General Election - campaign for diabetes!

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Just had my Second reply back this from the SNP Candidate it might interest our Scottish members.

Thanks for your email regarding the work of Diabetes UK Scotland. As you'll be aware, health related issues are devolved to the Scottish Parliament, but should I be elected to Westminster, I will keep myself informed of developments at Holyrood.

Since coming into Government in Scotland in 2007, the SNP has invested in a range of preventative measures to reduce the prevalence of diabetes in Scotland, most notably the Healthy Eating Active Living Action Plan, which will play a major part in tackling the increasing prevalence of Type 2 diabetes. The Plan involves investment of ?56 million over three years in initiatives which are aimed at supporting people to make healthier choices and adopt healthier lifestyles. A revised Diabetes Action Plan will be published later this year.

The SNP has also taken action to help those most at risk from diabetes by investing in health programmes such as Keep Well which is operating within Scotland's most deprived communities. This programme has so far offered health checks to over 65,000 people to determine their risk of developing cardiovascular disease, which shares the same risk factors as diabetes, and provides the information and support people need to reduce that risk. Those found to be at risk are offered lifestyle advice, referred onto further services, or prescribed medicines.

We are also addressing the psychological aspects of diabetes, investing ?450,000 to improve psychological support to people with diabetes in Scotland. Research suggests that just under half of the 219,000 Scots with diabetes experience difficulty in controlling the condition effectively ? often because of poor emotional wellbeing. Five psychologists are to be appointed to posts in diabetes services across Scotland.

If I can be of any assistance on this or any other issue, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Yours sincerely,

Eilidh Whiteford
My email went to Conservative, Lib Dem, and ?Green. There are candidates for UKIP and Labour in this seat, but they didnt show up so I couldn't email them.

I've had a holding email from the Lib Dem guy (our current MP), which basically says "thanks, I'll get round to reading your email at some point...". Nothing from the other two so far - but I did only email them last night, so there's hope yet!
Only one reoly between us so far and that was from a candidate who has diabetes.

You would think that the candidates would be falling over themselves to get some sort of reply out given that we are less than four weeks from the election.

Maybe we don't come high enough in they're priorities.

Guess what I will be asking about when they knock on my door asking for my vote?

2 Red. I got a response similar to yours, only from a Lib-Dem.
Well, I'm impressed by Eilidh Whiteford and john Healey's replies, but then I always thought they had more sense than us in Scotland 😉 (Sorry Northe, just couldn't resist!)
I sent it out and this was one of the replies (out of two).

Dear Louise

Thanks for getting in touch with me about this.

Diabetes is a very serious issue, I entirely agree, not just for people with the condition, but for their families and carers. I thoroughly support the need to look seriously at prevention and to identify diabetes as early as possible.

In fact, there are many points in the manifesto that I won't forget easily - parliamentary candidate or otherwise, so I'm grateful to you for drawing my attention to it. I am especially appalled by the fact that many people on insulin suffer discrimination and unfair treatment at work because of it. I think that's inexcusable.

I hope very much that the All Party Group attracts a lot of support in the next parliament.

Kind regards

Cherry Allan
SW Surrey PPC
Green Party


Hi Cherry,

Thank you for getting back in touch with me. I have been turned down for jobs in the past because not only do I have diabetes but I also have one hand, though they are very clever at not giving this as a reason or just not getting back in touch. I've been unemployed for 4 years, while going to college in between and I do believe it is because of the diabetes and me only having one hand is a reason for this. No-one is willing to give you a chance if you could be a risk.

Thank you again for getting back in touch.



Dear Louise

That's really bad of the employers you've come across - they're not supposed to get away with that, but they do, as you say. I do hope the Diabetes UK campaign starts to make a difference. I thought their manifesto put the case very well, so they're clearly a force to be reckoned with.

Take care



There is a campaign I would like you to look at if you dont mind and that DiDkA, Its a campaign to raise the awareness of how dangerous non diet drinks are to diabetics, It would mean alot to me if you did.



Thanks for alerting me to this - I've just had a look at the site. Certainly a really vital thing for retailers to know about and act upon. Perhaps if they get at least one major retailer to lead the way and go high profile with this, it would help to publicise how important this more widely. It reminds me a bit of the Vegetarian Society's efforts to get caterers to train their staff properly when in comes to vegetarian diets.

I know that large catering companies invest heavily in staff training. I'm sure they could include this as well.

I'm not on Facebook (yet!), but will do my best to point people in the direction of this site too.

All the best



I did my best guys lol =)
Sent to all 4 in the area. Hoping I get a reply. Not had anyone knock on the door yet (well...ring the doorbell...), but have had plenty of stuff through the door. I fully intend to bend the ears of anyone who comes knocking about diabetes.
I sent it out and this was one of the replies (out of two).

I did my best guys lol =)

where i am only one party will ever win so my vote often goes to the green party so they can at least keep their deposit xx good one Lou x
Just got the third reply back this time from the liberals Democrats

thank you for drawing this to my attention.

I can advise that I presently employ a young lad whose mother has diabetes with associated conditions including blindness so I know of some of the difficulties encountered.

In addition our company's financial adviser developed type II diabetes a few years ago so I also realise the limitations this can then impose on an otherwise healthy individual.

My own company, Thistle Scientific, services the Univ and medical research sector throughout the UK so I'm also aware of some of the very fine research that is presently being undertaken to help relieve sufferers of the worst impacts of the condition, if not find a cure.

I would certainly be interested in assisting the All-Party group if fortunate enough to be elected on the 6th May

best regards

P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail
Galen Milne PPC
Scottish Liberal Democrats
I got a reply
Dear Miss Morris

Thank you very much for contacting me on this important issue. The weblink you provide at the bottom displays 'This page has moved', but I wholeheartedly support the cause. I think it is entirely wrong for a Government to use the recession as an excuse to cut research into diseases which are affecting thousands of ordinary people, of which diabetes is an example.

The Green Party will maintain or increase currently levels of spending in research into serious diseases like Diabetes.

Thanks again for writing to me.

Yours sincerely
Chris Bluemel
The green party seem to be quite good at reply and being positive. My conservative reply that I cant find basically said while he agrees with what they are saying he wont b joining the campaign.
The green party seem to be quite good at reply and being positive. My conservative reply that I cant find basically said while he agrees with what they are saying he wont b joining the campaign.

and why won't he?! How RUDE lol.

I'm still waiting to hear back from my others.

Replys from the green party are positive even though I already know who I'll be voting for 🙂
Well Sam some are taking a long time to reply I know they will be busy at moment but a reply goes a long way my book, hope you hear from the others to see what they have to say.

Well Sam some are taking a long time to reply I know they will be busy at moment but a reply goes a long way my book, hope you hear from the others to see what they have to say.


i tell ya, if any knock on the door they'll be getting an ear bashing 😉
Go for it some need it badly, but others are reasonable enough.
Thank you!

Hi there,

I'm the Digital Communties Executive here at Diabetes UK, and was responsible for setting up our latest e-campaign. It's wonderful to see that so many people have taken part, and to read some of the positive responses that have been received. Thank you all for helping! It's been our most successful e-campaign to date which is really encouraging.

We'd love to have a record of any responses you receive from your parliamentary candidates. If you're happy to, you can email them to - it will really help us to have an overall picture of the success of the campaign.

Thank you all again for taking part. If you've got any questions or comments, please let me know and I'll do my best to answer!


Joe Freeman
Digital Communities Executive
Diabetes UK
Well I've still not had a reply from any of the three candidates that I sent emails to.

Personally, out of the four email I sent I've had one proper reply, and another automatic response basically saying "I'm very busy!". I've had a better personal response to campaigns in the past - perhaps it just is a very busy time?!

351 individual emails have been sent, which is great. Not checked with anyone yet to see how many responses have been forwarded to us - but would be interesting to find out...
Personally, out of the four email I sent I've had one proper reply, and another automatic response basically saying "I'm very busy!". I've had a better personal response to campaigns in the past - perhaps it just is a very busy time?!

351 individual emails have been sent, which is great. Not checked with anyone yet to see how many responses have been forwarded to us - but would be interesting to find out...

I imagine (perhaps cynically) that responses will be more forthcoming from candidates in marginal constituencies 🙄 Still, we've got three weeks to go! 🙂
Got my second reply of 4 sent out, today, from Labour candidate. He says he supports the points in the manifesto and states it is vital there is fair and equal access to services and equipment. Next bit is about how he is pleased with the measures government have taken to raise awareness of diabetes, including the launch of the Diabetes National Service Framework etc. Also refers to NHS Healthcheck programme and change4Life, as measures helping prevent the risk of developing diabetes. (Not sure how relevant this is to T1, and 1.5!)
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