One of the confounding things when diagnosed a couple of months ago was that I am fairly active with a good diet and reasonably healthy lifestyle. I'm at the gym three times a week Tue-Thu-Sat, usually for an hour on weekdays and then longer on Saturdays as my son likes to come along and we always end up doing more.
I've been working the 5x5 training programme, which is great for someone my age as it doesn't focus on lots of reps which can cause injury to joints - it's a strength programme (which luckily is really good for Type 2

). Essentially 5 compound exercises (bench press, deadlift, overhead press, squats and bent over rows) for 5 sets of 5 reps (apart from deadlift which you only do 1 set of 5 reps), but not all exercises on the same days - you alternate between workout 'A' and workout 'B', and aim to increase the weight by 2.5kg each time - or 'progressive overload' as they call it.
My workout currently:
Tue (A): Squat 100kg x 5x5 / Overhead press 42.5kg x 5x5 / Deadlift 140kg x 1x5
Thu (B): Squat 102.5kg x 5x5 / Bench press 70kg x 5x5 / Bent over row 75kg x 5x5
Sat (A): Squat 105kg x 5x5 / Overhead press 45kg 5x5 / Deadlift 145kg x 1x5
I add a few secondary exercises to work specific muscle groups/body parts, but stick to the same core routine above.
Sounds complicated when written down but if you Google it, there are plenty of videos that explain it better than I can!
I also walk every day - either walking the dog at lunch or on office days, a walk round campus where I work. Currently trying to squeeze in 11,111 steps every day to complete the 1,000,000 steps challenge for Diabetes UK - equates to about 4.5 miles each day.
When opportunity arises I also like to get out on my mountain bike and either a family amble around Milton Keynes or a little play in the woods on the trails.