DUK Facebook status

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I see the point of the campaign, and obviously support any campaign the dispell myths.

Problem is - for type ones, this is no myth, it is fact. And that's where my issue lies - DUK has made no attempt to distinguish between type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Once again we have been lumped together, when in fact the two conditions are quite different - as can clearly be seen in the case of employment!

Joe, the response given was totally irrelevant to the responses to the status on facebook. The majority of people pointed out quite rightly that there was no myth about it!

But they're not very different if you're a type 2 on insulin, are they? You're focusing on the wrong thing.

It seems every day on FB there's someone whinging about being "lumped in" with type 2s. I didnt realise it was a competition about who's got it worse.

Reminds me of the Monty Python Yorkshiremen.

Type 2: I'm type 2 diabetic.
Type 1: Type 2? Luxury! I cant fly a plane!

I dont understand why people are so keen to distinguish between the two, when it is the treatment, not the illness, causing these problems.
Well said LisaLQ

and thanks for putting a monty python clip in my head!!

Part of the problem is human nature, you get all sorts, and there ain't not one line that can cover one thing!

But they're not very different if you're a type 2 on insulin, are they? You're focusing on the wrong thing.

It seems every day on FB there's someone whinging about being "lumped in" with type 2s. I didnt realise it was a competition about who's got it worse.

Reminds me of the Monty Python Yorkshiremen.

Type 2: I'm type 2 diabetic.
Type 1: Type 2? Luxury! I cant fly a plane!

I dont understand why people are so keen to distinguish between the two, when it is the treatment, not the illness, causing these problems.

Lisa, I wasn't trying to say that being type 2 is a luxury, that I've got it worse or anything along those lines - please accept my apologies if it came across that way. Poor choice of wording on my behalf.

What I was trying to get at is raising awareness of type one as a condition - with all the media coverage about type two, a lot of people I have met (and this is just a personal example) have a lot of misconceptions about me when they hear I am diabetic - they immediately assume I am type 2 and that I control my condition through diet and exercise, not MDI. I'm trying to raise awareness of type one so that people understand the condition better, but if Diabetes UK (the leading charity for people with diabetes) can't make the distinction between the two types, it doesn't help.
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How does 'individual assessment' work, does this involve a doctors report or is it just question and answer?

I believe DVLA require a doctors report on your hypo awareness, but is this done and who pays for it.

Obviously any system is going to be open to abuse, but currently I do feel the majority of us are being unfairly victimised for our diabetes, in terms of driving licence. I however would like to know that there was a system in place to ensure that those on the road (especially in large vehicles and Public service transport) had their condition under control.
But they're not very different if you're a type 2 on insulin, are they? You're focusing on the wrong thing.

It seems every day on FB there's someone whinging about being "lumped in" with type 2s. I didnt realise it was a competition about who's got it worse.

Reminds me of the Monty Python Yorkshiremen.

Type 2: I'm type 2 diabetic.
Type 1: Type 2? Luxury! I cant fly a plane!

I dont understand why people are so keen to distinguish between the two, when it is the treatment, not the illness, causing these problems.

no one is saying T2 is a luxury Lisa, of course its not. But as Shiv says if DUK can't get it right then there is really no hope is there? The media get it wrong enough as it is, always assuming the diabetes is ALWAYS type 2.

I've had it myself - telling someone I'm diabetic and then them saying "oh but you're not fat" or "You don't look like you need to control it through diet and excersise".
What I was trying to get at is raising awareness of type one as a condition - with all the media coverage about type two, a lot of people I have met (and this is just a personal example) have a lot of misconceptions about me when they hear I am diabetic - they immediately assume I am type 2 and that I control my condition through diet and exercise, not MDI. I'm trying to raise awareness of type one so that people understand the condition better, but if Diabetes UK (the leading charity for people with diabetes) can't make the distinction between the two types, it doesn't help.

Why make the distinction? The problem lies with labelling the condition, a lot of people on this board are confused with the T1.5 LADAs, MODYs and whatever, so what chance does joe public stand. We are diabetics. I haven't heard of a Type 1 paraplegic (maybe only 1 leg). There are T2s that are on the same treatment regime as T1s (bolus and basal insulin) so the difference is basically technical for the outsider.

What we need is an informed treatment of diabetes by one of the soaps, done properly the majority of the country would be informed almost overnight. (come on casualty/holby).
Why make the distinction? The problem lies with labelling the condition, a lot of people on this board are confused with the T1.5 LADAs, MODYs and whatever, so what chance does joe public stand.

That's a very good point - these conditions are different, none are better or worse or anything like that, but they are different. DUK should be attempting to make the disctinction so that people do understand that they are different conditions caused by different things - not making general statements about all the conditions.

I'm not trying to rock the boat or upset anyone, it's just a passion of mine - raising awareness of type one.
Strange, before I was diagnosed I knew nothing about T2 diabetes, but did know about T1 and insulin.

About 50 yrs ago my great aunt came to stay and she was an insulin dependant diabetic (I presume T1), ex matron of Great Ormond street and had been injecting with a massive great needle for so long there was very little place left she could get the needle in. My point being that I knew there were people who had a condition that required injections. Did T2 exist 50 yrs ago? probably not.
I do see your point and I quite agree - in fact, I was discussing the same thing with my mum a few days ago (about type 2 being rare in the decades gone by). Currently there is huge media focus on type 2, quite rightly. But it does leave a lot of people assuming everyone with diabetes has type 2 - obviously people who have any knowledge of the condition aren't going to assume that, but a lot of people will.
Shiv, Please explain the difference between your type 1 situation and my type 2...I notice that SilentAssassin objects to people refering to her as a type 2 because they suggest that she isn't FAT..that to me sounds insulting to type 2s who are not all fat..I am by no means fat and I am on 5 insulin injections a day just like you...its Time some of the type 1s in this forum think before they speak ..

Shiv....I for one am not upset by your comments, I think that you contribute a lot of sensible stuff to this forum, I have just put my observations and thoughts across, after all, debate with different views is good and that way we can all learn from each other...I do'nt see the need for you to apologise..

lol, so apparently I've insulted people now? for stating what people say to me?


looks like my forum break is long overdue...
We do appear to have drifted away somewhat from the 'Myths' topic of the thread. The origins of the disease can vary, and this is what it is difficult to get across to Joe Public - are you diabetic because of a lack of insulin or because of insulin resistance? Most of the time here I will only check a person's type if it helps me to understand a question they are asking or the treatment options available to them.

So difficult to get such a complex issue across in a soundbite without upsetting some section or other - it is a real skill and unfortunately what is produced will often fail.

p.s. I must admit, I now have the Monty Python 'Four Diabetics' sketch running through my mind 😉
Hmmm.. this is a difficult debate to step into! But... I will give it a go... (please no one take offence... none is intended at all)

I think DUK purposely doesn't distinguish the two as not to give the impression that one is more or less serious then the other... which is quite right...

However I do wish there was more education on their being different types/different treatments... not due to any this is worse or that is worse, its just peoples make wrong assumptions and accusations based on this incorrect understanding of this generalised diabetes... and well, they can be anything from amusing to hurtful... and its hard not to be sensitive to something that's so significant in our lives.

I do get so fed up with people making assumptions about my treatment and lifestyle because they have a friend/relative with diabetes that's potentially doing things very different.

And i guess that's what this myth dispelling is all about, to stop people making wrong assumptions, but those types of mistakes wont stop happening if it isn't educated that there are different types and totally different types of treatments, even within those types...
Lisa, I wasn't trying to say that being type 2 is a luxury, that I've got it worse or anything along those lines - please accept my apologies if it came across that way. Poor choice of wording on my behalf.

What I was trying to get at is raising awareness of type one as a condition - with all the media coverage about type two, a lot of people I have met (and this is just a personal example) have a lot of misconceptions about me when they hear I am diabetic - they immediately assume I am type 2 and that I control my condition through diet and exercise, not MDI. I'm trying to raise awareness of type one so that people understand the condition better, but if Diabetes UK (the leading charity for people with diabetes) can't make the distinction between the two types, it doesn't help.

They do make the distinction though - on the website there is lots of information about the different types.

no one is saying T2 is a luxury Lisa, of course its not. But as Shiv says if DUK can't get it right then there is really no hope is there? The media get it wrong enough as it is, always assuming the diabetes is ALWAYS type 2.

I've had it myself - telling someone I'm diabetic and then them saying "oh but you're not fat" or "You don't look like you need to control it through diet and excersise".

So what you're saying is that type 2 diabetics are fat and can control it through diet and exercise? Gee, what about all those skinny type 2s who are on insulin, are they wearing Harry Potter's invisibility cloak? :confused: Surely the answer to that is - it's a horrible stereotype whatever type you are. Teach them that not all diabetics (either type 1 or 2) can control their diabetes with diet alone, and that obesity only increases the risks of one type of diabetes (of which there are several), does not cause it.

Why make the distinction? The problem lies with labelling the condition, a lot of people on this board are confused with the T1.5 LADAs, MODYs and whatever, so what chance does joe public stand. We are diabetics.


I think there are a lot of "type 1s" who believe that "type 2s" have got what they deserve, and hold a lot of animosity towards us - some probably not even realising how much it can hurt. You dont see cancer sufferers saying "oh they have lung cancer, they smoke and brought it on themselves, dont lump me in with them!". Well, you probably do, but I would hope the majority would say "whatever the cause, we're in similar boats here - let's support each other".

All I've seen since I was diagnosed is people saying "I have/my child has/my friend has type 1 diabetes, I'm sick of these fat people whinging about type 2, they have it so easy and could have prevented it". No. We couldn't.

Honestly - I've been to animal shows with less competition in them! 😛
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So what you're saying is that type 2 diabetics are fat and can control it through diet and exercise? Gee, what about all those skinny type 2s who are on insulin, are they wearing Harry Potter's invisibility cloak? :confused:

I really wish people would stop twisting what I've said :( What I said was that this is what I have had said to ME. I have then gone on to explain to these people that NO, it's not always like that. My own grandfather is T2 and the skinniest rake you can imagine.

I'm really very upset at all this ganging up. I'm not going to be posting on this thread or this forum any more. Catch you all later.
Dearie me, since when has responding to someone been "ganging up"? I can only suggest that if your feelings are so easily hurt, it's probably not a good idea to step into a debate about something that affects so many people. Not everyone is going to agree with you, or be fluffy about their feelings.
Honestly - I've been to animal shows with less competition in them! 😛

You should have seen me when my dog slipped his lead and ran out of the ring - no competition there :D
Dearie me, since when has responding to someone been "ganging up"? I can only suggest that if your feelings are so easily hurt, it's probably not a good idea to step into a debate about something that affects so many people. Not everyone is going to agree with you, or be fluffy about their feelings.

no need to be sarcastic.

And since when was what I said making out that I was so hurt by people saying I can't be diabetic because I'm not fat?! Yeah, I didn't actually say that so there was really no need for you to say what you did either.

Obviously I've "insulted" a lot of people and am not welcome here any longer.

see you all later
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