Fears and Findings from Freestyle Libre2

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It'll be interesting to see what the croissant does!

When I used sensors on holiday in Italy last year, I found that when I had something with a lot of carbs (Um, that rather delicious cannelloni) I seemed to peak at around 8 and flatline there for a bit before falling.

Since then I've found the same when I eat something high in carbs - 42g, 60+g 37g. It seems to flatline around the high 7s/low 8s and then falls down to the 4-6 range. I don't see massive 'spikes'. I've seen it drop from 8 to 5 in 30 minutes on one occasion. Not really sure what is going on.
I eschewed the almond croissant and made burner in a mushroom “bun” with kimchi mayonnaise and salad for lunch.

I may be forced to buy cake when I’m popping out in a bit. Forced I tell ya.

A wise decision. The Mushroom sounds delicious!
Gordon Bennett - I do honestly recognise the 'orrible effects of stress on BG and actually it's genuinely 'academically' very interesting for me to see @ColinUK 's Libreview graphs displaying his because when I personally had my stress challenges nearly 20 years ago I had nowt so modern at my disposal, thus only comparatively ' very blunt instruments' to both record and deal with them, with.

The amazing thing to me, about those episodes, was that despite many spikes recording both HI on my meter (ie over 33.0) and troughs saying LO (ie below 1.8) sometimes several times a day - my HbA1c results hardly budged. Still %ages then so still around the 7.2/7.3 (55/56ish) range it generally always was.
And the day continued in the same vein.

I have eaten. I’ve also done finger prick tests just to make sure the sensor isn’t miles out or anything. It isn’t.

And the sensor fell off at 19:59 this evening. That’s one whole day that one lasted.

I’ll flag the issue with Abbott in the morning and will consult @rebrascora on whether to use superglue or just rivet the next one to my arm.
And the sensor fell off at 19:59 this evening. That’s one whole day that one lasted.

I’ll flag the issue with Abbott in the morning and will consult @rebrascora on whether to use superglue or just rivet the next one to my arm.
Do you use an arm strap to keep your sensor in place?
I have limpet skin so my sensor stick like … ummm… limpets and only come off if I really whack or prise them off.
However, other people have silky skin and find sensor slide off and need assistance such as an elasticated band with a 3D printed sensor holder. There are a few options on eBay or @rebrascora may be able to recommend one.
I think they are a little nicer to your silky skin than rivets or super glue.
I’ve just ordered these as they’re well reviewed.

Hopefully they’ll help.
@Catbanj was it the X one or the more of a patch type you had?

They look interesting.
'Stick & Sew' Velcro would be a tad OTT too really ......

Plus I've just suggested on another thread, you trying the (now alcohol free) skin wipes on the bit where you're just about to apply the new sensor.
I’ve just cancelled the Amazon purchase and ordered a bunch of fun stuff from diabetic supplies.

Let’s see what they’re like.

Wow - a whole 6 quids worth! :rofl: Seriously - that really looks like you ought to be able to find summat really useful amongst that little lot.
Wow - a whole 6 quids worth! :rofl: Seriously - that really looks like you ought to be able to find summat really useful amongst that little lot.
It’s my Euromillions winnings from last Friday!

Plus a bit. The £5.90 win wouldn’t quite cover the expense.
@Catbanj was it the X one or the more of a patch type you had?

They look interesting.
The patch - I got a cheap sample of the bottom one on your list. It was brilliant- survived showeds and baths for a fortnight. It came off ok as well. Someone else on this forum mentioned them in a post - it was a brilliant recommendation
Quick call to Abbott and not only have they replaced the sensor that fell off yesterday but they commented that I've had a run of sensors falling off which they're sorry about and they've sent me an additional one.
New sensors and the adhesive sticker sample pack arrived.
So I’ve cleaned and dried the desired location, used Skin Glu, affixed a sensor and there’s a clear patch over the lot.
My aim was a little off centre but that’s not an issue I’d hope. So now I’m waiting until tomorrow to activate the sensor.
The patch ought to stay in place for 14 days but let’s see.
And the clear adhesive patch is already peeling away from my skin. This is with using Skin Glu.
That face sums it up. @rebrascora I’m disappointed in the sticking ability but then again it’s extraordinarily hot so maybe the sweat is doing what showering etc would have done.
Maybe apply in the evening when it is cooler and less likely to sweat and perhaps consider an arm strap just to wear overnight to help with adhesion if you are averse to wearing an arm strap in public, or is the arm strap an emotional/cultural issue.... That potential issue only just occurred to me!

I always apply my sensor before bed and I give my skin a blast with a hair drier after I have towel dried it to make sure it really is thoroughly dry.
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