Fears and Findings from Freestyle Libre2

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You've made me want a guilty baguette now
What charge is the baguette guilty of?
Or is it supposed to make you feel guilty?
If my bg does not rise too high, I feel no guilt from any foods ... or maybe as much as I would feel I'd I did not have diabetes.
What charge is the baguette guilty of?
Or is it supposed to make you feel guilty?
If my bg does not rise too high, I feel no guilt from any foods ... or maybe as much as I would feel I'd I did not have diabetes.
It’s guilty of buttery in the first degree of course.
Seems like the sensor is struggling with supposedly three days left. I’m not fussed if it gives up the ghost a little earlier than planned as it’s stayed firmly adhere to my arm and that’s a huge plus.
I think this will die either tomorrow or Wednesday. I’ll wait until it does before bedding in a new one this time around.
The sensor has clung on. It now has about 12hrs of life left in it apparently.
I’ve stuck the next one on so it can warm up and bed in overnight so it’s ready to rock when the first one dies.

It’s the first time I’ve had one last the full term!
Well this is a pretty random spike from a supper I’ve had a gazillion times before without anything like that happening.

Granted the actual two hours figures were pretty close to each other but BG started to rise before I ate so it looks worse that it actually is. Bit of a headache from mid afternoon on so maybe it’s related to that.

This sensor is seemingly staying as well stuck as the previous one it’s worth noting. It did have an X patch on it initially but that peeled way after just two days and I’ve not bothered sticking anything else on it since.

Decided it was time to sensor up again today (I’m not on insulin so it’s not really necessary but it is useful and self funded) so whacked a new one on my arm and set it off to warm up. I had the lovely countdown showing on the app and everything.
It is dead. Utterly.
It’s also a record setter as it’s the first time one’s failed before it’s even gone live.
No doubt Abbott will replace it.
Guess what happened today? Yup a sensor fell off.

I think the post office tried to deliver the replacement sensor yesterday. They’ll try again today and then I’ll pick it up from the post office tomorrow morning.

Not sure if I’ll whack one on until I’m back from my hols or if I really do want to know what holiday indulgent food does to my levels.
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