Doctors appointment (call) tomorrow am - help with prepping

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Eat normally @Mbabazi A banana isn’t very high carb. You’ve starved yourself for too long. If your blood sugar is high it’s because you don’t have the right meds or enough meds.
That's what I'm trying to do but it is difficult. So now here for example is my normal meal lunch that has some carbs. Its frustrating to keep seeing such numbers. Honestly I might just stop testing because it also makes me so anxious. This 25 won't go down quickly - this 1 hour 20 minutes after my lunch. And il have to eat dinner in order to take my night time glic tablet. I'm so tired of these numbers.


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That's what I'm trying to do but it is difficult. So now here for example is my normal meal lunch that has some carbs. Its frustrating to keep seeing such numbers. Honestly I might just stop testing because it also makes me so anxious. This 25 won't go down quickly - this 1 hour 20 minutes after my lunch. And il have to eat dinner in order to take my night time glic tablet. I'm so tired of these numbers.
I think this just highlights that you are not on the correct medication regime to enable blood glucose to be kept at more sensible levels.
But what is happening is providing evidence which hopefully your doctor will act upon.
I think this just highlights that you are not on the correct medication regime to enable blood glucose to be kept at more sensible levels.
But what is happening is providing evidence which hopefully your doctor will act u
Honestly, I think I will stop testing for the week and check again next week and hope for better numbers. My next appointment is end of Feb so over a month away. Hopefully, I would have improved and the medication should have started working.
That's what I'm trying to do but it is difficult. So now here for example is my normal meal lunch that has some carbs. Its frustrating to keep seeing such numbers. Honestly I might just stop testing because it also makes me so anxious. This 25 won't go down quickly - this 1 hour 20 minutes after my lunch. And il have to eat dinner in order to take my night time glic tablet. I'm so tired of these numbers.

I totally understand your dilemma and I know it must be horrible for you. Can you contact your GP again and tell them the numbers you’re getting? These numbers - from a perfectly reasonable diet - are evidence. I know it’s frustrating to have to push and push and push.

Are you able to test for ketones?
I totally understand your dilemma and I know it must be horrible for you. Can you contact your GP again and tell them the numbers you’re getting? These numbers - from a perfectly reasonable diet - are evidence. I know it’s frustrating to have to push and push and push.

Are you able to test for ketones?
Hey Inka. Yes, I can and jus did but I don't feel I have Dka because I remember how I felt when I did last time. I got these strips which aren't easy to read but I believe if I had real ketones they would be red ish. Is this what most people use to measure. I'm about to sleep with a bg of 19 ibut I took all my meds so hoping for the best tomorrow. Here are my ketone tests I use. I compsred the negative and the 0.5%. What do you think. 20240123_215259.jpg


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Hey Inka. Yes, I can and jus did but I don't feel I have Dka because I remember how I felt when I did last time. I got these strips which aren't easy to read but I believe if I had real ketones they would be red ish. Is this what most people use to measure. I'm about to sleep with a bg of 19 ibut I took all my meds so hoping for the best tomorrow. Here are my ketone tests I use. I compsred the negative and the 0.5%. What do you think. View attachment 28974
Looks OK
If you dont mind, I will keep this thread up and people can engage whenever they can. I know someone said, it takes a while for glic to start working but I keep reading that it should work within a few hours and also last a while. Is it normal that my evening numbers, four hours after my meal are still at 18.3? I really would like to wake up to single digits soon and I know sleeping with this won't help. I am tempted for science's sake to fast and go back to eating super clean tomorrow just to see what happens. either that or skip the meds and eat normal to establish if they're helping. I know I am impatient but seeing constant highs is no good. this morning I woke in the 15s.


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Whether they think you’re Type 1 or Type 2 @Mbabazi you could still have insulin. That would bring your numbers down easily. Don’t fast - that will just disguise your problem. Although the high numbers aren’t good, they’re your evidence.
Hey all. I have 27.7 2.5 hours after a cup of porridge so im guessing its on its way down and it could have been higher if id checked earlier. I took glic 30 minutes before . I'm wondering if I should find a way to share these numbers with the GP on Monday. My diabetes clinic appointment is at the end of Feb. Maybe the Gp can recomm3nd I increase my glic dose or something. What do you suggest I do?


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Couple of things...
To help you understand how glycaside works on your blood sugars I've dug out my records...i started on metformin and glicaside (the first photo. The glycaside dose was upped to max dose by the end of that sheet)
I was then put on insulin, which you can see did the job, shown on the second sheet...don't be put off by the hypos, i was unusually insulin sensitive and they put me on too much insulin)
As you can see, i pretty quckly came down from 20 to 7 before meals (the 7 was after a low carb meal of chicken and salad) on glycaside, but that was as far as it took me.

I am type 1 - adult onset. The glycaside acted quite well, but no hypos.

Obviously your diabetes may differ, but though it may give you an idea on how the medications worked on me, and possibly what one would expect. Possibly.

And a couple of suggestions
1/ i wouldn't take extra food because you fear hypos. Plenty of time to consider that when you actually get into single figures.
2/ i have no idea whats going on, but then, i'm not medically trained, and its a long thread. You need to get those that are medically trained to do their job, partient, polite, but persistant!
3/ ideally, you want to get under 10 as soon as possible. This may be upping your glycaside to the max dose, or insulin, or something else. Again, you need the doctors to tell you. Get on the phone to the gps first thing monday and consider 111 or A and E if ketones get high.
4/ Can't really say what you should do re meals
but personally i'd avoid really carby meals (masses of chips, bread, pizza, bags of sweets, cakes etc).


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Couple of things...
To help you understand how glycaside works on your blood sugars I've dug out my records...i started on metformin and glicaside (the first photo. The glycaside dose was upped to max dose by the end of that sheet)
I was then put on insulin, which you can see did the job, shown on the second sheet...don't be put off by the hypos, i was unusually insulin sensitive and they put me on too much insulin)
As you can see, i pretty quckly came down from 20 to 7 before meals (the 7 was after a low carb meal of chicken and salad) on glycaside, but that was as far as it took me.

I am type 1 - adult onset. The glycaside acted quite well, but no hypos.

Obviously your diabetes may differ, but though it may give you an idea on how the medications worked on me, and possibly what one would expect. Possibly.

And a couple of suggestions
1/ i wouldn't take extra food because you fear hypos. Plenty of time to consider that when you actually get into single figures.
2/ i have no idea whats going on, but then, i'm not medically trained, and its a long thread. You need to get those that are medically trained to do their job, partient, polite, but persistant!
3/ ideally, you want to get under 10 as soon as possible. This may be upping your glycaside to the max dose, or insulin, or something else. Again, you need the doctors to tell you. Get on the phone to the gps first thing monday and consider 111 or A and E if ketones get high.
4/ Can't really say what you should do re meals
but personally i'd avoid really carby meals (masses of chips, bread, pizza, bags of sweets, cakes etc).
Thanks you so much for the elaborate response. I appreciate it. I was trying to eat normal meals but not high carb and I'm still following some of the science on eating veggies first. But I can never properly lean into them because I'm always starting off high. Like now. I wanted to have a later lunch because i didnt have breakfast till 11 after waking at 14. I couldn't what id planned because look at my number before lunch.23.4. This is three hours after breakfast. I'm going to call the gp tomorrow and give this feedback about the blood sugar being high and maybe they can up the dose of glic. I'm considering upping it myself.
Also I might give back to fasting tomorrow because atleast in December when I was doing it my numbers were in the teens. I didn't often have 20s.


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With the numbers you are getting despite being quite careful with food and not overdoing things it really feels like you should be pressing for insulin sooner rather than later - especially because of the worry you have from having experienced DKA before.

Good luck when you speak to your GP.
I’m angry on your behalf @Mbabazi If it was me, I’d push your GP for insulin. Are they just planning to let you go on and on with high sugars while they wait for the results of the fuller antibodies test?? Whatever type you are, insulin will help - and you’ve been prescribed it before elsewhere.
I’d outright ask for the insulin, don’t wait and see if they suggest it or ask them to up the gliclazide. Most Drs and nurses that I’ve met assume you don’t want to try insulin and that you want any option that avoids it.

Unless you have certain jobs like a bus driver or lorry driver where insulin would be problematic, I’d go with asking for whatever is most likely to get bgs to a safe level first, and a referral to a specialist for some more tests, then see what the options are in terms or insulin / tablets once you’ve seen a specialist.
Thank you all for the advice. I feel worried too and its consuming my life. I'm so anxious when I test. I went to bed with 19.8 last night and actually felt sad at how relieved I was that it wasn't in the 20s.

In terms of steps, should I go to the gp and ask to see whichever doctor is there and explain My situation and why I'm asking for insulin. Or do I ask for an appointment with the one who prescribed the glic. She made a referral to the diabetes clinic but that is only on the 26 of Feb.Could I call the clinic and explain the situationoand see if they will see me faster?
Thank you all for the advice. I feel worried too and its consuming my life. I'm so anxious when I test. I went to bed with 19.8 last night and actually felt sad at how relieved I was that it wasn't in the 20s.

In terms of steps, should I go to the gp and ask to see whichever doctor is there and explain My situation and why I'm asking for insulin. Or do I ask for an appointment with the one who prescribed the glic. She made a referral to the diabetes clinic but that is only on the 26 of Feb.Could I call the clinic and explain the situationoand see if they will see me faster?
Whatever is going to get you the quicker action. Hard to turn somebody away from the GP when they have their glucose monitor in their hand showing a reading in the high twenties.
I’d call the specialist clinic as first point of call and ask if anyone could call you earlier than your scheduled appointment as your blood sugars are in the high 20s and you’re very worried about it.

If no help there then call the GP and ask for an urgent appointment. Most places you either need to fill in a form or call at 8am.
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