Has anyone been prescribed Mounjaro? - new drug for weight loss approved by MHRA for people with type 2 diabetes.

Just to check - did you try slow release metformin as well as standard? Some people can tolerate slow release that really didn't with standard.

If you did then it may be worth making an appointment to see GP/practice nurse and discuss medication again

This is the specific NICE guidance on Mounjaro and to be honest, if metformin is the only medication that you have tried, it doesn't currently support your request to try Mounjaro next https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/TA924/chapter/1-Recommendations

However there are other medication options that they should be discussing with you and offering you if metformin isn't tolerated, this is the table of which medications should be offered in which order, depending on other diagnoses etc, followed by a table that gives more details about the medications. It states that the "flozins" can be used as first line therapy where people don't tolerate metformin and aren't able to maintain HbA1c with diet and exercise alone, and the medication list says that flozins are associated with weight loss so they may be more willing to consider that than Mounjaro as an initial medication. (Or you may feel that one of the medications labelled as no effect on weight might be one you are willing to try.) https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng28/resources/visual-summary-full-version-choosing-medicines-for-firstline-and-further-treatment-pdf-10956472093