Shall we actually try to organise something? I see Diabetes week is 12th-18th of June (that weekend isn't great for me, but I could probably arrange childcare as there's plenty of notice).
There are some particularly fetching socks in the shop, shame there are no caps or gilets (I'm not sold on the choice between a rather baggy jersey and one that's only available in XS!)
I guess the next question is to determine who might be available (and on other dates too, no need to limit to just diabetes week), where they are located, and then decide whether a group meetup or a number of group meetups would work for people.
I was wondering if I could find a FoC website that allowed one to stick pins in a map, but alas I can't find anything aside from Google Maps Collaborative Lists (which seems a little involved). I thought it might be useful to have people pop (pin) in their rough location so it can be seen on a map (if anyone knows of anything please chip in) to work out roughly where people are located (which might also be useful for non-cycling meetups too!)
P.S. Perhaps this is something that could come directly from the forum as I see we have a location field in our profiles....