I’m in hospital

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Sending you lots of positive thoughts, Lin, and wishing you well for your operation and a good recovery. XX
Will be keeping you in my thoughts tomorrow Lin. I hope it all goes as well as something like that can. Also hope you are finding your way to the mental attitude that you will be better off without it and your new life can start once tomorrow is over with.
Great that they have given you a Libre and hope that you are finding it helpful. Also good to hear that your Dad is managing OK on his own for now.
Got fingers crossed for you. Sending more (((HUGS)))
Here's hoping the physios at your hospital are as good looking as the ones where I had my knee done - mainly young - fit! looking - chaps!
Wishing you well for tomorrow, Lin, and a speedy recovery.
Thinking of you @Ljc

Hope everything can go ahead tomorrow, and all goes really smoothly.
Good luck!
Hi Lin. Thinking of you and hoping you are OK physically and emotionally. Sending more (((HUGS)))
Please let us know how you are when you can Lin. Starting to worry about you now, even more than before the op. Sending more (((HUGS)))
Hi and thanks everyone.
I hope you all behaved yourselves during my absence coz I’m back now so beware lol.
Was a bit rough for a while , main lining anti biotics plus oral ones, now just on tablets .
Am now trying my best to master the bum slide from my wheelchair onto that darn plinth but the flipping wheel of my chair keeps getting stuck where it ought not to be , can you send me some balloons so I can get more lift please.
Oh gosh Lin! So good to hear from you!
I can't begin to imagine how tough it has been!
Maybe you should just grow wings.... isn't Red Bull good for that.... and maybe add some gin to it for good measure!
Failing that we could send round the Diabetes Fairy and perhaps she could give you some lift.... On the other hand, you have more than enough to contend with!
How is it healing? I'm guessing slowly if you have needed so many ABs
Going to tag @MikeyBikey as he might want to compare notes or perhaps have some tips for you on the "bum slide" technique.
Looking forward to reading more regular contributions from you (hopefully) as you are always so caring and helpful in your response to people.
Hope your Dad has been managing OK without you and friends and neighbours have been rallying round and supporting him. Sending lots of love and (((HUGS))) your way. XX
Yay! @Ljc, good to see you back! Hugs and all good wishes from me, and I hope you master the bum slide.
Welcome back. 🙂
Good to see you back, I was was checking how long it was since you last visited in the week.
Good to hear from you and that you have kept your sense of humour through difficult times. Wishing you well Lin and keep in touch xxx
So pleased to see you posting, like the others I was concerned when we hadn’t heard from you. I am sure you will get there with the bum slide.

sending my love to you.
Phew! So glad you’ve got in touch, you don’t want to know all the things that have being going on in my head. I’m a prolific worrier!
Hope the bum sliding goes ok. Practice makes perfect so they say. Hope dad is doing ok too. 🙂
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