i.ve been stupid

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Nope its just that i have been put on Metaformin and i have blurry eyes and the runs now and then so that would be that then.
Nope its just that i have been put on Metaformin and i have blurry eyes and the runs now and then so that would be that then.

well yes could be , id love to be 1 of the lucky ones that got no side effects from pills but never seems to happen grr

With those side affect I don't bloomin well blame you!!

Good luck with the appointment girl.
yes good luck Steff, hope you get sorted with something different. x
Hope your doc doesnt start shouting! Perhaps he can give you the other kind that dont cause side effects? I am sure he wont tar and feather you Steph!:DBev x
Hope your doc doesnt start shouting! Perhaps he can give you the other kind that dont cause side effects? I am sure he wont tar and feather you Steph!:DBev x

its ok i got appt with nurse now on 9th hun , i didnt know they was 1 that causedno side effects? 😱
its ok i got appt with nurse now on 9th hun , i didnt know they was 1 that causedno side effects? 😱

Thanks steff for that and i too wish you well with the appointment. Good luck lets us know how you get on.
Crikey Steph, no wonder you stopped taking them - nightmare effects! Good move making the appt to see your nurse - hopefull she'll be able to get you sorted with something that doesn't make you feel so bad!

Hope all goes well with the nurse - do let us know how you get on! 🙂
Sounds like a nightmare Steff - you can't carry on like that. I am sure there is a good alternative that will be more right for you. Good luck with your appointment and let me know how you get on.
HI Steff, let us know how you get on, I hope you're feeling better.
Sounds like a nightmare Steff - you can't carry on like that. I am sure there is a good alternative that will be more right for you. Good luck with your appointment and let me know how you get on.

Sure will Corrine ty for caring x
Hi Steff, hope you are feeling somewhat better ?

I know I've posted about this before but the slow release Metformin work for me OK whereas I was like you on the usual ones. Someone (sorry can't recall who?) said on here that there is a liquid form which is better tolerated too - badger your Dr (no, I said badger not....oh well ! whatever turns you on).

Good luck,
Hi, hope you are not feeling any ill effects from stopping the metformin. Gone are the days when the doctor was treated as God, he is only human, don't be afraid to state your case, there are several different drugs avaialble and a different one may be more suitable, discuss it with him and always remember that you are part of the treatment process as well, what you think and feel counts!
Hi yes ty janey and vince for taking the time too reply,I know now that i was silly to be scared im in control and if i aint happy then i must let the doc know , im hoping to be able to discuss the liquid from of metformin id be happier on that
bad head all time
shoulder pain
fuzzy eyes

mind i didnt get that all on the same day :(

Oh I know the diarrhoea well, I was on 2000mg a day and spent most of my time in the bathroom and the nausea didnt help either.. I now take 1500mg of slow release metformin, and have never had a problem since...

When I changed GPs to my current one she reduced my metforin to 1000mg a day and put me on Gliclizide tablets as well and that worked well for awhile.. now I am on the slow release met and insulin..

Hope all goes well with the nurse..
Good luck with the nurse, whats happening about the byetta? I know your DSN mentione dit to you last time and sent you the information. It might suit you better, although it does have the same gastro side effects but they might not be so bad for you.
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