How to "cure" type 2 diabetes without medication

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It's an interesting question.
I hope one day the study will be repeated with a slow loss.

Although if I remember you said you lost 10kg, so just 20 weeks to reverse your condition?
I'm currently dieting, (a bit more than 800 calories a day to be fair, and I've managed about 1kg a week.
Based on the fact I am probably "larger" than yourself, I will be burning more calories resting, causing a greater deficit.
So, I would expect to burn more fat than yourself, and so lose weight faster.
Possibly your weight loss was faster than you give it credit?
Yep, aboput 20 weeks. I suppose I think of that as being slower versus the 8 weeks or whatever for the "Newcastle Diet". And I was eating about 1700 kcal per day, so it seemed more like a "traditional" approach than VLC.
Yep, aboput 20 weeks. I suppose I think of that as being slower versus the 8 weeks or whatever for the "Newcastle Diet". And I was eating about 1700 kcal per day, so it seemed more like a "traditional" approach than VLC.
I think I lost around 30 to 35 kg overall.
Like you I started out on a traditional diet, low fat, same sort of calories.
I certainly improved everything, but couldn't claim I'd "reversed" my diabetes.
It took around 6 weeks of a vlc diet at the end to nudge me over.
I'm not sure how much weight I lost at the end though unfortunately.
Well no - and Prof Taylor never claimed it was a cure at any time - reverse your diabetes is what he said. And all within the NHS at Newcastle Hospital who are his employer.
You're absolutely right he never mentions 'cure' in his book only 'reverse'. Prof. Taylor was part funded by Diabetes knows his stuff, obviously, he is a doctor and a professor... 🙂
Well, I can vouch for it.
It worked for me.
I was diagnosed 2 weeks ago and started the Newcastle diet 10 days ago. I'm combining it with a 16:8 intermittent fast and exercise while fasting (jog or swim). I'm fortunate as I'm semi-retired and only work 2 days a week from home - so I can focus on reversing T2. It must be very difficult for people with a young family or a full time job

I don't feel hungry at all until I have my first shake (the transition from fat burning to food metabolism whacks me out for 20 minutes) . I should eat more veg - I'm still learning how to get my bowels regular.
Obviously I had to give up alcohol too - and that was the hardest part for me as I loved my 30 - 40 pints a week (No wonder I got T2!). Reading other people's stories I now realise alcohol can not be part of my future. So long!
I'm delighted - I have much more energy, and my family welcome the change in my mood.
I find the rapid results really motivating. My GP practice in Wales has offered zero support and the Test Centre has lost my blood results - so I really appreciate this Forum.

For anyone considering an 800 calories Meal Replacement diet - Here are my results after 10 days

Sticking with the plan will be a challenge but as says “If You Do What is Easy Your Life Will Be Hard. But if You Do What is Hard Your Life Will Be Easy.”
I would like to think that I am a miracle (not what my mother used to say though!)
Thanks Gwynn - your example Lost 31.6 Kg is an inspiration
I was diagnosed 2 weeks ago and started the Newcastle diet 10 days ago. I'm combining it with a 16:8 intermittent fast and exercise while fasting (jog or swim). I'm fortunate as I'm semi-retired and only work 2 days a week from home - so I can focus on reversing T2. It must be very difficult for people with a young family or a full time job

I don't feel hungry at all until I have my first shake (the transition from fat burning to food metabolism whacks me out for 20 minutes) . I should eat more veg - I'm still learning how to get my bowels regular.
Obviously I had to give up alcohol too - and that was the hardest part for me as I loved my 30 - 40 pints a week (No wonder I got T2!). Reading other people's stories I now realise alcohol can not be part of my future. So long!
I'm delighted - I have much more energy, and my family welcome the change in my mood.
I find the rapid results really motivating. My GP practice in Wales has offered zero support and the Test Centre has lost my blood results - so I really appreciate this Forum.

For anyone considering an 800 calories Meal Replacement diet - Here are my results after 10 days

View attachment 17242
Sticking with the plan will be a challenge but as says “If You Do What is Easy Your Life Will Be Hard. But if You Do What is Hard Your Life Will Be Easy.”
P.S. I had lower back pain - that's on the way out too 🙂
Well done you are a serious contender! 🙂 I find it strange how Diabetes 2 is a real threat to our health and the NHS but so little info seems to be forthcoming. I did not find this site until months after my results and so glad I did it has given me lots of support and relevant facts that I felt I needed in my ignorant state.
I was diagnosed 2 weeks ago and started the Newcastle diet 10 days ago. I'm combining it with a 16:8 intermittent fast and exercise while fasting (jog or swim). I'm fortunate as I'm semi-retired and only work 2 days a week from home - so I can focus on reversing T2. It must be very difficult for people with a young family or a full time job

I don't feel hungry at all until I have my first shake (the transition from fat burning to food metabolism whacks me out for 20 minutes) . I should eat more veg - I'm still learning how to get my bowels regular.
Obviously I had to give up alcohol too - and that was the hardest part for me as I loved my 30 - 40 pints a week (No wonder I got T2!). Reading other people's stories I now realise alcohol can not be part of my future. So long!
I'm delighted - I have much more energy, and my family welcome the change in my mood.
I find the rapid results really motivating. My GP practice in Wales has offered zero support and the Test Centre has lost my blood results - so I really appreciate this Forum.

For anyone considering an 800 calories Meal Replacement diet - Here are my results after 10 days

View attachment 17242
Sticking with the plan will be a challenge but as says “If You Do What is Easy Your Life Will Be Hard. But if You Do What is Hard Your Life Will Be Easy.”
Excellent - looks really good!
Well done you are a serious contender! 🙂 I find it strange how Diabetes 2 is a real threat to our health and the NHS but so little info seems to be forthcoming. I did not find this site until months after my results and so glad I did it has given me lots of support and relevant facts that I felt I needed in my ignorant state.
You're so right. On reflection, I'd been told I was prediabetic for a while. I think I was resigned to the inevitable slide, as beer drinking felt a a key part of my life that I wouldn't change. I'd been following the Roy Taylor stuff for a while. I'm not sure what flicked the motivation switch last week. I'm a convert now.
I've just given my Roy Taylor book to a friend who's 40 year old husband has a blood test planned because he is feeling giddy.
She's Polish : 'What do you call that ball you play with on a beach?" I said 'A Beachball'. Reply "Yes his stomach is a beachball" Apparently "he works in call centre and just eats all the time'. His father has diabetes. So hopefully they both read the book.
Well done. We need to know we are not alone in this dilemma and to have this site which embraces all diabetes types is a huge advantage ... full of ordinary folk who can share their experiences and support each other.
Let us hope your friend is responsive to any health warnings he may discover.
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