just a games idea

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here goes took ages rooting about in my gray matter lol

serious side
1. watched both my parents die in hospital my father lung cancer mother life long diabetes finally took its toll
2.my diabetic meds have caused me severe bowel probs catch 22 really
3.play far to many comp games
4 cant get another job after losing my old one through ill health
5 .still fall asleep about 4-5 in the afternoon no matter what i do strange really lol

1.love a good ole laugh
2. am lucky to have found my soul mate 27 years ago
3. have 4 healthy children all far more intelligent than i could ever be
4.love lots of flowers in garden but hate gardening lol
1) I lost my Mum last year who I was very close to.:(
2) I am Asexual.
3) I am needle phobic (but am becoming more tolerant of them since I started injecting insulin).
4) I have a phobia of bees and wasps!
5) I suffer from Colitis.


1) I love reading fantasy novels and am a great JRR Tolkien fan.
2) I love photography but had to sell my camera and lenses some years ago when I had financial difficulties. (Hope to get myself some new gear soon so I can start taking photos again).
3) Have run the 100m in 10.0 and could have run at a high level if not for my lack of confidence in myself.
4) I am very quiet and retiring when in the presence of people I don't know and find it hard to talk to people.
5) I don't have many close friends due to trust issues from when I was younger.
1) I'll finally finish my OU degree this year after more years than I care to remember
2) I am needle phobic (and contemplating hypnotherapy)
3) Been with the same company for over 13 years
4) Am a massive Formula 1 fan (off to Barcelona on Thursday)
5) Ran the London Marathon in 2002

1) I can be a bit mad at times - I like a larf (like the time me and a few friends swopped bras in a pub garden - they needed to prove I was wearing the wrong size)
2) I met my first husband when I dressed as a kissogram to wind him up
3) I met my current BF on the internet about 8 years ago
4) I love foreign travel - especially the Far East
5) I like to think I don't look my age!
Having problems with my eyes

Having gastroparesis

Too many family members dying last year

According to my other half I am genuinely unable to do the washing and drying up properly - he is really serious about this.....although guess that if he does it instead of me it's not too bad

Having a lovely and wonderful support network of family and friends who are always there during the bad times as well as the good times

Last September I had my photo taken with both Benny and Bjorn of Abba after finding myself at a private party after the Hyde Park concernt - I love Abba.....

.....and then somehow managing to get mum to meet Hank Marvin (her long-long hero) later in the same month

Spending time with my gorgeous dog Susie and my other half

At the age of 41 creating a dolls house and furnishing it

As long as I'm allowed to drink champagne I know that everything will be ok (although my credit card may not be impressed)
ok heres goes
i am a mum 😱

i am a mum :D
here goes...

1) I lived in Paris for three years as a child, Provence for a year as a baby and Brussels for about 12 months (if you count holidays home from university).
2) I'm close to my family but am scared of meeting new people, much to much of a wimp to date..
3) I have a degree in applied physics, but without honours.
4) I worked at Great Ormond Street Hospital for 2 years and lived one block from Euston station.
5)I now work in the hospital i was born in.

1)I used to work with Chewbacca's nephew, no, really, he was the nephew of the guy who played Chewbacca in Star Wars..
2) I can just about fly a glider, and almost land one...
3)I'm a self confessed geek, i love sci-fi and fantasy tv and books, and computer games. I was exposed to Star Wars at an early age and it stuck.
4) I've been tracing my family tree, my great grandad used to own a signwriting business on the site of Stringfellows! (and he was diabetic). I;ve traced some family lines back as far as the 17th century. Everybody was poor...
5)i love to draw, i'd love to be a professional artist, but i'm not very good...
I'm a pharmacy technician, i actually trained at Great ormond Street. I'm now at Northampton General, where i started out....hehe, i thought i owed them a favour after all the hassle to put them through when i was a nipper (well, being a premature baby in the 70s and then screaming the place down aged 6 when i had my adenoids out).
what can i say about myself


1, my parents split up when i was around 9

2, at 16 i wished i was dead, i was angry every day that i woke up

3, i left home at 17 and moved 100 plus miles away from home

4, i dont have a good relationship with my parents

5, i miscarryed a baby girl 6 yrs ago and would love to be pregnant again

fun things

1, i love my son to bits

2, my husband can always makes me laugh to the point that i feel like i have 2 children in the house

3, i loved to cook and bake tho dont do much since diagnose

4, i have a couple of friends that understand me

5, i once bump into one of those dummys in mckays and said sorry to it not looking where i was going thinking it was a person😱
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