you know what feels good for you, looking at those parameters your keeping yourself very tight, you might listen to your body as well when your deciding where to define what’s good for you.
The 780 now offers a choice of targets to use when in sensors. The previous one had 6.7 as its lowest I think, but I work to 5.5 on my current pump. I set a single figure target to get corrections with each Bolus (apart from the rare occasion I am spot on). It was this option of reducing the target to seomthig closer to my preference helped to push me towards this pump.

On my current pump, using the Libre sensor, I usually average 80% time in range. This has been achieved through swiping the sensor lots and using many corrections, as well as using the info from the Libre to help me find an appropriate time interval for my pre-blouses at each meal.

I doubt I will get much better TIR but I am wanting the pump to reduce the amount of my time is used up by my Diabetes. I shall see what happens.
Thanks Mike

I am not particularly tech savvy (as you know) and don’t want to make the mistake of getting one phone and then needing to update again. I thought I had bought one that was okay last time, as the Medtronic people were saying it was fine so long as your phone was no more than 5 years old. I think that they are very focused on iPhones so might end up going that way.

I have to have my new phone ready to link up for the pump start day, which I have realised is so that they can check we have set up our pumps correctly before we go live with it.
It could be worth t'phoning medtronic and asking them when they are gonna release an android version as new Apples are very expensive.
My 670 allows you down to 3.3 but up to what you like to have, it will let you know if you setup parameters outside the norm but will allow you to do it anyway 2A4DAFD5-4E3A-4B21-8858-A1B86FCAE23B.jpeg
I am of the opinion there is a sweet spot where your body likes to be and it’s different for everyone. The medical world have to work within their wider range but only you know what feels good for you, looking at those parameters your keeping yourself very tight, you might listen to your body as well when your deciding where to define what’s good for you.

For me, its a limitation in:
* my ability to predict across multiple interacting variables across a partial data isnt helped by a lack of sensor
* decreasing risk appetite

Sweet spots i think can be / are trained. I used function sort of at 2.3mM and 4mM felt fine.
For me, its a limitation in:
* my ability to predict across multiple interacting variables across a partial data isnt helped by a lack of sensor
* decreasing risk appetite

Sweet spots i think can be / are trained. I used function sort of at 2.3mM and 4mM felt fine.
Wow that’s low, my magic number is 3.8 and has been for years so I suppose I’m pretty lucky
It could be worth t'phoning medtronic and asking them when they are gonna release an android version as new Apples are very expensive.
I checked in the link I shared with you earlier and it says their minimed app is available in IOS and Android so you should be ok, wouldn’t do any harm to check tho
I remember starting with the Libre sensors and was amazed to manage 65% with my target range at 4.5 - 8.5. The pump definitely has made a massive difference to my life.
i don’t really have Hypos or Hypers any more when everything is running well.
I’m not so tired anymore and I don’t have to fight my illness to live my life how I would like too
So would you estimate you feel now

100% aok

And before

Wow that’s low, my magic number is 3.8 and has been for years so I suppose I’m pretty lucky

Threeee is the magic nuuumber...

Well i-ve also sort of functioned at 1.3mM.
How did you get nominated for the 780? Did you have an nhs funded sensor ( and pump) prior?
I have had a pump on NHS for eight years now
I initially self funded the Libre sensors and then got them on NHS.
I have never had CGM funded.

For my next pump I was offered the 780 In the understanding that I would have to self fund the sensors to use it with CGM. Without sensors it behaves like a 640
When I started the 670 Training I spent 2 weeks in the manual mode and that wasn’t that bad compared to having a bolus and a basal insulin, bolus is pretty easy to get more or less right but in 20 years I never got the basal working properly.
So even without the CGM working in auto mode just having the basal template being controlled by the pump is a game changer. @SB2015 i think you will have a ball when you go full auto with the CGM
So would you estimate you feel now

100% aok

And before


Threeee is the magic nuuumber...

iWell i-ve also sort of functioned at 1.3mM.
I would say I’m a good 90% these days, I don’t really remember how bad I felt before the pump anymore but some days were a real struggle
This thread is now closed. Please contact Anna DUK, Ieva DUK or everydayupsanddowns if you would like it re-opened.