My numbers are normal for blood glucose and Hba1c - I don't take any medication, just don't eat the foods which increase my blood glucose too much.
I dropped my numbers first and now I am thinking more about losing some weight. It is so much easier to lose weight when the symptoms of diabetes have been suppressed - far more energy less hunger though after I took Metformin and a statin for a few weeks I was totally wrecked, and I have taken ALA to try to get rid of the dreadful aches and pains in my muscles and joints, which seems to have succeeded. I stopped taking them when the loss of memory frightened me. That has not come back properly, though it has improved.
I don't bother testing now as I know what not to eat, I do check once in a while, just to be sure. my last pre dinner test was 4.8mmol/l and after dinner was 7.6mmol/l - those were after a bit of over indulgence at lunchtime, then a few days later after eating melon, so they were probably higher than normal for me now.