Losing my love of veg

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Hope you rediscover your veggie-love soon @Jenny65

There are a bunch of suggestions of ways to approach different veggies from @Pattidevans here: https://forum.diabetes.org.uk/boards/threads/the-a-to-z-of-vegetables-from-dsf.103029/

One of the ways we got most inspired by veggies was by getting a local organic veg box. Not only were things in season - but you just got what you were given, so had to work out what to do with it (and occasionally what it was!).

Another veg-inspiration came from vegan cookbooks like those by the Bosh boys - where veggies had to really carry the show rather than just being the also-ran. Lots of great ideas. Hugh FW's 'Much More Veg' is great too 🙂
I used to love veg, all veg now I am finding it hard to eat any veg at all, the thought of adding lots of veg to my meal is making me feel nauseous but I know it was the key to losing weight and getting into remission. Does anyone have any tips or recipes for making them taste better, I add sprouts, broccoli and cauliflower to most meals but gag eating them when I previously loved them.
Hello @Jenny65,
have you tried baking your veg and using different seasonings?

I made cauliflower steaks last night and covered them in paprika, coriander, garlic powder, onion powder, salt, pepper, and a some olive oil. I baked it for 30 minutes. It was really tasty!
I used to love veg, all veg now I am finding it hard to eat any veg at all, the thought of adding lots of veg to my meal is making me feel nauseous but I know it was the key to losing weight and getting into remission. Does anyone have any tips or recipes for making them taste better, I add sprouts, broccoli and cauliflower to most meals but gag eating them when I previously loved them.
Would this help? Lol


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Hello @Jenny65,
have you tried baking your veg and using different seasonings?

I made cauliflower steaks last night and covered them in paprika, coriander, garlic powder, onion powder, salt, pepper, and a some olive oil. I baked it for 30 minutes. It was really tasty!
That sounds lovely. I did try the bacon and cheese suggestion and it was so tasty and enjoyable, I will try yours now as well.

This weekend (well 6 nights) I am dog sitting at my sons house so wont have access to a lot of things I have at home, they dont have a microwave or air fryer, and their oven is a bit temperamental so instead I am having my normal yoghurt and berries for breakfast and then soup at lunch time, and bring some cooked chicken and nuts as snacks, so no veg, I sort of go off eating at my sons as they have a raw meat diet and having to cut up an assortment of dead animals makes me feel queasy, (I do love the whippets though so they are worth it) One of them is very good and behaves himself but the younger one is a pickle and she will try and beg for my food when I eat it so to sit down and eat a meal will be stressfull, I could shut them in the other room but they will then cry and it isnt a pleasant relaxing experience, I dont think soup would interest them to be honest so a safe bet.
One of the ways we got most inspired by veggies was by getting a local organic veg box. Not only were things in season - but you just got what you were given, so had to work out what to do with it (and occasionally what it was!).
We also have a veg box and found it made us more creative with our veg.
I also get bored easily but, without the veg box, I was buying the same veg every week (and getting bored with it). Now I eat a much more varied diet because I get inspired by what the box brings each week.
Autumn has become my favourite season because I get different types of squash each week. Winter is far less inspiring with swede and carrots. I like carrots but we can only eat so much carrot tarte tartin, carrot tagine and carrot fritters.
A stir fry is great for getting a large and varied veg quota as well as dressing up the plain repetitive veg flavour as if you were simply boiling them. It provides for a very low carb meal which is tasty. Pick a small piece of meat of your choice, chicken breast cheapest and easy, slice very thinly. Make a marinade in a bowl of 2tsp cornflour, 2 tsp dark soy sause, 2 tsp sherry and one tsp oil, pref flavoured stir fry oil you can get from asda or Morrisons etc. Marinate in fridge for at least 2 hrs. Choose your veg, I like green pepper, shitaki mushrooms, broccoli tips, onion, sugar snap peas, bean sprouts, sliced baby corns whatever. Chop good half bunch of spring onions, fine chop plenty ginger and garlic, Fry meat first in peanut oil or oil of choice on hot flame for 2 min max, add fine chopped garlic and fry further 30 sec, no more, don't burn garlic! Then set aside, fry veg starting with onions and adding successive veg, add ginger, keeping adding small amounts boiled water not oil so veg steams as well as fries. Touch of salt. Add meat towards end, keep adding water in small amounts to prevent drying out, add teaspoon fish sauce or quality oyster sauce, serve on cauliflower rice.

Another idea I like is making veg bakes with cheese sauce, asparagus, leak and cauliflower topped with boiled egg or tomato slices. Broccoli spears and leak and tomato. I know the cheese sauce is a bit carbie due to corn flour and milk but its quite low if only making half pint and its spread about, also the fat from the cheese dulls and slows any spike effect. Often have with nice ham, quality sausages and hunks of low carb bread or rolls from seriously low carb.
I like carrots but we can only eat so much carrot tarte tartin, carrot tagine and carrot fritters

I LOVE carrots! Mashed roots are a real favourite in this house (with sausages or similar as part of a kinda 'economy roast').

Other carrot faves for here are:

Katsu Curry (a Bosh one I think?)
Roast veg with apples and crispy kale (Hugh FW)
Grated to accompany home made falafels
Brown rice and vegetable gratin (an ancient Delia fave)
Always one or two in a stir fry
Carrot cake (obviously!)

But yes... too much of any one ingredient can be a bit wearing. 🙂
I LOVE carrots! Mashed roots are a real favourite in this house (with sausages or similar as part of a kinda 'economy roast').

Other carrot faves for here are:

Katsu Curry (a Bosh one I think?)
Roast veg with apples and crispy kale (Hugh FW)
Grated to accompany home made falafels
Brown rice and vegetable gratin (an ancient Delia fave)
Always one or two in a stir fry
Carrot cake (obviously!)

But yes... too much of any one ingredient can be a bit wearing. 🙂
Raw carrots are like ambrosia to me.

Ok I'm a weirdo 🙂
Raw carrots are like ambrosia to me.

Ok I'm a weirdo 🙂
Since you are the man that puts chia seeds into his coffee to make a sort of runny porridge, we had already guessed that you are a bit weird..... not that I am one to judge! 🙄
Raw carrots are like ambrosia to me.

Ok I'm a weirdo 🙂

You say Ambrosia and all I can think of is custard.

Mmmmmmmmm.... custard!

You say Ambrosia and all I can think of is custard.

Mmmmmmmmm.... custard!

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How interesting. For me Ambrosia is Rice Pudding! We never bought ready made custard because there was always a tin of Bird's Custard Powder in the cupboard and plenty of milk in the fridge.
Ah yes! Rice pudding too. Yum!
Raw carrots are like ambrosia to me.

Ok I'm a weirdo 🙂
I don't see what is funny about that, I agree 🙂

Sadly, having lost most of my teeth to gum disease from diabetes, I can no longer enjoy them as I once did. However, even just lightly salted, they are delicious. When you start mixing in olive oil and dressings for which the price of the ingredients would make you wince..... Oh man, truly the nectar of the Gods!
My friend at work has just told me about Indian masala sprouts. Give it a google, they look epic.

There's also a sprout curry 🙂
Ah yes! Rice pudding too. Yum!
Rice pudding never came out of a tin in our house. My Mum made it every week from scratch. On a Tuesday.
It was always known as "Tuesday Pud".
When I went to uni, the "Tuesday Pud Pyrex Dish" was donated to me. Alas, it did not survive the uni experience. But I was grateful to have less predictable desserts on Tuesday.
Yes, my Mam also made rice pud from scratch because I loved the skin off the top which always had a good sprinkjle of nutmeg on it. Thinking about it now, it wasn't tinned rice pud, it was Ambrosia tinned macaroni pudding. It wasn't until later in life that I bought Ambrosia Rice pud but my Dad loved the Ambrosia Macaroni pudding, so there was always a tin or two in the cupboard. I don't think you could buy the macaroni loops to make it at home. Most other stuff was home made including sausage and black pudding and it was heavenly..... but definitely side tracking the thread from veg now... 🙄
Yes, my Mam also made rice pud from scratch because I loved the skin off the top which always had a good sprinkjle of nutmeg on it. Thinking about it now, it wasn't tinned rice pud, it was Ambrosia tinned macaroni pudding. It wasn't until later in life that I bought Ambrosia Rice pud but my Dad loved the Ambrosia Macaroni pudding, so there was always a tin or two in the cupboard. I don't think you could buy the macaroni loops to make it at home. Most other stuff was home made including sausage and black pudding and it was heavenly..... but definitely side tracking the thread from veg now... 🙄
Is there a salavating emoji?
I remember as a child loving rice pudding with a blob of bramble seedless (my Dad’s jam of choice).

And particularly enjoyed the way that clouds in the sunset often had exactly the same blend of colours.
My mum made rice pudding too. I preferred when she made it in a saucepan or at least didn't give me the skin. (I didn't much like the skin, and I certainly didn't/don't like nutmeg! It may appear in a blend of spices for e.g. hot cross buns but may not appear on its own if you wish me to eat the food)

We had it with jam too, usually homemade strawberry
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