DUK Facebook status

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...So what you're saying is that type 2 diabetics are fat and can control it through diet and exercise?

.......All I've seen since I was diagnosed is people saying "I have/my child has/my friend has type 1 diabetes, I'm sick of these fat people whinging about type 2, they have it so easy and could have prevented it". No. We couldn't.

That isn't what SA was saying Lisa, it was something that was said to her. I would also dispute your statement about the animosity between the different types, not true at all about this forum. Please people, don't perpetuate these circular arguments or they'll just keep getting closed down.
Dearie me, I dont know where you get the impression of me being sarcastic (I thought I'd pretty much said it as it was, so to speak, I'm not taking the mick!). I can only assume you're having a bad day, and hope you're feeling a bit less emotional tomorrow and realise it's a bit silly to flounce off over something so minor.
That isn't what SA was saying Lisa, it was something that was said to her. I would also dispute your statement about the animosity between the different types, not true at all about this forum. Please people, don't perpetuate these circular arguments or they'll just keep getting closed down.

I've seen it on here personally (in this thread), but the thread is about Facebook and people's statuses, is it not?
I really wish people would stop twisting what I've said :( What I said was that this is what I have had said to ME. I have then gone on to explain to these people that NO, it's not always like that. My own grandfather is T2 and the skinniest rake you can imagine.

I'm really very upset at all this ganging up. I'm not going to be posting on this thread or this forum any more. Catch you all later.

Hi Sam - I had thought you had gone and was about to say that you had said that you respond to comments by trying to educate the people commenting.

I don't think that people are trying to twist - just that they didn't understand what you were saying.

Its along the lines of if you continually have someone saying you are green with yellow spots therefore you are stupid, then when someone else says you are green with yellow spots your first reaction is to think they are calling me stupid. Then when you calm down you realise that was never said.
I've been asked not to respond but I want to repeat - when I say there is animosity, I am talking in general - as the theme of the thread was about FB messages, that's where I see a lot of animosity. I was not accusing anyone of anything - just pointing out it's ok to say DUK have got their facts wrong, but they can only do so much, the rest has to come from us, and when none of us can agree on anything - that's not going to happen any time soon.
Hi Lisa - my message crossed with about half a dozen -it took me so long to type.

I think maybe diabetes UK should maybe take the approach of highlighting the no two diabetics are the same approach - and highlight it with people who have shown how they overcame the stigmas that others attributed to them.
Absolutely, and I do think that awareness of the different types and distinctions between the two are very important. I just think, as has happened on this thread, there is no way to say something that everyone will agree on. You can please some of the people some of the time...etc etc (or whatever that quote is, I'm running on half my usual level of caffeine today and am multi-tasking feeding kids, snakes and guests LOL).
Absolutely, and I do think that awareness of the different types and distinctions between the two are very important. I just think, as has happened on this thread, there is no way to say something that everyone will agree on. You can please some of the people some of the time...etc etc (or whatever that quote is, I'm running on half my usual level of caffeine today and am multi-tasking feeding kids, snakes and guests LOL).

Whatever you do, don't feed the kids to the snakes and the snakes to the guests! 😱
It's a good job I dont normally multitask, as that is probably quite likely if I did!
"...just pointing out it's ok to say DUK have got their facts wrong, but they can only do so much, the rest has to come from us, and when none of us can agree on anything.

I think this highlights that the whole subject of diabetes is difficult to approach -how can we as Diabetes UK give out a message that covers everyone when so many people have different experiences? Is there a right answer? It's difficult, and I think that's really where we struggle sometimes, and you can't please all of the people all of the time... Do people agree? And then there's the prevention message that focuses on Type 2 and perhaps builds on the negative impression of diabetes as a whole...

I've been following all this with interest, I do hope that no one does take things said to heart.

I've said before on here and when I met some of you in London that I'm more than happy to take on board comments from everyone here and feed them back as and when appropriate - I think it's the only way we (DUK) will really succeed with our messages.

Anyway, I'm probably going to turn off the laptop now and enjoy my guilty pleasure viewing of "Independance Day"...

All the best,

I think there are a lot of "type 1s" who believe that "type 2s" have got what they deserve, and hold a lot of animosity towards us - some probably not even realising how much it can hurt.

On a side note, I'm sure absolutely no one feels like that. 🙂
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