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I would rather not have diabetes but have tried my best not to let it take over my life whilst managing my levels.
I have had it for nearly 20 years and am very grateful for the advancements in that time. I imagine you have seen more in your time.
Who else hates this f****** s******w of a disease?had it for 43 years, every day is hate it's all i know
I know you hate your condition but it is the first time I have seen anybody use language like that on here and there are quite a few young people (teenagers) who post, so it seems inappropriate.
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My daughter was diagnosed 10 years ago at age 6 and says that she doesn’t really mind it, she can hardly remember not having it. Yes of course she has her days when she wishes she could just sit down and eat without doing sums like all her friends do, or when she’s really tired and just wants to go to sleep and then her pump announces that it doesn’t have enough insulin left in it to last through the night so then she has to spend time doing a refill. But this is all part of life for her now and so mostly she just gets on with it. Compared to mental health problems, which she has had a few of recently, diabetes is the easy bit for her.

You sound like you’re really struggling; do you not have anyone to turn to? Family, friends? I guess if you don’t know anyone else with diabetes then maybe they don’t really understand. I’m sure if you introduce yourself a bit more fully on here there will be plenty of people who will reply, this forum is a great place for swapping stories and having an occasional rant and finding out that there are other people out there who know exactly what you’re going through and have had the same problems. And sometimes they can suggest solutions.

Could you ask your GP to refer you for some sort of counselling or CBT? I would probably be a bit anxious about doing something like that, but my daughter has spent most of this year having it for mental health problems and it’s helped her so well they’ve just signed her off and she’s now so much happier than she was a year ago. Might be worth a try for you.

Of course we’d all rather that my daughter didn’t have diabetes, but at least we live in a time and a place where it can be managed, insulins and technology are better than ever and it isn’t a death sentence any more as it was 100 years ago. She can do all the things her friends can do, albeit with a bit extra planning but she doesn’t let it stop her from joining in with things. You can do it too, please don’t just struggle on, there is help out there. Sending ((((Hugs))))
Sounds like you need some help. What aspect of your diabetes management are you most struggling with? If you can be more specific and hopefully a little less offensive with your language, we can help you. I get that you are very frustrated but if you can tell us more I am sure we can help you or point you in the right direction to find appropriate help, be that technology or educational course or mental and emotional support or practical tips. I cannot imagine you came to the forum just to rant, so if you want help, tell us how we can offer it.
Diabetes is sometimes described as being like a naughty child. If you give it enough attention and are disciplined with it, you can keep it from wreaking havoc. If you don't give it enough attention, it has a tantrum and it is difficult to control. Finding the balance of doing enough without dedicating your life to it is the key and learning what tips/tricks and technology is available to help you with that can mean you have the tools to get it back under control and behaving nicely again. Yes, it is a pain in the backside at times but with appropriate support, it is manageable and you can live well with it. It sounds like you need more support at the moment though.
Type 1 is just waiting to die.
Had the retinopathy, neuropathy just had heart attack,so am waiting for the kidney failure, stroke and amputations
The quote "it doesn't stop you doing anything" is b******s, it's stopped my chosen career, mountain biking, climbing, being an electrician now a s**t husband and father.
Years and years of psycho treatment, antidepressants etc
I do nothing now, just eat crap, drink and smoke, it's much easier to give up than try to treat it
Well if that’s your attitude, good luck to you. Type 1 DOES NOT stop you from doing anything, UNLESS YOU WANT IT TO. Why are you posting on here if you don’t want any help? Are you trying to just depress everyone else who is trying to do something about it? My mum has had diabetes longer than you and doesn’t have any of those problems. It isn’t just waiting to die.
It sounds like you may be depressed - there are things that can be done to help with that. But you have to want to help yourself first.
Actually, tell a lie, mum does have some retinopathy, but she isn’t letting it get her down, she still goes out and enjoys herself. You could too if you really wanted to.
I know you hate your condition but it is the first time I have seen anybody use language like that on here and there are quite a few young people (teenagers) who post, so it seems inappropriate.
Well there is a first time for everything
Well if that’s your attitude, good luck to you. Type 1 DOES NOT stop you from doing anything, UNLESS YOU WANT IT TO. Why are you posting on here if you don’t want any help? Are you trying to just depress everyone else who is trying to do something about it? My mum has had diabetes longer than you and doesn’t have any of those problems. It isn’t just waiting to die.
It sounds like you may be depressed - there are things that can be done to help with that. But you have to want to help yourself first.
Actually, tell a lie, mum does have some retinopathy, but she isn’t letting it get her down, she still goes out and enjoys herself. You could too if you really wanted to.
Did it stop me joining the forces, flying, police or fire brigade etc. Yes..
So when you say " anything" you are incorrect and/or misinformed
Well if that’s your attitude, good luck to you. Type 1 DOES NOT stop you from doing anything, UNLESS YOU WANT IT TO. Why are you posting on here if you don’t want any help? Are you trying to just depress everyone else who is trying to do something about it? My mum has had diabetes longer than you and doesn’t have any of those problems. It isn’t just waiting to die.
It sounds like you may be depressed - there are things that can be done to help with that. But you have to want to help yourself first.
Actually, tell a lie, mum does have some retinopathy, but she isn’t letting it get her down, she still goes out and enjoys herself. You could too if you really wanted to.
But I am not your mum, I am me.
Don't tar everyone with the same brush, doesn't everybody have an opinion?
Well there is a first time for everything

Did it stop me joining the forces, flying, police or fire brigade etc. Yes..
So when you say " anything" you are incorrect and/or misinformed
OK I’ll give you that one. No reason for it to stop you from biking, fell walking, being an electrician or good husband and father though
But I am not your mum, I am me.
Don't tar everyone with the same brush, doesn't everybody have an opinion?
But you are also tarring everyone with the same brush by coming on here storming about how awful you think diabetes is, completely throwing our attempts to help you back at us and seeming to expect us to agree with you. We don’t. This thread is not helpful. I shall not reply on it again.
I would rather not have diabetes but have tried my best not to let it take over my life whilst managing my levels.
I have had it for nearly 20 years and am very grateful for the advancements in that time. I imagine you have seen more in your time.
As a kid in 1978 diagnosed with it no one could give a s**t and I was just a freak
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OK I’ll give you that one. No reason for it to stop you from biking, fell walking, being an electrician or good husband and father though
Biking stopped from neuropathy, trigger finger(all of them) carpel tunnel both wrists and frozen shoulders and eyesight,all caused by type 1
Electrician, see above.
The rest just down to childhood trauma, ptsd
Brittle diabetes or whatever it's called,non acceptance and bags load of hate for it
As a kid in 1978 diagnosed with it no one could give a shit and I was just a freak

Was diagnosed just few years after, never classed myself as freak never will, we are just people living with a life long condition just like millions of others with different conditions.

Think you need to seek counselling to help you cope with your emotions.
But you are also tarring everyone with the same brush by coming on here storming about how awful you think diabetes is, completely throwing our attempts to help you back at us and seeming to expect us to agree with you. We don’t. This thread is not helpful. I shall not reply on it again.
Agree with whatever you want I don't care, you obviously have no problems dropping people who have different opinions than yours
Who else hates this f****** s******w of a disease?had it for 43 years, every day is hate it's all i know
As I was diagnosed aged 4 1/2 nearly 60 years ago, I know no different. Basically, diabetes has to live with me and yes like everyone else I do get very frustrated at times, tomorrow is a new day though, so I just move on. There's a lot worse of in life than me.
I also look at it in the respect that insulin was discovered/invented to give me and all other people with diabetes the chance to live.
So, I cannot see any point in wasting my energy or the life given to me by hating my condition.
Do you feel like this every day… I mean has there ever been a time where you have been ok with it and enjoyed life? Or have things kinda come to a head for some reason, worsening health or personal life ?
Was diagnosed just few years after, never classed myself as freak never will, we are just people living with a life long condition just like millions of others with different conditions.

Think you need to seek counselling to help you cope with your emotions.
Mate, been counselled and popping psych pill's for the last 20 years, hate of diabetes is always gonna win
Mate, been counselled and popping psych pill's for the last 20 years, hate of diabetes is always gonna win
Only if you let it 🙂
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