Fears and Findings from Freestyle Libre2

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If I have not just come out of the shower, I wipe my arm with surgical spirit before applying my sensors. The alcohol will remove any grease and/or sweat so ensure that the arm is completely dry and at optimum stickability.
An alcohol wipe will do the same thing but I am not a fan of the waste from an individually wrapped wipe.

Apart from sunscreen, I do not use any moisturiser. I don't like shower gel with moisturiser in it. As a result, I am not adding any grease to my arm which could sweat into my sensor cover.

OK, I also don't sweat that much but I will certainly "glow" after my Spin class tonight.
It’s an emotional thing more than anything else (wearing a strap) I think.

And guess what fell off at the gym?!

Complete with adhesive patch.

The couple i have had that slipped off within the the first hour did so during heatwaves, one last year and one the previous year.
I've logged the sensor falling off with Abbott so no doubt they'll be sending me yet another replacement. I've also ordered two more so at least they're getting some money out of me and not just constantly replacing unstable sensors.
I'm wondering if these may be a batch of suicidal sensors. I'm not overly tall but I'm not short so maybe they're just taking the opportunity to commit hari-kari by launching themselves from, what for them, is a great height when they've realised the limitations to their existence.

I've also written a lovely (even if I say so myself) email to Diabetic Supplies asking for suggestions I could try to improve adhesion of the sensor. I specifically stated that I didn't want a refund or a direct replacement of the clear patch but wanted to have suggestions of methods I could try and patches etc I could use which would help improve stickiness to clearly what's silky smooth skin. I wrote it as a rhyming poem so at least it'll give them a smile when they read it.
I've also written a lovely (even if I say so myself) email to Diabetic Supplies asking for suggestions I could try to improve adhesion of the sensor. I specifically stated that I didn't want a refund or a direct replacement of the clear patch but wanted to have suggestions of methods I could try and patches etc I could use which would help improve stickiness to clearly what's silky smooth skin. I wrote it as a rhyming poem so at least it'll give them a smile when they read it.
Oh you tease!
You write about making Diabetic Supplies smile but what about us?
We know you have penned this charming poem but you don't share it.
It's like visiting a friend and describing this amazing cake (or ice cream in this heat) you have baked but not bringing any along to the party. 😎
@helli Unfortunately I wrote it entirely spontaneously into the Message box on their website so I don’t even have a copy myself.
Had a reply from Diabetic Supplies, not in verse, and they said that unfortunately some people find that they’re not good with Skin Glu. They say it’s unusual but in the extra hot weather sometimes the combo of skin composition and heat and the specifics of the Glu it just slides off.
They suggest trying an armband or trying a patch without the Skin Glu.
Skin Tac wipes work well for me for keeping the sensors on @ColinUK. Might be worth a try.
It’s sounding like you might need superglue at this point!
27th April 2023

Just installed and connected Shuggah.
It’s so good to be able to see instant figures on my Apple Watch with just one press.

I’ve not set any high or low alarms as what I want is to track food choices vs BG and I’m not using insulin so don’t have to worry about that.

The UI for shuggah is overly complicated compared to LibreApp but as I’m not expecting to have to look at it that often it shouldn’t be an issue.

Thank you for the recommendation!
Hi Colin, been reading this thread with great interest and it has been very insightful as I am due to start getting Libre 2 on prescription havin had a trial and self funded last year. When i had them last year i used them with the Libre app, scanning the sensor for my readings but i am interested about the shuggar app that you have used and like the fact you can see the reading on apple watch but can you use shuggar and libre app together?

Thanks Paul
Hi Colin, been reading this thread with great interest and it has been very insightful as I am due to start getting Libre 2 on prescription havin had a trial and self funded last year. When i had them last year i used them with the Libre app, scanning the sensor for my readings but i am interested about the shuggar app that you have used and like the fact you can see the reading on apple watch but can you use shuggar and libre app together?

Thanks Paul
Turn the Bluetooth off on the libre app, still scan libre app every 8hrs so it gets all your data and sends it to your team. But use the Shuggah app alongside for alarms and Apple Watch. You can either see bg on the Home Screen of Apple Watch or on the Shuggah app.


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Exactly as Lucy says, just deny Bluetooth to the Libre app in the settings on your phone.
It still works but allows Shuggah to have it running all the time.
As the weather appears to have cooled down a little I’ve taken the opportunity to whack a new sensor on my arm.
Let’s see how long this lasts.
Turn the Bluetooth off on the libre app, still scan libre app every 8hrs so it gets all your data and sends it to your team. But use the Shuggah app alongside for alarms and Apple Watch. You can either see bg on the Home Screen of Apple Watch or on the Shuggah app.
Hi Lucy

i want to start using shuggar now and following your insrructions above, do i need to start using it when i start a new sensor or can i do it during the 14 days?


Hi Lucy

i want to start using shuggar now and following your insrructions above, do i need to start using it when i start a new sensor or can i do it during the 14 days?


Up to you
Hi Lucy

i want to start using shuggar now and following your insrructions above, do i need to start using it when i start a new sensor or can i do it during the 14 days?


It’ll start counting down as if it’s a new sensor but there’s nothing stopping you determining when it needs replacing.

Shuggah is a great app. What really sets it apart for me is the ability to write BG numbers to a calendar update. That way I can easily check them on my Apple Watch.

I have set up a BG calendar so that the numbers don’t get lost in amongst other calendar entries.
As the weather appears to have cooled down a little I’ve taken the opportunity to whack a new sensor on my arm.
Let’s see how long this lasts.
It’s still stuck to my arm although the patch over the top is starting to peel away from the edges a little. I’m reasonably confident it’ll last at least 12 days in total and perhaps the whole 14.
Of course I stuck the patch on incorrectly as I’m an idiot who didn’t read the instructions so if the patch fails the sensor’s coming off with it. Next time I’ll not stick the two of them together.
Spoke too soon. The patch is off. But miraculously the sensor is still attached.
Sensor’s still firmly attached. Lord only knows how!

Interesting reading from breakfast this morning. Had a couple of (large) slices of Waitrose dark rye sourdough.

Yes it’s a 2.0 increase two hours post but look at that smooth gentle hill rather than the huge swings from say a guilty baguette.

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