just a games idea

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im not laughing... honest! (( heheheh)

not a bad attempt! its not the easiest to remember!


Locals just say Llanfairpwll!
you write 5 serious things about yourself and 5 fun things I will kick off

1) I have been sectioned ten times.
2) I have big feet (size 10😱).
3) I have a degree (2:1)
4) I dont work due to health issues.
5) Im dyslexic


1)Due to size of said feet I buy a lot of my shoes off a transvestite web site.
2) I once did a streak (i had had a lot to drink) and as Im a BBW dont think this was a pretty sight.
3) I have decorated my flat myself living room Turquoise with hot pink doors,hallway the Mr Men, bathroom all little hand painted fish it took me 2 months.
4) I spend to much time on the internet😉
5) I made my own curtains for my living room Builders cotton dust sheets, add some header tape and die purple in washing machine

Serious stuff

1) I love animals, I can't trust people
2) I am a carer to my dad who is 86
3) I was very ill having my daughter
4) People in my family don't bother with each other
5) I wish I wasn't so logical and practical

Fun Stuff

1) I can say the longest Welsh town name
2) I take off John Laurie from Dad's Army, We're doomed,we're doomed
3) I love singing along to music but i have a terrible voice
4) Oh to meet a nice man and to fall in love(it would be very difficult as I don't go out)
5) To laugh at the terrible jokes on this site(mine included) Sheena:D
Ok,,,,,Im crap at these kinds of things, I tried earlier but then stopped to treat a hypo!

1) Its the 1st anniversary of my step-dads passing from cancer this week so Im a little tearful. Remembering the good times though...
2) Im the equivalent of the 'villiage thinker'. I need to chill out a bit more.
3) I have never eaten fish or any seafood. The whole thing is just extremely weird to me. Shiv, Im with you on that one!
4) I broke my back in 2 places driving a quad bike off a cliff in Turkey in 2008.
5) I lived in Israel for 2 years on kibbutz

1) I am banned from driving in the USA, after driving on the wrong side of the road and causing a smash up when I was a nanny. I got the sack, spent 12 weeks in correctional education and afterwards was deported from JFK airport in 1996!
2) I am obsessed with 10 card rummy playing approximately 50 games a week
3) You name it, I actually believe Ive seen it (5 years in working in a very busy London A&E). Ive heard every phrase, from "Nurse, I fell on it and it slipped up my bum" to "Look, I'll give you ?1000 not to phone my wife about this"....
4) "Everything She Wants" by Wham is my all time favourite song...."So now you tell me that you're having my baby- I'll tell you that Im happy if you want me too...." Err yes please, George- I don't care you are gay.
5) Ive just deleted number 5 in an edit!
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here we go then.

Serious stuff
1 lost my nan in 2000 who i loved dearly and was very close to.
2 lost my dad in 2001 he was also diabetic, i was a daddies girl too.
3 rushed into hopital shortly after dad died,turned out to be a very severe panic attack a couple of weeks after found out i had diabetes and have suffered panic attacks on a daily basis since.
4 two years ago became agrophobic and had to give up work.
5 lost my 13 year old shihtzu to liver failier.

Fun stuff
1 i have 6 dogs 5 shih tzu and 1 maltesex chi.
2 i love dog shows.
3 Family is everything to me
4 i have a beautiful daughter who has made me so proud.
5 My mum,what would i do with out her, she's the greatest.

1. I have been Diabetic for 16 years
2. I've been married for nearly a year
3. I work for Lloyds Pharmacy
4. I have 2 cats
5. I have one brother


1. I have a tiny family - only 11 people!
2. I am green belt in Tang Soo Do
3. I once ate 10 ice creams in one day to see if I could (I was 11 years old!)
4. I'm learning Welsh
5. I love cross-stitch!

1) Married for 32 years, 3 kids, 2 and a half grandchildren.

2) Love my sister to bits, she's my very best friend, but don't like my brother or my mum much. :(

3) In 1997, I lost my dad, my mother in law and my father in law within a few months of each other - all died of previously undiagnosed cancer, and all within a few weeks after their 70th birthdays, twas very spooky.

4) I have had 3 brushes with death - almost drowned, run over by a car, and had a brazil nut lodged in my airway (that was the worst one, by far)

5) I am PETRIFIED of the dentist


1) From 2001 - 2009 my sister and I were 'gig-aholics', we went to see loads of different artists/bands at many different venues and always had a brilliant time, till ill health kinda put an end to it, but a FAB few years.

2) Am doing one of the main things on my 'to do before I die' list in September, going to Niagara Falls. Can't wait, especially as I don't normallyl 'do' holidays.

3) I love words, English was my favourite subject at school, and I love writing little poems.

4) I love playing board games, anything except Monopoly, and am also addicted to playing Uno !!

5) Looking at me now, it's hard to believe I used to go out with an England Football Player - well, he played for the Under 21s. OMG, I was a WAG !! :D

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2) Am doing one of the main things on my 'to do before I die' list in September, going to Niagara Falls. Can't wait, especially as I don't normallyl 'do' holidays.

i went in 2007...it was amazing. like seriously breath taking. can i come in your suitcase please??
I'm still working on this but I will!!

Hmmm I wonder what Lou's number 5 was??
What a great thread - deep breath, here goes

- my brother commited suicide when he was 21, and I was 18
- I suffered from bulimia for about 3 years pre-diagnosis with D and for years after too
- I have a first class environmental chemistry degree
- I suffer from depression and anxiety
- I am 21 weeks pregnant

- I have been paragliding (despite being terrified of heights)
- I play the cello
- I have 2 black cats, who are very badly behaved at times, but so snuggly
- I climbed up on calton hill monument (with the help of a ladder) in my wedding dress to have photos taken
- I can wiggle my little toes separately from the rest of my foot.
Hmm, pinches nose, closes eyes, dives in ......

1) I lost my mother on 1st July, 2002. She died only a few hours after I talked to her on the phone.
2) I have no friends outside of the immediate family (bar one chap who I have the odd beer with a couple of times each year!). However, I don't consider myself to be lonely.
3) I don't want to work for another large corporation ever again (15 years at HSBC and 4 years at Safeway). I hate the corporate mentality!
4) I detest all forms of religion, but believe in God.
5) I have a problem with my liver (but which is improving, hopefully) and may lose my gall bladder soon.

1) I am a fairly lucky person (i.e. I will never win the lottery, but I have just enough luck to keep me happy!).
2) I am interested in most things, especially if they're scientific and very noisy.
3) I prefer dogs to cats but won't own one until I can live in the country and don't have to worry about picking up after it.
4) My nephews and nieces are becoming young adults now and it is getting quite interesting trying to work out what they're going to get up to!
5) I'm an SF nut (most forms of Star Trek, Babylon 5, HHGTTG and the books by Asimov, Arthur C Clarke, Frank Herbert etc).

Do/did the guys find it hard searching around for things in the little gray matter to put in the serious bit or the fun bit?
Do/did the guys find it hard searching around for things in the little gray matter to put in the serious bit or the fun bit?

To be honest Steff, i could easily have found numerous others to put in both.
I'm not one of those blokes who find this difficult. An open book me.🙂
To be honest Steff, i could easily have found numerous others to put in both.
I'm not one of those blokes who find this difficult. An open book me.🙂

Nice to see that Raw, alot are not so open
i went in 2007...it was amazing. like seriously breath taking. can i come in your suitcase please??

Haha, I doubt there'd be room, I'm not one of those who travels light!!

But any tips would be gratefully received.................. :D

no tips - just enjoy it!! i did the boat ride - maid of the mist i think it's called? definitely worth it. the immediate area around the falls is totally touristy - hotels, casinos etc which is a real shame.

are you going from the american or the canadian side? i did the canadian side, and i've heard it's the better of the two (but i can't judge as i haven't been on the american side!)
no tips - just enjoy it!! i did the boat ride - maid of the mist i think it's called? definitely worth it. the immediate area around the falls is totally touristy - hotels, casinos etc which is a real shame.

are you going from the american or the canadian side? i did the canadian side, and i've heard it's the better of the two (but i can't judge as i haven't been on the american side!)

Yep, we're doing the Canadian side, for the same reason, and judging by pictures it certainly looks more magnificent. Maid of the Mist is a definite must, it's the main focus of our trip. We've also been told to see the Falls at night, which is also spectacular. My sis has bumped into 2 ppl on separate holidays in the US who have told her she MUST visit Niagara Falls Village, as it's so pretty, so that's on the cards too! We're only going for a few days, so have lots to squeeze in!!

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