Libre 3 available in UK from 25th March

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Can't see why that would be as cost to nhs is same as far as I'm aware, only cost difference would be new reader rather than sensors.
It's more to do with the fact it's a CGM that more complex cases are to receive it I believe
Good, never use reader anyway, much prefer phone.
I think for those of us who have a suitable phone and have a slight technical bent, the phone is great but many phones do not have NFC and it is not reasonable for a DSN to understand how many different phones work to support their non techy patients. The great thing about the Reader is it has one set of instructions.
This all seems really strange. What’s the point of making it the same price if you can’t buy it self funded (you can buy dexcom and other CGMs), and if those getting libre 2 on prescription can’t necessarily receive libre 3. Might as well have made it more expensive to pitch more similar price to dexcom
This all seems really strange. What’s the point of making it the same price if you can’t buy it self funded (you can buy dexcom and other CGMs), and if those getting libre 2 on prescription can’t necessarily receive libre 3. Might as well have made it more expensive to pitch more similar price to dexcom
I think the comment was that it is not available to self fund today and that Abbot has suggested it will be the same price. I am waiting for facts rather than guesswork.
This all seems really strange. What’s the point of making it the same price if you can’t buy it self funded (you can buy dexcom and other CGMs), and if those getting libre 2 on prescription can’t necessarily receive libre 3. Might as well have made it more expensive to pitch more similar price to dexcom
It's not available right now, but presumably will be in the next few days. (The whole website seems to be down.)

And if they can there are obvious benefits in making it the same price (and lower than many competitors).
i have looked on the website and there is no mention of the Libre 3.
Odd that the picture is of L1 and not the L3 the post is announcing

Yes I noticed that! It’s a Diabetes Times email, not from Abbott, so I blame them!

Here’s the Diabetes Times article (also with the wrong pic!)

“Abbott has unveiled that the FreeStyle Libre 3 continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) system is available via the NHS Supply Chain Framework for people with more complex diabetes management needs who require a real-time CGM device, such as those with impaired hypoglycaemia awareness.

The FreeStyle Libre 3 system automatically delivers continuous, real-time glucose readings every minute to users’ smartphones and provides 14 days of unsurpassed accuracy, with the smallest and thinnest sensor design available.”
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Can't see why that would be as cost to nhs is same as far as I'm aware, only cost difference would be new reader rather than sensors.
Why won't it be available to libre2 uses?

Libre and Libre 2 were made available as ‘flash glucose monitors’ under a different funding structure to conventional CGM, where the CCG budget was top-sliced and the only way to get the money back was by satisfying the mandatory NHS England criteria - I‘m not completely sure how it worked in the devolved nations.

This funding structure was completely separate to CGM and insulin pump provision, which have their own criteria, and you couldn’t use any of the ‘libre’ budget as a token for part-payment of other CGM, like dexcom.

So even though L3 is in the same family of products as L2, as far as the budgets and provisioning are concerned it’s a completely different thing.
Libre and Libre 2 were made available as ‘flash glucose monitors’ under a different funding structure to conventional CGM, where the CCG budget was top-sliced and the only way to get the money back was by satisfying the mandatory NHS England criteria - I‘m not completely sure how it worked in the devolved nations.

This funding structure was completely separate to CGM and insulin pump provision, which have their own criteria, and you couldn’t use any of the ‘libre’ budget as a token for part-payment of other CGM, like dexcom.

So even though L3 is in the same family of products as L2, as far as the budgets and provisioning are concerned it’s a completely different thing.

Right that does explain things, thanks.
you sound very biased to dexcom some people like me donot have the money for dexcom ,i use the libre 2 with xdrip app on my phone and can calbrate any time and find it to be very accurate most of the time .unlike dexcom calibrating twice a day.
I don’t calibrate Dexcom more than fortnightly. I do use BG tests when the sensor indicates low just to check, but usually find Dexcom to be within 0.5 or nearly the same as BG tests, when the BG is steady. You only need to calibrate Dexcom twice a day if you are stupid enough not the enter the 4 digit code of the sensor before you start it.

How often do you have to calibrate the Libre?

And yes, the money for using the Dexcom is beyond most folks budgets, but I make no apology for being able to afford it without any problem. That’s because I spent 10 years in total of learning how to be a good doctor, and working from 9,00 on a Friday and not stopping till 17.00 on Monday when I was on call for the weekend. They don’t do that anymore. So I now have a gold plated final salary pension that increases in line with RPI.
I don't "calibrate" my Libre 1 because of course you can't, but I do a couple of checks within the first 2 days to get an idea of how it is reading compared to BG and mostly I find it to be consistently within 1mmol lower. Any checks I do when high or low throughout it's lifetime tend to confirm that it is still consistent. It is for this reason I have decided to stick with Libre 1.... that and the fact that I like to enjoy undisturbed sleep and there is always an element of false alarms with any alarm system.
A slightly smaller sensor might have been nice but I am extremely grateful to have Libre 1 on prescription and it works well for me, so not interested in upgrading.
There is no reader for Libre 3.
it can only be started via a phone with NFC and read via Bluetooth.
Really need a list of phones that have been tested to work with Libre 3. There is a noticeable difference between scanning with reader and mobile phone.
Really need a list of phones that have been tested to work with Libre 3. There is a noticeable difference between scanning with reader and mobile phone.
Another reason why I probably wouldn't be interested in upgrading. The reader works really well for me and being small and scanning easily makes it more user friendly for me.
Really need a list of phones that have been tested to work with Libre 3. There is a noticeable difference between scanning with reader and mobile phone.
Well presumably Lilly will be able to tell the NHS which phones, once the thing is available. Until then and your clinic says you can have one, not much point in worrying about it!
How often do you have to calibrate the Libre?
You can calibrate Libre if you use unofficial apps like xDrip.
I check with a finger prick at least once a day and calibrate if more than 0.5mmol/l different.
Another reason why I probably wouldn't be interested in upgrading. The reader works really well for me and being small and scanning easily makes it more user friendly for me.
There is no need to scan with a CGM. Using Bluetooth the readings are sent directly to your phone.
The only reason for scanning with NFC is to start Libre 3. Although, I don’t know why they designed it that way because Dexcom and Medtrum CGMs start via Bluetooth.
The issue with no reader for Libre 3 is that many people won’t have a phone with NFC
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