Diabetes Support UK Challenge! We're off!

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
With all the talk of meet-ups around the country I thought it might be fun to start something up to perhaps give us all a bit of motivation and maybe showcase some of the places that members live that we’d like to visit but are too far away or difficult for some of us to get to.

Welcome to the launch of the Diabetes Support UK Challenge!


What is it?
The Challenge is a virtual journey through the United Kingdom, travelling from John O’ Groats to Lands End, stopping off for virtual refreshments at places recommended by members that are local to them.

How does it work?
Members of the forum resolve to perform some regular exercise - it can be anything that involves some sort of distance covered or extra energy expended. So, running, walking, swimming, treadmills, rowing machines, cross trainers, steppers – anything that can be added to the overall distance covered collectively. I’ll work out a converter based on calories used for activities such as gardening, squash, badminton, football etc. so no-one needs to feel left out 🙂 Note: rally cross not allowed)

Here you can report your distances covered, which can then be added to the total to move us further along our journey. We will have a destination to head for and a celebration when we reach it. The following destination will then be decided on – the destinations can be anywhere in the UK, but heading generally south from John O Groats.
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First destination is Helmsdale in Sutherland, via Wick! We have a total of 51.4 miles to cover, so please let me know what you have done to speed us on our way! 🙂

You can log a 3.1 mile run from me which I've just done. Was tempted to stop at the 2 mile point then thought of this so pressed on!!
1 Hour walking (was shopping & its all hills in guildford) was out for a total of 5 hours but only count 1 as I did stop from time to time. does this count?
Great stuff everyone! 🙂 I'll count the walking as 3 miles Loubie, although you probably went much further! :D
I swam 50 lengths today - does that count?🙂Bev
I swam 50 lengths today - does that count?🙂Bev

Certainly does Bev! 🙂 That's 2.5k isn't it? (50x50m?). Swimming is about twice the effort of running, so I'll say that it is equivalent to 5k or 3.1 miles 🙂
3.5 miles on the treadmill +30 minutes pretending to be a bird and driving about popping balloons on the wi fit but I don't think that used many calories!
Great stuff Helen 🙂 I'll keep the balloon popping in reserve in case we land up just outside of town! :D
Here's a mile and a half from me too. I did manage to get out and walk the dog for an hour today, in spite of it all and that's how far my gadget told me I'd gone.
sorry I canney help today, been somewhat lothargic!

Note to route master, you should have headed west from JoG beautiful North coast of Bonnie Scotland, Okay I've never been, but dream of it, nearly got there for honeymoon but someone had bigger (in their mind) ideas!
I did 2.4 miles (according to the thing which measures it anyway) on the bike on my way to a course this afternoon, and if you can add on the 2.5 miles I cycled to work this morning even though it was before the official start, you can have that as well. 😉
I did 2.4 miles (according to the thing which measures it anyway) on the bike on my way to a course this afternoon, and if you can add on the 2.5 miles I cycled to work this morning even though it was before the official start, you can have that as well. 😉

We're in Wick! 🙂 I've just spotted a Wetherspoons, The Alexander Bain. We'll have something to eat and a couple of jars/drams/diet pepsis!

i love it! I'm afraid i was a bit of a lazy bum today and have only done 8289 steps (according to my phone)
i love it! I'm afraid i was a bit of a lazy bum today and have only done 8289 steps (according to my phone)

How does your phone know? 😱 That's 3.8 miles, based on a stride length of 2.5 feet! 🙂
We're in Wick! 🙂 I've just spotted a Wetherspoons, The Alexander Bain. We'll have something to eat and a couple of jars/drams/diet pepsis!


ive been there ....
heres my housing in wick...we were trying to brighten the place up a bit 😱
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