Out on the bike this morning and not on the turbo. Used my incredibly old, steel, 67.5 fixed. I am that old school. Only reason I went was because it wasn't windy and it wasn't raining. A little 25 mile loop.
Running this evening.
Favourite bikes anybody?
The tandem for me!
I like the sound of yours - how about a pic?
I don’t have one, but I love the look of pre-70(?) 531 frames, beautifully pencil slim seat stays, brazed lugs. Bars with proper tape, cables that follow a smooth curve without being strapped under bar tape or worse. Gear change on the down tube…..
You get the idea?
I haven’t ridden a fixie since early 60s, the year not my age. I have a rubbish Trek, recycled milk-bottle frame, Shimano stuff, calliper brakes, something that’s called suspension - yuk.
I look, but haven’t yet found a suitable oldie, but I’d like to build one with Sturmey 3sp and drum brakes. As close to maintenance free as you can get.
Ah, well. It’s raining here so not urgent.
Edit: The bike that’s in my mind is my old Carlton, that had nice chrome fork ends and drop outs, and a lovely blue laquer over what I assume was chrome as it certainly wasn’t metallic, but had a glint. Oh gosh, my eyes are beginning to water - must be a draft.