Insulin resistant

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How many carbs do you eat for each meal @Laura0194 ie breakfast, lunch and evening meal? I’d try cutting my carbs right down to start with. That way you can reduce the mealtime insulin you take and hopefully get some in range results. Also, it’s a vicious circle. The more insulin you take, sometimes the more resistant you become, so reducing the amount as much as possible should help.

Also, maybe it’s something about the analogue insulins. Have you tried regular human insulin like Humulin (and yes, you can use it in a pump despite what some people say)?

Have medical conditions that cause insulin resistance been ruled out? Does anyone in your family have diabetes and similar problems?
I don't really tend to each much in the day like most of the time I don't have lunch because my levels are to high after breakfast i don't want to eat anything else because then there higher and the insulin isn't working to bring it down, I also did the carb counting to it didn't make a difference either, what am I doing wrong I don't understand why my body acts towards this it's frustrating
It's good that you can go as low as 5. What do you think gets you down to 5? What do you do to get them back down from HI when they're at that level for the rest of the day after eating. It's great if you can answer all of the questions so we can help.
Honestly I have no idea there just constantly up and down so I couldn't really tell you
So sorry to hear that you are still struggling.
Which pump have you got and which insulin are you using?

What have you done to help reduce the insulin resistance?
I'm on the Medtronic 780 pump and I using the humalog U100 I've tried everything advice they've given me nothing is working
Have you tried having a lower carb breakfast as what you are having with cereals and toast is quite high carb which could explain why you level is going high. Yoghurt and berries or eggs in any form would be lower carb.
Yes I am I have the Medtronic 780 and because they halfed my insulin down

Sorry to hear how difficult you have been finding things @Laura0194 :(

Many people find that when they start on an insulin pump they need to reduce doses, as infused insulin tends to be absorbed more efficiently than injected doses.

How have you found things since moving to a pump? How long have you been on the MM780?

Are you running sensors with the MM780 in automode? We have a few members who can share their experiences of adapting to that system.
I don't really tend to each much in the day like most of the time I don't have lunch because my levels are to high after breakfast i don't want to eat anything else because then there higher and the insulin isn't working to bring it down, I also did the carb counting to it didn't make a difference either, what am I doing wrong I don't understand why my body acts towards this it's

I don't really tend to each much in the day like most of the time I don't have lunch because my levels are to high after breakfast i don't want to eat anything else because then there higher and the insulin isn't working to bring it down, I also did the carb counting to it didn't make a difference either, what am I doing wrong I don't understand why my body acts towards this it's frustrating
Can I ask what humalin insulin is I've never heard of it
Sorry to hear how difficult you have been finding things @Laura0194 :(

Many people find that when they start on an insulin pump they need to reduce doses, as infused insulin tends to be absorbed more efficiently than injected doses.

How have you found things since moving to a pump? How long have you been on the MM780?

Are you running sensors with the MM780 in automode? We have a few members who can share their experiences of adapting to that system.
I've been on it about 2 weeks now and the insulin is just eating it away like I'm changing my vile every day it's not lasting long at all and at the moment I'm doing it manually as I still have a dexcom they haven't started me on the mini pod yet
Can I ask what humalin insulin is I've never heard of it

It’s a regular human insulin. You’re currently taking Humalog, which is an analogue insulin (briefly, something engineered to mimic insulin). Humulin is an older ‘human’ insulin. Some people find those older insulins work better for them. It’s worth a try, I’d think. Nothing to lose. And if that older human insulin doesn’t make a difference, there’s porcine insulin - the original insulin.

After Xmas (too stressful now), you could try reducing the amount of carbs you eat in each meal. You’ve said your blood sugar is ok (roughly between 5 and 12mmols) but that as soon as you eat, your blood sugar goes really high - up to HI. So, the food is the issue. Reduce your carbs per meal gradually and systematically over a period of weeks. Obviously, you might also need to adjust your mealtime Humalog.

Again, what type of MODY do you have? You haven’t answered so I presume you’re not sure. I advise you to ask and write it down (because it might well just be a sequence of numbers and letters that will be easy to forget). Perhaps there’s something about the type of MODY you have that’s contributing to your problems.

Also, I remember you had some issues with pain or mobility, but exercise will help your insulin resistance. It doesn’t have to be the gym - anything will help, even moving round the house or going for a 15 min walk after meals.
Nothing to lose. And if that older human insulin doesn’t make a difference, there’s porcine insulin - the original insulin.

I’ve also wondered whether porcine or another older insulin might suit you better than modern analogues. @Pumper_Sue used animal insulin in a pump for a number of years with great success.

Hopefully with a slight adjustment to your meals you might find a better balance. It may also help to experiment with prebolusing - taking the meal dose, then waiting a little while before eating the food. Start cautiously, perhaps 5-10 minutes, then build up to see if it helps reduce the post-meal high.
@Laura0194 Do you have this is something similar that’s causing your problems? Your insulin resistance is massive so there must be something unusual going on:

@Laura0194 Do you have this is something similar that’s causing your problems? Your insulin resistance is massive so there must be something unusual going on:

I've never been told that but sounds like it could be I've tried every insulin you can think of and tablets nothing works to bring my levels down or stable them, what would be the next step if I did have that
Knowledge is power @Laura0194 If I were you, I’d be asking exactly what I had - full name. I’d also be asking to look at my medical notes so I could get an idea of what the experts thought, what things they’d ruled out, what ideas they had, who had input on your care. I’d then do a lot of googling and reading.

If your pump has reduced the amount of basal you’re taking then that’s a positive thing. I know it must be annoying having to change/refill it so frequently, but if there’s been an improvement that’s great. I’m sure there’ll be other improvements you can make, and, hopefully more ideas out there. If you can find the name of exactly what you have, I’d be happy to google and I’m sure others here will help and support you too xx
Knowledge is power @Laura0194 If I were you, I’d be asking exactly what I had - full name. I’d also be asking to look at my medical notes so I could get an idea of what the experts thought, what things they’d ruled out, what ideas they had, who had input on your care. I’d then do a lot of googling and reading.

If your pump has reduced the amount of basal you’re taking then that’s a positive thing. I know it must be annoying having to change/refill it so frequently, but if there’s been an improvement that’s great. I’m sure there’ll be other improvements you can make, and, hopefully more ideas out there. If you can find the name of exactly what you have, I’d be happy to google and I’m sure others here will help and support you too xx
What do you mean when you said exactly what you have and I can't even tell you what I've been on tablet wise or insulins there's been so many and nothing has worked I'm just really insulin resistant like it's really bad I have the marks on my neck and understand my armpits I'm just really struggling with all this because the hospital say one thing then do another
Above you replied to me saying it could be Type A insulin resistance. Your insulin resistance is extreme. There are a number of conditions and syndromes that can cause that, with Type A just being one example. Knowing for definite what you had would be helpful - well, if I was you I’d find it helpful to know anyway.
Above you replied to me saying it could be Type A insulin resistance. Your insulin resistance is extreme. There are a number of conditions and syndromes that can cause that, with Type A just being one example. Knowing for definite what you had would be helpful - well, if I was you I’d find it helpful to know anyway.
Sorry what is it that you want to know like my illnesses that I have know or past background history
Sorry what is it that you want to know like my illnesses that I have know or past background history

You don’t need to say anything about any health condition that you want to keep private @Laura0194 I’m not asking for your medical history. Just saying that if I were you, I’d be finding out as much as possible from my notes and from my doctors so I could do my own research, or, at least, understand why I was having such a problem.

All I’m suggesting is that you find out exactly why you have such extreme insulin resistance. It’s way beyond normal and you’re not morbidly obese or anything, so that suggests there’s a cause, a particular syndrome or condition you have that is making you so very insulin resistant.
They have no idea why I'm so insulin resistant and that's why they don't know what to do with me anymore
Hello I am a diabetic type 1 I take 2 lots of insulin toujeo and humalog U100 I’m on at least 600 units a day of insulin and Pioglitazone 45mg I’m servilely insulin resistant, soon as I eat in the morning my levels shoot up and don’t go back down I’m starting the pump in about 4-6 weeks and was just wondering if anyone could recommend any supplements that can help my levels go down I’ve tried everything I spent a lot of money on things doesn’t seem to work so can anyone help me please

Have you tried (have the hospital/healthcare team tried or advised) starting again from beginning? I mean, going back to more typical doses. There could be a point where adding more and more insulin makes little difference and starting back at more typical doses will either help or perhaps make the situation no worse than it is now. I use 19u of basal each day with between 1-3 units of short acting insulin for every 10g of carbs in a meal.
They have no idea why I'm so insulin resistant and that's why they don't know what to do with me anymore

That’s so sad @Laura0194 There must be a reason. I’d push for a list of possibilities and ask if any have been excluded.

The positive thing is that the pump is helping a little. If I were you, I’d start experimenting with diet very cautiously. I think you said your doctors had tried diets but they see the big picture whereas you’re best placed to see your individual picture in more detail. If, for example, you changed your breakfast and managed to reduce your insulin bolus for that meal even a tiny bit, I’d count that as a win. Same with lunch and evening meal. It must be so stressful and disheartening for you, so trying to get some tiny wins might be a positive thing, physically and mentally.

I wonder if Diabetes U.K. have any information or contacts about extreme insulin resistance? @everydayupsanddowns might know.
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