How to "cure" type 2 diabetes without medication

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When people post these "cure" articles, you never know what sort of reaction they will receive. 🙂
Yep - always appropriate to be skeptical.
At least this guy isn’t in it for the money - all profits are going to DiabetesUK. :D
Well no - and Prof Taylor never claimed it was a cure at any time - reverse your diabetes is what he said. And all within the NHS at Newcastle Hospital who are his employer.
I didn't suggest he did. I was referring to the newspaper's bad choice of headline.
Yes poor journalism, the writer suggests its a 'cure', we know ,or at least some of us, realise it isn't , I am not under the impression that Diabetes is curable, we can be in remission ,that's only applicable to Type 2, but we are forever diabetic once diagnosed.
I hadn't the electronic wit to reply to this erroneous report, even if the majority of the article is factuy accurate, I very much wanted to repudiate what was published.
I'm not fussy what people choose to object to in the name to be honest.
I was diabetic.
I'm not diabetic now.
Call it anything you like, I'm taking the win.
But you still have to follow a strict diet, I cannot imagine you are eating foods you used to, the enjoyable things like high carb foods ,high sugar content, so you may be in remission, it doesn't mean you are not Diabectic.
Interesting article and as someone just diagnosed with type 2 it is something i want to do.
Three weeks ago my Hb1c was 99 and now its 88 after changing my diet for that time.
I know this is still high but if i stick to my low carb diet and exercise daily should it keep going down as i loose weight ? I have lost just over a stone in 3 weeks.
Appeared in Saturday's Daily Mail, too. What I found interesting was the suggestion that everyone has a fat threshold which puts a cap on how much fat they can store under their skin before it starts to attach itself to their organs, in particular the pancreas and liver. He suggests that this is why there are slim Type 2s and at the same time people who are obese but have no signs or symptoms of diabetes.

Misleading headline in The Observer though since there is no cure.
Good piece of info that Anitram about the threshold of fat storage.
Yup I totally agree. I enforced a very strict low carb diet from (almost) the start after diagnosis and 5aking the advice gained on this forum. Lost 31Kg in shortish order. Reversed everything. Feel my best ever too.

It will take a while before the medical profession as a whole grasp the findings and accept them. Until then many may receive the wrong information and advice.
I would like to think that I am a miracle (not what my mother used to say though!)
But you still have to follow a strict diet, I cannot imagine you are eating foods you used to, the enjoyable things like high carb foods ,high sugar content, so you may be in remission, it doesn't mean you are not Diabectic.

I eat normally, I am well into a normal BG range, I'm no longer on meds, and I have no diabetic complications or symptoms, I am non diabetic?
What else do I need?
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Wouldn't imagine Taylor would use word cure, only ever seen reversed. Told wife about diet when she was on threshold of type 2 although she lost lot of weight by other methods, Slimming World that is.
Prof Taylor advocates a weight loss of 15kgs as being the key to 'reversing' Type 2.

My understanding is the 15kg is the rough average of the weight loss of those who reversed their T2 during his research. Bearing in mind the concept of personal fat thresholds, an individual could achieve reversal by losing very little indeed, as was the case with Richard Doughty:

But you still have to follow a strict diet, I cannot imagine you are eating foods you used to, the enjoyable things like high carb foods ,high sugar content, so you may be in remission, it doesn't mean you are not Diabectic.
This isan't how it works.

On Taylor's model, eating lots of carbs doesn't "cause" T2D - rather, it's going over your "personal fat threshold", which will happen if you eat too much, regardless of carbs.

When you reverse the T2D by losing weight and going below your PFT, carbs once again aren't really an issue. If you eat too much you'll go back over your PFT and the T2D will return, regardless of carbs.

So you need to follow a "strict diet" in terms of watching your calories, not so much in terms of carbs.
Now THAT is interesting. I always thought it was just about carbs. But now there is a new model - fat threshold. Intriguing and seems to fit. I will continue my diet control going forwards. Not sure if I will risk increasing the carbs (fear) though. However, my own experiments with increased carb meals seem to reflect the new model well as I don't seem to now get any adverse reaction no matter how many carbs I consume.

So its not a cure just the body shifting back into normal gear.

I will experiment some more possibly.

Very helpful.
This isan't how it works.

On Taylor's model, eating lots of carbs doesn't "cause" T2D - rather, it's going over your "personal fat threshold", which will happen if you eat too much, regardless of carbs.

When you reverse the T2D by losing weight and going below your PFT, carbs once again aren't really an issue. If you eat too much you'll go back over your PFT and the T2D will return, regardless of carbs.

So you need to follow a "strict diet" in terms of watching your calories, not so much in terms of carbs.
I can't say I've greatly found that is an exact science.
I lost around 30kg to achieve a cure.
I have put weight back on, I did look ill at that weight, although it was a good BMI.
I did have a heavy frame.
I have put weight back on, especially with lockdown and limited gym time.
So there is some hysteresis in the model it seems.
Possibly internal fat is last off, and last on?
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