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I'd like to help, although i'm not sure what i can do, coz i'm sort of moving house at the moment (ok, i'm only moving two blocks away, but it'd the principle that matters...this is my first ever purchase!!!). I'm not sure if Dr Charles Fox would accept a letter or email asking for his support, he's the chairman of our diabetes uk group, a consultant at our hospital and has written a couple of books about diabetes.. I'd offer to put up notices in our pharmacy but my manager might get funny about it, she's got se trict guidelines she has to follow..blah blah blah. I guess there's no harm in asking...especially if could get Debs to back me up. Um, i could see if any of the drug reps from companies that deal in diabetes meds could help out, and mention it if they visit...(Novartis, Sanofi, GSK etc...).

hi rachel thanks for your offer of help xxxx we are getting organised ! and im sure we will find something for everyone soon ...spreading the word verbally is great so when people see about it they will think....ive heard about this ...i told my gp today and he thought it was great !!!
Just been down the pub, late lunch very nice, anyway mate who's T2 and saw this on FB her bro also a mate who works for a large chain of pubs wreckons he could approach them with it as a way to take it seriously and get to look like the good guys, he has held back at the mo as he doesn't understand everything about it even though his sis is T2, he only wants to approach them when everything is in place, for example he doesn't know what else "we" can drink etc, any way did I here about a policy or something being ready by middle of march? He looked on your website but didn't find the info he needed. I'll give him a shout and see what he's thinking if I can answer all his questions. Just thought I should give you the heads up. I'll be in touch.

Rossi 🙂
rossi thats well good i will be in contact early next week once half term is over and i can get on the case again xxx
Could I suggest (sorry if you're already thinking about this) the campaign develops an information pack that could be sent to places which are known offenders? E.g at a well-known holiday camp last year I got served non-diet drinks two nights in a row. The staff were very apologetic when I queried it, but it shows they just don't take much care. If after this kind of thing you could download an information pack and post it to them it might help to highlight the problem. Perhaps we could include stickers in the pack for the managers to put on drinks dispensers to remind people?

Have you asked DUK to help fund the campaign?
soz folks you are due an update i have been a little side tracked with 1/2 term, birthdays, hubby had a few days off aswell so back to it all tomoorow xxx :D just to say becky has got the dipstix to work xxx
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