Guess Northie's peak BG on his day of indulgence

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
First of all apologies for the topic to anyone not on insulin, members of the weight loss group etc for the focus on a day of indulgent eating etc etc.

For those who do not know or have forgotten, our great administrator-in-chief Northerner announced on this earlier thread here that he is spending today (assuming he does not wake up feeling nauseous again) enjoying a well earned break from his usual strict regime to indulge in a few "treats".

Now I had an idea yesterday evening that we should have a go at trying to guess some element of this day. The peak Blood Glucose reading seemed to be the best idea. After posting the idea I then had to sign off to go to watch some footie. So the purpose of this thread is to give somewhere for people to record their guesses (plus I am bored waiting for a work related phone call and wanted something to fill my time).

Firstly this forum is probably as corrupt as the BBC so we should not have prizes, you are just entering for a bit of fun and for the honour of winning. If however you want to have side bets between yourselves then you are more than welcome!

Secondly this idea does require Northerner's co-operation, if I was him I would have already started to regret the original post. We need him to: -
  • Take regular BG readings, that is before each meal and after each indulgence (although not within two hours of finishing it to avoid the natural BG peak). to come clean about the readings and what he eats - post photos of each indulgence maybe?
  • The final reading may be after midnight if the final indulgence is taken after 10pm.
  • Northerner may indulge his passion for going for a run.
  • Northerner must also not reveal any of his BG readings before the competition closes, at midnight BST today, Thursday 23rd September 2010.
So if we get Northerner's agreement we can proceed with ...

Thirdly the rules: -
  • All guesses are in the standard UK format of mmol/L.
  • Everyone is entitled to enter one value and one value only.
  • Everyone may make more than one guess, the value entered is the last value posted by someone on this thread and before midnight BST (based on the timestamp on the post).
  • You may not enter a value that is currently someone else's current guess. The winner is the guess that is closest Northerner's peak value and either less or equal to it.
  • If the recorded peak is less than the lowest guess then Northerner is declared the winner.
  • Any dispute, Northerner has the final say.
  • If I have forgotten anything important then someone else can post it below as an addendum
Finally here are some details from the original thread. Last we heard the day's menu looked like this: -
  • Breakfast: sausage, bacon, eggs, tomatoes, fried bread and beans, plus probably some toast and jam and maybe even some fresh OJ.
  • Dinner / Lunch: Uncertain
  • Tea / Dinner: Cornish pasty, chips, peas and carrots
  • Afters: two chocolate eclairs
  • Supper: unsure if this will happen
  • Snacks: uncertain but there has been talk of jaffa cakes, bakewell tarts, ginger cake, gipsy tart and the like
Right I have now had the phone call so if you are still with me and your mouth is not too full of saliva then please post your guesses below. 😎😛🙄
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Right to get things rolling we already have one entry from Gail1 who said
I think Northerners BS after that lot will peak at 16.6. How bloated he will feel I dont know lol
As I say above, Gail is entitled to make a second entry if she so prefers.

My entry is that I think through accurate carb counting and taking factors like fat and local conditions into account Northerner will keep his readings down to single figures so I say 9.7.
Hi still new to this game i think 10.5

ps I have not got a clue really.
I think he will be peaking at unlucky 13.0, and I would definitely have had an indulgent large bar of Cadbury's in there too! x
I'm going with 9.5 because I don't think he would be daft enough to let it go into double figures. Hope he enjoyed the pig out though.
Northey is far too controlled to let himself go high. It would also depend whether his wife is going to be present at the feast aswell. I hear that she 'mops' up any remains on his plate with her huge trunk.😉

I would say levels wont go over 8.9.:DBev
I'll go with 8.3
99.999999 will this scare you off Alan?
Alan - please tell me you aren't going to do it??????
Alan - please tell me you aren't going to do it??????


mmmmm looks good northey , i like the idea of photos you must do tat for each course lol :D
I will go with 9.6. Alan hope you enjoy your well earned feast :D.

That's going to be my wallpaper for today! Just hope I don't start licking the screen (it's filthy!).

Andy 🙂

That's going to be my wallpaper for today! Just hope I don't start licking the screen (it's filthy!).

Andy 🙂

I've had a good lick already :D it is definately filthy!!

PS I just realised I'm away saturday throught to Monday - posh hotel think I'm gonna have to part take of the evil at least one morning - mmm mmm mmm think I need to lick the screen again 😱
I think he may just shock us all so going 8.9
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