Hello new Type 2 HBa1C of 55....

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Thanks. Your stats are very impressive. I don't mind the Exante products but might try the Nuut ones you recommend! I quite like the shakes as I takes away any agonising about what I can eat....I just eat them and a stack of green veg....
Nuut is plant and nut based, and not cheap. As sarahb83 says, do what suits you. I've got the Hairy Bikers books as well but am a very plain cook. I don't like herbs, spices, flavourings. But I do love their programmes!!! I make a lot of vegetable soups without potato or flour thickeners. Instead I use blended beans like haricot, cannellini, butter beans for their fibre content.
I have now had an email from the actual Professor Taylor (I was so suprised) and he's saying I'm on the right track and my blood tests prove it. This and you guys makes me feel I am going to get there...
I was diagnosed T2 in October with an HB count of 53. Doctor prescribed Metformin and on the box it said "Use as directed". Given that I was never given aqny form of direction both the pharmacist and I were compeltely in the dark. I thn bought a Blood Glucose meter and its scale was completely different. It went from1.1 mmol/L (low) to 33.3 (dangerous). My tests showed 7.9, 8.8, 6.8 and 5.3 respectively over about 4 weeks. These are either normal (5.3) to Borderline (8.8) but in no way were they near 53 as per the Hba1c. Im not sure whether in fact I have diabetes at all. No eye disease present, reactions on the feet normal, no blisters or fungus type lesions on the feet. Am I imagining things?
I was diagnosed T2 in October with an HB count of 55. Doctor prescribed Metformin and on the box it said "Use as directed". Given that I was never given aqny form of direction both the pharmacist and I were compeltely in the dark. I thn bought a Blood Glucose meter and its scale was completely different. It went from1.1 mmol/L (low) to 33.3 (dangerous). My tests showed 7.9, 8.8, 6.8 and 5.3 respectively over about 4 weeks. These are either normal (5.3) to Borderline (8.8) but in no way were they near 53 as per the Hba1c. Im not sure whether in fact I have diabetes at all. No eye disease present, reactions on the feet normal, no blisters or fungus type lesions on the feet. Am I imagining things?
Hi, a HbA1C of over 48mmol/mol gets you a diabetes diagnosis
well 53 is only a tad over pre-diabetes maximums and on the basis that there are no other symptoms.. I guess I'll just have to live with it!
The blood glucose monitor you have bought to do the finger prick testing is measuring your blood glucose level at that moment in time and is in mmol/l usually between 4 and double figures depending on where you are at with your diabetes management. Normal range would be between 4 and 7 with no more than 8.5 after meals. The 53 you have been given is mmol/mol and is a measurement of the average glucose level over the previous 3 months. They are measuring something different which is why the range is not the same. An HbA1C above 48mmol/mol gives you a diabetes diagnosis.
With an HbA1C there is no reason why you should not be able to reduce it to a normal level by making dietary changes, without needing to take the metformin. Some forward thinking surgeries will allow people to try by lifestyle changes for 3 months before prescribing metformin.
I had another go at the gluco navi. Waking reading 4.9mmol (ok). Reading an hour and a half after breakfast (200 cal exante shake 17g carbs): 9mmol. That looks a little high but its less than 2 hours after. I am so new to this I'm not sure its ok>
I had another go at the gluco navi. Waking reading 4.9mmol (ok). Reading an hour and a half after breakfast (200 cal exante shake 17g carbs): 9mmol. That looks a little high but its less than 2 hours after. I am so new to this I'm not sure its ok>
It does seem a bit high. But was the 4.9 just before you had the shake or some time before as your level could have gone up in the meantime and the difference would then not be so great. The reason for suggesting 2 hours is that is when the peak level is likely to be for most people, however this is for people eating 'normal' food rather than the shakes which may be metabolised differently.
I don't know what other people have found but there are several members who have used the shakes so maybe they can comment on what they found.
It does seem a bit high. But was the 4.9 just before you had the shake or some time before as your level could have gone up in the meantime and the difference would then not be so great. The reason for suggesting 2 hours is that is when the peak level is likely to be for most people, however this is for people eating 'normal' food rather than the shakes which may be metabolised differently.
I don't know what other people have found but there are several members who have used the shakes so maybe they can comment on what they found.
4.9 on waking. so baseline could have been higher as I had breakfast over an hour after waking. thanks for inputs!
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4.9 on waking. so baseline could have been higher as I had breakfast over an our after waking. thanks for inputs!
So if you are doing the same breakfast tomorrow then test just before you swallow the first mouthful and then after 2 hours. Maybe do it on a few days and if it is about the same then you can be reasonably confident that that shake is OK for you.
So if you are doing the same breakfast tomorrow then test just before you swallow the first mouthful and then after 2 hours. Maybe do it on a few days and if it is about the same then you can be reasonably confident that that shake is OK for you.
and as you advised, before first mouthfull 5.6 and two hours later, 6.6. no idea why it was so high yesterday i had the same shake....
and as you advised, before first mouthfull 5.6 and two hours later, 6.6. no idea why it was so high yesterday i had the same shake....
Maybe because it was New Year's Day, or one of the 42 reasons that can affect blood glucose levels ????
Tried taking the basic metformin 500mg once a day for the last 5 days. Digestion not good. Very Upset tummy. Seeing diabetic nurse for first time officially tomorrow so will ask either to a. stop b. get some Sukkarto modified release.
waking blood sugar 5.6mmol, two hours after eating 6.2 mmol/l.

Again thanks to all for support on here, it's been amazing.
Tried taking the basic metformin 500mg once a day for the last 5 days. Digestion not good. Upset tummy. Seeing diabetic nurse for first time officially tomorrow so will ask either to a. stop b. get some Sukkarto modified release.
waking blood sugar 5.6mmol, two hours after eating 6.2 mmol/l.

Again thanks to all for support on here, it's been amazing.
That’s great to have such little change in numbers as that shows that what you ate your body was able to properly deal with the carbs.Unfortunate that the metformin is causing too many side effects
That’s great to have such little change in numbers as that shows that what you ate your body was able to properly deal with the carbs.Unfortunate that the metformin is causing too many side effects
Diabetic nurse this morning so will raise all issues - diet, my bloods, weight loss, low carb and the unpleasant metformin side effects.

Update: And she's a helpful and good nurse - she approved of the diet, approves of low carb, said i had done well. She thinks I need to carry on as I am going. She changed the Metformin to modified release and said sorry for the cheap stuff. She gave me a new meter for some reason so now I have two (will keep it as a back up). She checked my feet and I got a free pneumonia vaccination.... She knew metformin is no good with topirimate and said I should get the Doctor to sort that out (which one do I keep taking).

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As your HbA1c was only 55, why not ask if you can try and stop the Metformin and reduce your level by a healthy eating plan and exercise alone. My GP surgery offers that to all new diabetics whose HbA1c is less than 60. You have to keep it up though.
As your HbA1c was only 55, why not ask if you can try and stop the Metformin and reduce your level by a healthy eating plan and exercise alone. My GP surgery offers that to all new diabetics whose HbA1c is less than 60. You have to keep it up though.
One of the two doctors at the practice does not appear to believe in remission or any 'new' ideas. The nurse seemed up for it though. If the modified release metformin is better on the tum I'll try it for a bit but given my trajectory (towards not being diabetic/remission) I don't see it being a major issue if I don't take it in the end, as you point out.
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Got diagnosed by accident as on way to A&E with tachycardia.... ambulance did a blood test and found my resting blood sugar was 9mmol in the morning. So I read a bit and went on the Prof Roy Taylor diet and in 6 weeks have lost 6.5kg and got the HbA1c down to 49. I was heavy (101kg) and needed to lose 15kg so i am on track.

GP seemed not impressed but threw metformin at me by text message 'this test confirms you are diabetic'. in fact I believe that these tests confirms that I can lower my blood glucose by dieting?

Question: metformin pack says dont take this med if you are on a vlcd or diet of below 1000 calories a day. I am on 800 calories. What will happen if i take the metformin as instructed by GP who didn't even listen to me and wont' see me face to face.
Welcome @Mrs Mimoo Congratulations on losing 6.5kg in 6 weeks - I think the fact your HbA1c is now 49 demonstrates Prof Roy Taylor is right. Its 32 weeks since I started the 800 calories diet and my blood sugars are fine. I did get an appointment with my GP practice Diabetes nurse for 14 weeks - by which time my HbA1c was fine, so avoided being prescribed drugs.
I also started at 101kg btw 🙂
Welcome @Mrs Mimoo Congratulations on losing 6.5kg in 6 weeks - I think the fact your HbA1c is now 49 demonstrates Prof Roy Taylor is right. Its 32 weeks since I started the 800 calories diet and my blood sugars are fine. I did get an appointment with my GP practice Diabetes nurse for 14 weeks - by which time my HbA1c was fine, so avoided being prescribed drugs.
I also started at 101kg btw 🙂
Hi Weekender. This has been a rollacoaster! I only found out I was diabetic because a nice paramedic tested my finger while treating me for Tachycardia in the ambulance. So its been good to find that following Prof Taylor's advice is helping me reduce my BG and improve general wellbeing. I knew I was too heavy but I was trapped in a whirl of working full time and not from home, and having chronic migraine and the tachy cardia did not help.

I'm now 93kg and lost 8kg in total ... losing on average 100 to 200g a day (obsessive scales use) and hope that I can get down to 80-85. I'm not going to stop the low cal low carb diet until I do. I am finger prick testing BG every morning and after breakfast and getting a baseline of between 4.8 and 6 mmol in the mornings depending on when I do the test and 6.1 to 8.5 2 hours after meals depnding on what they were. took one too soon and got 9....!

Loving exante products as they taste nice and are satisfying. Eating lots of green veg to keep things ok... Will try the Metformin MR after tummy disaster with basic metformin.
Hi Weekender. This has been a rollacoaster! I only found out I was diabetic because a nice paramedic tested my finger while treating me for Tachycardia in the ambulance. So its been good to find that following Prof Taylor's advice is helping me reduce my BG and improve general wellbeing. I knew I was too heavy but I was trapped in a whirl of working full time and not from home, and having chronic migraine and the tachy cardia did not help.

I'm now 93kg and lost 8kg in total ... losing on average 100 to 200g a day (obsessive scales use) and hope that I can get down to 80-85. I'm not going to stop the low cal low carb diet until I do. I am finger prick testing BG every morning and after breakfast and getting a baseline of between 4.8 and 6 mmol in the mornings depending on when I do the test and 6.1 to 8.5 2 hours after meals depnding on what they were. took one too soon and got 9....!

Loving exante products as they taste nice and are satisfying. Eating lots of green veg to keep things ok... Will try the Metformin MR after tummy disaster with basic metformin.
Hi! a baseline of between 4.8 and 6 mmol in the mornings seems like you've fixed it to me. I like Exante too. Just my opinion, but if you take Metformin, when it comes to your next HbA1c reading we won't know whether your diet fixed it or the drugs. Given your progress, I can't see any great danger in not taking the drugs until after you've seen the next HbA1c. Your blood sugar readings are fine. Are you feeling more energetic ?
Hi! a baseline of between 4.8 and 6 mmol in the mornings seems like you've fixed it to me. I like Exante too. Just my opinion, but if you take Metformin, when it comes to your next HbA1c reading we won't know whether your diet fixed it or the drugs. Given your progress, I can't see any great danger in not taking the drugs until after you've seen the next HbA1c. Your blood sugar readings are fine. Are you feeling more energetic ?
Hiya. I may see how I go without the metformin as you point out.... #

Symptoms: I still wake up with a dry mouth, but that could be the diet or the beta blockers as I'm on bisoprolol for the tachycardia and it's a known side effect along with freezing feet! I don't need to pee in the night. I have more energy having lost a stone and a quarter that's for sure!
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