just a games idea

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just want to say what an excellant thread that you started here gail !! xxx im plucking up courage to write mine ....
just want to say what an excellant thread that you started here gail !! xxx im plucking up courage to write mine ....

Wanted to echo what am said, one of the best threads of the year Gail really good idea of yours well done.
Great thread Gail! Ok, here goes...

1. I've lived in 10 different locations (6 with my parents, 4 since leaving home) so I'm somewhat nomadic
2. My family and boyfriend are brilliant
3. I work in a cancer department, which is nowhere near as depressing as you'd think
4. I have a 1st class degree in physics
5. I've just applied for a new job in Sheffield

1. I play the flute, not well, but it's fun
2. I'm learning to do back somersaults on a trampoline
3. I once got run over by a bouncy castle
4. I make great chocolate chip cookies
5. I love walking on deserted beaches
ooo fab idea....now my turn...which am finding quite hard to do!

5 serious things:

1) I work for the Police (now 5 years) as a Prosecution case worker as cannot be an officer due to my diabetes but....am in the middle of studying in disclosure got 100% in one of the tests and a distinction in one of my essays....one more essay to go thank goodness but causing me stress in the meantime!
2) Have a beautiful daughter who was in the SCBU when she was born and i suffered badly with Post natal depression at the time.
3) Can look on the negative side of things and hence can often feel unlucky most of the time! 🙄
4) Have recently lost 2 and a half stone (took me a year) but am well pleased.
5) Not sure in my old age if i can do two things at once as just yesterday, i set the cooker alight whilst trying to multi task!

5 Fun things:
1) I am a kickboxer - second brown belt...want my black belt... with some disciplined training I won't let T1 diabetes stand in my way.
2) I am quirky / artistic (is that two things?)
3) I have done a lot of travelling and climbed Mount Sinai
4) I enjoy cooking even though i set the kitchen alight! 😱
4) I love Sex and the City (about the only girly girl thing about me) - (my bridesmaid stood up and did a speach on our wedding day and in her closing speach said as Samantha did from SnC to Carrie "You'd better look after our girl" which was totally unexpected and great at the same time)!
Here goes:


1) I lost my Father about three weeks ago. Still can't believe it.
2) Love what I'm doing at university and have agreed to lend a had with the next years lectures on Diabetes.
3) I use a pump.
4) I've been told I'm something of a very giving person who doesn't like to think of themself.
5)I'm never one to sell whatever talents I have due to the fact that I am rather self deprciatory.

Not so serious:

1) My sense of humour is vile.
2) I'm something of a rather quiet and timid person when confronted by new people. Strange as that may sound to those I met at the last meet!
3) Iron Maiden seems to be keeping me sane at this moment in time.
4) I dance very badly and as a consequence I am always single!
5) I believe beer is the substitute for water in any situation...
Thanks guys got to be honest this idea comes from a mental health web site i go on so its not 100% mine . Its amazing what you can find out about people from this, have to say think people have been very brave and honest in what they have posted. Wonder as it seems to be popular if it might be possible to have a games section on here, just an idea
1) I'm 5 foot 2 and a half, and firmly believe that the half is very important, would love to be taller though
2) I've been single for longer than I care to admit. I'm generally perfectly happy being single and am quite confident doing things/going places by myself or with my great friends. However a small part of me worries that I may never meet someone, I've been a bridesmaid 3 times now so worry 'the three times a bridesmaid' rhyme may come true...!
3)My father killed himself when I was 10 years old. Not the sort of thing you can say you ever 'get over' but it's part of my background and something other people tend to find more difficult talking about than I do.
4) I'm scared of clowns, rats/mice, cotton wool and fire. The fire comes from discovering (through the window) that the farm behind our house was on fire when I was 7. I've no ideas where the other fears came from.
5) I am tone deaf. It's not just that I'm a bad singer, it's way worse than that!

1) I am very proud of myself for beating my personal best for a 10k run this morning...I celebrated this evening with pizza and wine!
2) I am an absolute chocoholic, don't think a day goes by when I don't have at least some chocolate.
3) Last year I took part in some advertising and my photo was on the back of buses throughout the region. I also did a few radio ads as part of the campaign.
4) As a child I did a fair amount of professional acting and modelling, including adverts, tv shows and a few films. Some were lead roles, others just walk on.
5) I'm known amongst my friends as the fancy dress queen, if there's any excuse for a fancy dress costume I'll be there, as anyone who's seen my facebook photos will know.

1 I am in my 2nd year doing a degree in Biomedical Science.
2 I was brought up by my paternal grandparents and as a result probably have quite an old fasioned point of view.
3 I have a wonderful hubby and have been marred for 10 years.
4 I have tiny hands my wedding rings are a size I 😱 my feet are a size 3.
5 I have lost 4 and a half stones in almost a year. I have got that amount and more still to loose but I will do it :D.

1 I have a candle addiction :D.
2 I am a chrispaholic 😱.
3 I am a sci fi fan, Stargate, Farscape, Firefly, Star Trek, Babylon 5 to name but a few..
4 I loved the 80s especially the music - Duran Duran, Spandau Ballet etc...
5 I am a John Barrowman fan
1) I am going into my 3rd yr of nursing degree when I go back to uni
2) I am 5 ft 1
3) Before I had the baby I Ran a karaoke and worked as a barmaid 😉
4) Chocolate was my staple diet throught pregnancy
5) My dad who is 46, was sent to prison for something that wasnt his fault last september, and it was such a horrible time in my life :( He is out now though 😛

1) I am a rather good singer 😉
2) I LOVE the tv series Dexter
3) I am a rubbish liar
4) Im learning to drive at the moment...
5) I am going to T in the park this year for the first time ever.......
you write 5 serious things about yourself and 5 fun things I will kick off

1) I have been sectioned ten times.
2) I have big feet (size 10😱).
3) I have a degree (2:1)
4) I dont work due to health issues.
5) Im dyslexic


1)Due to size of said feet I buy a lot of my shoes off a transvestite web site.
2) I once did a streak (i had had a lot to drink) and as Im a BBW dont think this was a pretty sight.
3) I have decorated my flat myself living room Turquoise with hot pink doors,hallway the Mr Men, bathroom all little hand painted fish it took me 2 months.
4) I spend to much time on the internet😉
5) I made my own curtains for my living room Builders cotton dust sheets, add some header tape and die purple in washing machine

Serious stuff

1) I love animals, I can't trust people
2) I am a carer to my dad who is 86
3) I was very ill having my daughter
4) People in my family don't bother with each other
5) I wish I wasn't so logical and practical

Fun Stuff

1) I can say the longest Welsh town name
2) I take off John Laurie from Dad's Army, We're doomed,we're doomed
3) I love singing along to music but i have a terrible voice
4) Oh to meet a nice man and to fall in love(it would be very difficult as I don't go out)
5) To laugh at the terrible jokes on this site(mine included) Sheena:D

  1. I have arthritis in my neck and lower back
  2. I worked in the NHS for 20 years in nursing , admin, and as bed manager
  3. I did a BSc in Geography & Computing
  4. My girlfriend lives in Scotland and I will be moving up there
  5. I was born in Germany and have lived in Canada and US and in Kent, Dorset, Devon, Northamptonshire.. then I moved to Isleworth to do my nurse training, then lived in Putney and now Epsom..


  1. I love CSI, Cold Case, Bones, Lost, True Blood and am sure there are loads more but can't think of them at the moment.
  2. I can have a sick sense of humour at times!! but love a good laugh.. my favourite joke is: 2 cows in a field, 1st cow says MOO, 2nd cow says, I knew you were going to say that..!!! not many of my friends laugh at it but laugh at me because I find it funny..
  3. I dyed my hair plum when I was 18 and when i was in my 30's I went blonde, now I am grey..
  4. Love playing my Wii and DS
  5. Not fun but I take about 25 tablets a day plus my 2 lots of insulin, shake me and I rattle lol
  6. I like fancy dress and am going to one in July as Indiana Jones..
Just wanted to add it took me alot longer to think of fun things then it did serious did anyone else have that or was it the other way around?
oooo interesting thread.......


1. I love my husband and family soo much.. together with hubby 16 years and sons are aged 13 and 10

2. I love my job. im a retail manager

3. my mum died 6 years ago... had a succesful kidney transplant, had weekly blood tests to check for rejection and infection then died of unrelated cance 3 days after diagnosis.. life isnt fair.... why didnt the docs pick ithe cancer up!?

4. My family and I now live in the family home.... in the middle of nowhere and we love it

5. life is for living!


1. my 13 year old is about a foot taller than me and has big size 10 feet!

2. i am also a crap liar.. i start giggling

3. i love continuous education and im forever doing extra courses.. recently completed my CIPD

4. I love dance / trance music.. maybe i was a bit of a raver in my youth hehehe

5. had guitar lessons for 7 years when i was at school.. and cant remember a single chord!
Serious stuff

1) I love animals, I can't trust people
2) I am a carer to my dad who is 86
3) I was very ill having my daughter
4) People in my family don't bother with each other
5) I wish I wasn't so logical and practical

Fun Stuff

1) I can say the longest Welsh town name
2) I take off John Laurie from Dad's Army, We're doomed,we're doomed
3) I love singing along to music but i have a terrible voice
4) Oh to meet a nice man and to fall in love(it would be very difficult as I don't go out)
5) To laugh at the terrible jokes on this site(mine included) Sheena:D

I live near that welsh town, well its a village!! heheh can you spell it without help from google? pmsl
Just wanted to add it took me alot longer to think of fun things then it did serious did anyone else have that or was it the other way around?

Yes I found the fun section harder.. 😱
i am finding this whole thing quite hard .....i never really think about myself ...i like everyone else to be ok ..then im ok ...i am a mum ! :D
My turn!
1- I was born with my left hand missing below my elbow.
2- I have a twin sister and we are complete opposites
3- I have lived in the same village all my life
4- I suffer from depression
5- I did childcare at college first time around then did art & design the second.

1- I love cop/forsenic shows like CSI
2- I make THE BEST lemon non cheese cheesecake ever
3- I started painting my bedroom in Feb and still haven't finished
4- I love taking photos of everything and every one but hate being in them myself
5- I have the most amazing friends and family and god daughter!

and a bonus one for good luck - I'm getting married on 4th June 2011 =) x
Just wanted to add it took me alot longer to think of fun things then it did serious did anyone else have that or was it the other way around?
Hi Steff It didn't take too long, but I found the serious easier to do than the fun, need I say any more Sheena
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