just a games idea

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
you write 5 serious things about yourself and 5 fun things I will kick off

1) I have been sectioned ten times.
2) I have big feet (size 10😱).
3) I have a degree (2:1)
4) I dont work due to health issues.
5) Im dyslexic


1)Due to size of said feet I buy a lot of my shoes off a transvestite web site.
2) I once did a streak (i had had a lot to drink) and as Im a BBW dont think this was a pretty sight.
3) I have decorated my flat myself living room Turquoise with hot pink doors,hallway the Mr Men, bathroom all little hand painted fish it took me 2 months.
4) I spend to much time on the internet😉
5) I made my own curtains for my living room Builders cotton dust sheets, add some header tape and die purple in washing machine
What's a BBW? 🙂
I love this idea so here I go:


1 Had MH problems for as long as I care to remember
2 Married twice (second time for the better)
3 Lost my mum 17 years ago
4 Lost my dad 7 years ago
5 Don't like myself very much


1 have good sense of humour
2 got a lvly husband
3 got two great kids (maybe a little biased there)
4 love to craft
5 love to talk

need I say more, lol

shirl x
okies here goes.


1/lost my mum when i was 20.
2/my eyesight is hurrendous
3/im a manic depressent.
4/lost a baby when i was 19
5/have not spoken to my brother for 8 years

1/been with the same man since i was 17.
2/i can write with both hands
3/I have a obsession with candles.
4/I once ate a handful of dandilions
5/When im asleep i talk about red poles.
A BBW stands for big beutiful woman
hmmmm me, what do I know about me?

1. I hate flying, spiders and odd numbers.
2. I am the only male I know who admits to being a crap driver.
3. I hate new labour. (well all champagne socialists really)
4. I spend far too much time thinking and not enough doing.
5. lost a few (4)babies due to misscarriages/still birth and one eptopic pregnancy. (well not me the wife) but they were half mine.

1. I love Aston Villa
2. I married my childhood sweetheart (she was 12 I was 14 when we met) and we are still going strong.
3. two wonderful daughters (if not slightly mad)
4. I play crown green bowls. (well try to)
5. I the best looking,most intelligent bloke on this website.

One of the above may be a fib:D

Bloody hell I could go on all day🙄
My turn

5 serious things

1) I have worked for the same firm twice
2) I have been married almost 30 years
3) I have lived in the same house for almost 23 years
4) I was a school governor
5) I moderate on this forum

5 fun things

1) I have a yellow belt in karate
2) I'm learning to knit
3) I'm learning to use a digital camera
4) I write poetry
4) I collect clowns and I got the first one the day I got married!😎
1. i have struggled with anxiety issues (mainly social) since i was around 6 or 7, which means i feel like i've never had a 'proper' childhood.
2. due to the above, i struggle to make close friends - so when i find someone i really click with, i like to really make an effort with the friendship.
3. also due to the above, i spend a lot of time online/make a lot of online friends. the internet, as an anxiety sufferer, is very important to me to make me feel like i'm in touch with the world sometimes.
4. seafood really creeps me out. it's just weird. all those little legs on the prawns and stuff? not nice.
5. my lack of self confidence is the biggest hinderance in my life.

1. i have 2 out-of-the-ordinary piercings: my right conch, and my left industrial. i LOVE my piercings, i will be sad to see them go when i start my nursing training (but that's not until sept 2011 at this rate!)
2. i am a qualified fencing coach, and my certificate lasts my whole life :D
3. i am obsessed with maps. i could spend hours just pouring over them. maps of anywhere, anything - i have contemplated a tattoo of some sort of map, but i'm still a bit stuck on whether i want a tattoo or not!
4. next year, my aim is to carry out 20 events and raise ?20k, to represent 20 years of type one and also by that time i will have done roughly 20,000 injections, give or take. i intend to split whatever i manage to raise between DUK, JDRF and my local diabetes parent's support group (who themselves raise money to pay for children to go on activity holidays etc - it would be awesome to give them some money so either more kids could go, or they don't have to worry about raising it!)
5. i love being outdoors and doing outdoors sports, like canoeing, kayaking, climbing, power walking etc - unfortunately i just don't have the motivation to do it most of the time.
5 serious

1) I made the mistake of marrying at 24 when I wanted to back out of it
2) I don't like my brother just tolerate him
3) I have had 2 miscarrages and now don't seem to be able to conceive naturally
4) I have a COD when it come to wanting thing all lined up and not out of place and in it's own very nice neat order
5) I really want ot help my ma and gran with there diabetes but they don't seem to want / listen to me for help (tear my hair out)

5 fun

1) I have a Citris yellow car and my friends think I am having a mid life crisses (Early of course)
2) I sneaked of to Mauritius last spetember and married my lovely husband and didn't tell anyone (Not even parents) until I got back
3) I'm now riding my bike 2 to 3 times a week (Is it really fun when I feel like I have been kicked up the bottom a million times after each ride)
4) Keep trying for a baby has been fun and continues to be even thou there is not much chance
5) I love to laught and have a laught it keeps me saine
Ok my turn . .

1. I feel I wasted the opportunities I had as a teenager and regret not achieving was i could/should have through laziness.
2. I lost my Dad a 3yrs ago and am a changed person because of it
3. I am too cynical and slow to trust people
4. My family are the most important thing in my life
5. I have 2 failed engagements because i loved the idea not the person

1. I am obsessed with the colour green!
2. I have recently taken up horse riding again and as a result frequently go to work on a monday walking like john wayne!
3. I am 26 and still love boybands!
4. I love make up and spend money I dont have on it!
5. My favourite film is The Last Unicorn!

I sound like such a loser . . . :D
1) i'm terrified of crowds so i always make my boyfriend come shopping with me
2) i have 107 facebook friend but only 3 real friends 1 of them is my boyfriend
3) i don't know how to make friends. since moving to bradford 3 years ago i haven't made any new friends
4) i'm not close with my mum. since i moved away we only call each other when something important has happened
5) i'm really lonely

1) i have been with my boyfriend for nearly 5 years we met when we were 11 but it took him 6 years to pluck up the courage to talk to me
2) i have a tattoo of a tiger on my left shoulder
3) when me and my boyfriend go out i always drag him on to the dance floor
4) i like to get wolf whistled at in the street cos i think its nice somebody notices me
5) my best friend is in a wheelchair so we can usually get into clubs for free, the disabled entrance usually bypasses the front desk. also you get to jump the queues at alton towers. (see disability does have it's perks)
Love it!


1. I cant swim as i nearly drowned when i was younger
2. When i was little, i once had to live in a safehouse for a while
3. I love my friends and family more than anything else
4. I dont earn enough money from my job but refuse to leave
5. I have had to call an ambulance for my mum overdosing due to depression.....twice


1. I am a complete chocoholic!
2. My favorite colour is purple
3. I love to bake cakes/cookies/muffins etc....
4. I am and probably always will be, addicted to facebook!
5. I love to dance! its all i do when i go out!
Here goes:

1. At 18 i was joining the policeforce. Decided to try selling houses first and 25 years later i now have my own business selling and renting property. I also qualified as an energy assessor last year. Diagnosed 25 years ago, so police would have given me a desk job, which wouldn't have suited me anyway. Lucky escape!

2. I was married for 24 years and have 2 beautiful well behaved and kind children (neither have diabetes). Being type 1 definitely played a part in its eventual failure. I'm now young, free and single again. Well, 2 out of 3 isn't bad!

3. My ex partner and me tried for 8 years to have children. 2 goes of IVF with Lord Winston, then Professor Winston at Hammersmith Hospital. Both eventually concieved naturally.

4. My ex was sectioned on 1 occassion.

5. My father was diagnosed in April with mesothelioma.


1. When i was taking my A levels my fellow students and me started to collect signposts etc....We took the union flag from outside our local army recruitment office and proudly displayed it in our 6th form study room. Bringing it back on the bus was always going to give the game away!

2. I love to cook and enjoy a good glass of wine with my meal.

3. I like to run/jog to keep fit and escape from the world.

4. If i'm feeling low i'll get out a Jim Carrey film and watch that. I love Dumb and Dumber; or maybe Fawlty Towers. They always make me laugh out loud no matter how many times i see them.

5. My personal challenge over the next 5 years is to bring down my golf handicap and try to buy a small flat in Portugal close to an excellent beach and golfcourse. You're all welcome to stay.🙂
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