• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.


I'm going to make you feel even worse then Simon. I've just popped over to let you all know that I've just done an ultra marathon at the Endure 24 at Bramham Park near Leeds. The objective is to run as far as you can in 24 hours. You can enter as a solo, as a pair or as part of a team. Myself and wife Liz entered as a pair called Little Short Legs and Chrome Dome. We did 65 miles between us. The winning solo runner did 125 miles and several solos did 100 and got a special tee shirt. If I get time I will post an account of the weekend's adventures which, apart from all the running, include camping, alfresco cooking and overflowing portaloos.
Wow I envy anyone who can exercise, you see I'm a power wheelchair user with limited upper body strength, I'm type 2 and nearly 68.
Wether or not you walk, run do marathons or swim, at least you can, so do it and enjoy it.
I too am a wheelchair user, soon to move to electric powered due to worsening mobility, but I can still do yoga!! I love it. It may hurt like hell at the time, but it does so much to help keep the mobility I have, building good strong inner core and for my mentality in coping with serious frustration at myself - and the ocean of arrogant, ignorant "thickets" I find myself surrounded by on a daily basis. I still find it amazing how people look directly at me, see me coming and decide to walk right in front of me somehow expecting me to dematerialise. Then, without fail, blame me!! Oh the verbal abuse... Long live yoga!! Keeps me sane and fit! :D
None whatsoever apart from up the stairs a couple of times a day, and the walk from my car to my desk.

As well as Type1, I also have Multiple Sclerosis and get absolutely exhausted by any exercise. Even trying to weed the garden is more than enough after just 5 minutes.

Fortunately (and I've no idea how) my weight has not changed in 2 years. If anything, I've had to tighten the belt in my trousers by a notch!

I know this is terrible but I just can't face it.
I normally try and workout to exercise dvds 2-3 times a week, but in this muggy weather I really can't summon up the energy, though I might try this afternoon when Mr Marten's gone out.

We have lots of stairs (Victorian house...) and no car, so we walk a lot, so I'm not too sedentary 🙂
I don't do much exercise at all at the moment really need to get back into the swing of it. The OH has got two bikes and has suggested that we go out for a bike ride together, might give this a go over the weekend
I've just done the Grimsby 10K run. Time was 48:13, placing 608/3073. I've just posted a little write up if anyone wants to take a look.
I've just done the Grimsby 10K run. Time was 48:13, placing 608/3073. I've just posted a little write up if anyone wants to take a look.
Glad you were well enough to run today Chris ~ good for you. I'll take a looksie in your other thread. Again, well done you
Two dog walks a day; around 30mins in the morning and 45-60mins in the evening. And I try and run every week day morning before work, for half an hour.
Did the East Hull parkrun today. Time 22:10 just twenty eight seconds outside my PB. Position 42/384.
For the past few weeks I have been trying to get my 1500 meter swim down to less than forty minutes. My best effort had been 40:20 and I had started to think that I would never do it. Monday morning I tried once again and got in at 38:55.

When I was diagnosed in May 2013, I fitted a new cycle computer to my old mountain bike. I have been commuting on it during the summer since then and today the mile counter was going to pass 8,888.8 on my ride home from work. Unfortunately I forgot to look and when I remembered it had gone past. I don't know why such things amuse me they just do.
Stories Hobie, don't be a greengrocer.

I suppose that it is self evident that I really enjoy contributing to this thread. I wish that more people would post about their activities so that it doesn't look so much as though I'm hogging it all to myself. Anyway, open water swimming at Allerthorpe today. Seriously considered going in without my wetsuit on but then chickened out. After a couple of laps of the lake decided to give it a go, got out, shed wetsuit and got back in. Even after a summer like this one, the lake is still cold, just not utterly freezing. I had to ease myself back in and still got that breathless feeling as I lowered my top half into the water but once I got myself acclimatised I was fine. I had a really enjoyable swim and reflected that I have diabetes to thank for getting me involved in this stuff in the first place.

In other news, I have been patching up holes in my wetsuit. I am convincing myself that I have arrived as a triathlete and general open water swimmer now that my wetsuit is looking as though it has seen some serious action and needs repairing.
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Got a target of cycling 1000 miles this year, though don't think I'll manage as too many holidays away from home get in the way of cycling on my e-bike.
Did a nice hard ride on farm tracks over the Sidlaw hills last week. Views were great but was very hard going on steep loose gravel farm tracks.