I’m in hospital

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Fingers crossed it’s good news when you see the vascular team @Ljc

Hang in there and hoping for a super-speedy recovery
@Ljc - hope you are doing as OK as you can in the circumstances
Thanks everyone. Sorry I am not replying individually..
Vascular dr not been yet, but the ward dr is doing everything she can to get them here as my foot is getting worse quickly , sadly it’s goodbye to it ,yes things are that bad. But they want to get my kidneys back up to my base level to do an mri scan so I’m on lots of antibiotics to clear my infection , and bags of fluid.

They now seem to be gettting the hang of Diabetes
I’m actually feeling ok , there are people worse than me here but the care is good here.
Thanks everyone. Sorry I am not replying individually..
Vascular dr not been yet, but the ward dr is doing everything she can to get them here as my foot is getting worse quickly , sadly it’s goodbye to it ,yes things are that bad. But they want to get my kidneys back up to my base level to do an mri scan so I’m on lots of antibiotics to clear my infection , and bags of fluid.

They now seem to be gettting the hang of Diabetes
I’m actually feeling ok , there are people worse than me here but the care is good here.
Wishing you a speedy recovery
Eek, Lin, that’s grim news. I’m wafting my warmest wishes in your direction, and I hope they get you sorted out and started on the road to recovery and mobility as soon as possible.
So glad the diabetes is a bit better managed (or at least understood) by them now

So, so sorry to hear about your foot :( :(

Hope your kidneys bounce back soon.
I’m so sorry about your foot Lin. I hope your kidney function rallies and things go as well as they can for your recovery. Sending best wishes {{{hugs}}}
@Ljc thinking of you and sending hugs x
Once again - oh eck. May the vascular team visit you swiftly to save you the agony of having to dwell on it, at the very least - and watch back episodes of The Last Leg and the 2020 (in 2021 LOL) Tokyo Paralympics to see what people with one foot missing can do, to motivate you so you can await with excitement to when you get your titanium blade prosthetic and start winning medals!
Oh gosh Lin, I am so sorry! Can't begin to imagine how you are feeling trying to come to terms with such news, but as @trophywench mentions, there are certainly plenty of role models to focus on and technology to help improve mobility after surgery. Hope they can get the matter sorted soon for you.
Sending sincerest wishes your way for the best outcome possible. Huge (((HUGS)))!
So sorry to hear your news Lin, and I hope that they get your kidneys sorted out soon.
All good wishes.
sorry to hear what you are going through, sending you hugs.
So sorry to hear about your foot, Lin. I hope you’re getting plenty of support to deal with the idea of that. I also hope your kidneys respond well.

Sending you my extra-best wishes. I’m sorry you’re having such a stressful time with your health. X
Thank you everyone esp @trophywench .
No visit from vascular team. I have been moved to another ward and they have a much better idear of diabetes ,
I’ve had many a discussion with the drs about what to do if this that or the other happeafter my operation .
There is a very old lady in the next bed to me the dr cam to her and explains things, you can’t help but over hear. Seems she has the same but worse than me and they can’t do much for her , I was so sad for her that it made me cry a bit.

I’ve just had some good news , dr been round, my kidneys have improved enough to have the MRI.
Vascular team will see me sometime soon, the bad new is my foot is going to be re dressed today ,ouch , I hope they give me Oxycodal (sp?) again I was away with the fairies last time lol .
Laughing and giggly and just generally feeling wonderful.
Excellent news about the kidneys, fingers crossed for the foot. Hope the vascular team pull their finger out.

Big hugs, am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
@Ljc good to hear a little good news about your kidneys. Hope the dressing change goes well and the MRI too. In my thoughts xx
Seems I have a nasty infection that they are finding difficult to clear ,
Dad. Is in with me as I am his. Carer , I think this is lovely of them and am so grateful.
The ward I’m on is supposed to be a Diabetes ward but staff don’t seem to have much understanding about it
Sorry to hear that you are in hospital. Ìts the best place to be to get swift and accurate diagnosis and effective treatment. I hope its not too stressful and that you make a full and speedy recover.

Best wishes to you and your dad,

Thank you everyone , I’m not up to replying individually sorry.
Well The world and his wife came to look at my poorly limb , it whacked me out so much that I refused a change of sheets.

They are really looking. after the old lady in the next bed , poor thing had her feet looked by everyone too.
Lin I’m so sorry that you’re in hospital and with what you’re going through with your foot. Much love xx
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