Is it actually possible to lose weight with type one diabetes and how?

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Yeah the dexa scan showed me as osteoporosis stage they said. But I heard nothing about it more so I just left it. They rushed to get me on vitamin d tablets which were 2000mg for a week. But like I’ve said to someone else, rheumatology never got back in touch after that first appointment. And I don’t know why.

There is medication for osteoporosis. Have you tried following it up with your GP? They might be able to prescribe something or at least get back in contact with the hospital. Osteoporosis can cause back pain.

The fact you’ve tried a number of digestive enzymes and have had problems must be frustrating for you. I’m pretty sure @mikeyB mentioned a pancreatic forum. I wonder if they’d have more tailored advice for you? Even finding someone in a similar situation might help.
Yeah the dexa scan showed me as osteoporosis stage they said. But I heard nothing about it more so I just left it. They rushed to get me on vitamin d tablets which were 2000mg for a week. But like I’ve said to someone else, rheumatology never got back in touch after that first appointment. And I don’t know why.

If your under a endocrinologist then they can deal with matters as far as I'm aware.

Either way you need to push for appointment to be seen about your osteoporosis, I was under gastroenterologist at time & it was them who started me on treatment, that being once weekly dose of alendronic acid & daily calcium tabs with vit d added.

Treatment was for 5 years but not had follow up Dexa Scan as yet, due to see consultant again in July.
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It is a pity that your hospital experience has not been helpful however I'm afraid these days people need to be proactive in following up tests and contacting them if you don't hear within a reasonable time.
I just gave up caring to be honest because they did. I had an appointment booked with rheumatology but they cancelled and never rescheduled so I couldn’t be bothered with it. I had other stuff going on in my life, I always do so I find it hard to focus on one topic.
There is medication for osteoporosis. Have you tried following it up with your GP? They might be able to prescribe something or at least get back in contact with the hospital. Osteoporosis can cause back pain.

The fact you’ve tried a number of digestive enzymes and have had problems must be frustrating for you. I’m pretty sure @mikeyB mentioned a pancreatic forum. I wonder if they’d have more tailored advice for you? Even finding someone in a similar situation might help.
Maybe, I’ve got my first therapy session tomorrow morning so I am just trying to focus on that right now. I’ll write down who I need to contact in a few days and figure it out from there.

There’s no point going to GP, she never listens. She always says I’m making my chronic pain up.
If your under a endocrinologist then they can deal with matters as far as I'm aware.

Either way you need to push for appointment to be seen about your osteoporosis, I was under gastroenterologist at time & it was them who started me on treatment, that being once weekly dose of alendronic acid & daily calcium tabs with vit d added.

Treatment was for 5 years but not had follow up Dexa Scan as yet, due to see consultant again in July.
I have my first therapy session tomorrow so I am just focusing on that right now. I’ll write who I need to contact in a few days as therapy always takes it out of me, well it use too.
Maybe, I’ve got my first therapy session tomorrow morning so I am just trying to focus on that right now. I’ll write down who I need to contact in a few days and figure it out from there.

Hope the therapy session went well @DeathBySpaghetti and you are able to build a helpful and supportive relationship with your therapist.

Hope you are able to find some treatment options that suit your complex situation without triggering any of your past MH struggles around weight and self-acceptance.
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