Libre 3 experience

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With the Libre2 It mostly happened to me during the night for some reason, phone was next to me on the night stand, I just put it down to me lying on the sensor during the night, the Libre3 didn't have any gaps in the trace so far.
Personally couldn't go back to libre 1 but can understand rebrasco's reasoning, if it ain't broke don't fix it.

Never had issue with libre 2 until now, recently got new phone which was Samsung same as previous, used Samsung Smartswitch to transfer all data including apps, since then alarms have been unavailable.

Message on app said as sensor wasn't started by this phone alarms are not available, so Saturday gone sensor ran out so started it with current phone but still no alarms, rang Abbott they said it was sensor problem so sending out replacement, so changed sensor again still no alarms.

Asked call handler if uninstalling app downloading again would resolve issue, they said no & would lose data, this was said first time of calling. Just wondering if transfer from old phone to new has affected app in some way, cleared cache & all that on app, any ideas?

One of life mysteries, later that evening after posting this alarms were back, no idea why but did restart phone earlier in evening, anyway all good now.
Thanks for your thoughts on L3 @Paulbreen

Always good to get a range of people’s experiences - both good and bad.

Glad it’s working well for you 🙂
Thanks for your thoughts on L3 @Paulbreen

Always good to get a range of people’s experiences - both good and bad.

Glad it’s working well for you 🙂
Thanks Mike, it is a game changer, people who have the smartphones will love it I'm sure, its a pity about the reader being discontinued for the less tech people.
I'm sort of reluctant to go back to the pump because of it, I'm not looking forward to the size of the Dexcom sensor compared to the L3 tiny size but the Control IQ is too good to miss, I start the TSlim end of the month so I'm sure I'll post something about that combination in due time
Another little but of info I got yesterday relating to the L3, I started the Tandem Tslim with a G6 sensor and the nurse that came to do the training told me that Tandem are working to bring the Libre 3 to work with their pumps in 2023 or early 2024
With the Libre2 It mostly happened to me during the night for some reason, phone was next to me on the night stand, I just put it down to me lying on the sensor during the night, the Libre3 didn't have any gaps in the trace so far.
Paul, you are using Libre 3 with the official Libre 3 app, right ? On the app, do you see your blood glucose levels every minute or every 5 minutes ? At the end of 14-day period, did you get all of your data smoothly without disconnections ? On the app or on LibreView website platform, can you access your data and export it as a CSV file ? Thanks
Paul, you are using Libre 3 with the official Libre 3 app, right ? On the app, do you see your blood glucose levels every minute or every 5 minutes ? At the end of 14-day period, did you get all of your data smoothly without disconnections ? On the app or on LibreView website platform, can you access your data and export it as a CSV file ? Thanks
This is the google search page which links to the information you require regarding CSV export from Libreview

Paul, you are using Libre 3 with the official Libre 3 app, right ? On the app, do you see your blood glucose levels every minute or every 5 minutes ? At the end of 14-day period, did you get all of your data smoothly without disconnections ? On the app or on LibreView website platform, can you access your data and export it as a CSV file ? Thanks
Hi Craig, sorry for the late reply, I was away with work, the 3 is updating every 5 minutes, @Benny G link looks like it would work fine, my app is online real time with my Doctor's system so I never download anything
My question would be can you calibrate the sensor from the App as I do with Dexcom G6 when the sensor is a little too far out with BG tests.? It seems a necessary function with all these CGMs.
My question would be can you calibrate the sensor from the App as I do with Dexcom G6 when the sensor is a little too far out with BG tests.? It seems a necessary function with all these CGMs.
To be honest I’m not ever checking my BG with another device, I find trying to measure the same thing with different methods always leads to confusion, I used Libre sensors since 2014 and trust them to be more or less correct. I’m not one of these people who is trying to keep in target 24/7 if I go a little high or low I feel it so I will keep and eye on it for a while but I don’t fun for a finger prick, we’re diabetic and I feel I manage my diabetes as it suits me not letting my diabetes manage me.
I just started using the dexcom 6 with my pump and the instructor who came to do the training advised me not to calibrate the sensor for the same reason, too many cooks springs to mind
Well, I've been using the Dexcom G6 for a few months now, and find it more reliable than the Libre. However, occasionally I apply a sensor which is two or three units higher than a BG test. One calibration can bring it working as you'd expect. It's older technology, and will be replaced by the G7 soon. If i didn't do that with that sensor, I could be apparently trundling along with a reading of, say 5.7, when a BG test would say I was trundling along at 3.9. Equally, you may give yourself a correction for a higher result which may be too much.

If you never check your sensor with a finger prick test then you have no defence against driving while unfit to do so, for example. I don't have to calibrate the G6 with every sensor, but it can sometimes be necessary.

Dexcom know that there can be a significant difference - that's why they have the facility to calibrate the sensor. I expect the G7 to be more accurate from theG7 sensor is started, at least that's what Dexcom claim.
I have the G6 since March and like you I have found it to be accurate, I have had BG tests at the doctors a couple of times and have been with a few tenths of a mmol of each other.
I am using the Tandem Tslim pump with the G6 so over bolus or correcting is not an issue, I'm in the 5 week of the pump and my BG is around 94% in target without any effort, the pump is advising the correction if you see yourself going high so I feel I'm pretty safe and like I mentioned I feel 4.4 mmol and over 10mmol so I feel happy with my management and how the pump is working.
I do understand other people are not so lucky and often dont feel their BG starting to go low or high and in that case I would check with a finger prick.
I live in Germany where the rules are quite different for driving, we dont have big brother looking over our shoulder, it is entirely up to you yourself when you get behind the wheel and the G6 and pump give me the trends so I just take a quick look at either of them as I get in the car.
I think the facility to calibrate a sensor has to be there for the sensor to be approved more than any worries about inaccuracy.
I do think you need to be aware of your own individual diabetes and its effects, I am quite lucky living here in Germany as I have a group of Doctors who I see regularly covering all the usual suspects, eyes, Kidneys, liver function, heart and blood. I know it is much more difficult in the UK from experience, in my first 2 years after diagnosis I never saw a diabetes consultant and that was long before any pandemic.
P.S. I do hope the G7 is much smaller, its like wearing a matchbox car on your arm lol
I have the G6 since March and like you I have found it to be accurate, I have had BG tests at the doctors a couple of times and have been with a few tenths of a mmol of each other.
I am using the Tandem Tslim pump with the G6 so over bolus or correcting is not an issue, I'm in the 5 week of the pump and my BG is around 94% in target without any effort, the pump is advising the correction if you see yourself going high so I feel I'm pretty safe and like I mentioned I feel 4.4 mmol and over 10mmol so I feel happy with my management and how the pump is working.
I do understand other people are not so lucky and often dont feel their BG starting to go low or high and in that case I would check with a finger prick.
I live in Germany where the rules are quite different for driving, we dont have big brother looking over our shoulder, it is entirely up to you yourself when you get behind the wheel and the G6 and pump give me the trends so I just take a quick look at either of them as I get in the car.
I think the facility to calibrate a sensor has to be there for the sensor to be approved more than any worries about inaccuracy.
I do think you need to be aware of your own individual diabetes and its effects, I am quite lucky living here in Germany as I have a group of Doctors who I see regularly covering all the usual suspects, eyes, Kidneys, liver function, heart and blood. I know it is much more difficult in the UK from experience, in my first 2 years after diagnosis I never saw a diabetes consultant and that was long before any pandemic.
P.S. I do hope the G7 is much smaller, its like wearing a matchbox car on your arm lol
I can only agree with your experience. I am German and was living in Germany, France and UK with my T1D (each >10years). The first two are really on top by far for the health support. But I don't complain and always try to arrange myself with it and I must say that I was lucky that I have found in Derby, UK a progressive and top-notch Diabetes and Pump team, which is supporting me in many sense.

PS: I am hoping too that the Libre 3 will be available soon with NHS and to get a closed loop with the upcoming Omnipod 5. But I guess it will be surely not happen before Autumn.
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