Diabetes Dietician meeting failure

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I would always recommend most people not to see a dietician. It's rare to hear a good story in the posts and most of the time they just promulgate the standard NHS low-fat, low salt and plenty of carbs mantra.
I would always recommend most people not to see a dietician. It's rare to hear a good story in the posts and most of the time they just promulgate the standard NHS low-fat, low salt and plenty of carbs mantra.
That appears to be this one. Except she wasn't even letting on to that any more than anything else. Interestingly, a Diabetis Specialist Dietician I met early this year appeard to support controlling carbs. Except she's in another area though, so I don't get to see her. :(
Good to be honest, Ralph-YK 🙂
Going by my last appointment, my practice nurse supports low carbing, trouble is she gets things a bit confused sometime lol and IMO still doesn't understand bolusing very well.
I won't voluntarily see a dietitian , they seem to have the opposite effect on me to the one desired.
Gosh Ralph YK that is terrible. I thought they were supposed to be helping people manage their condition. I am at present in the "higher risk" stage. This does not give me any faith in the Dietician if I do get worse.

Sounds as if the people on this Forum have more knowledge to me. Thank goodness I found it and they let me join.
Sounds as if the people on this Forum have more knowledge to me.
Hi Maz, we live with it on a daily basis & are committed to controlling our disease (hence one of the reasons we joined a diabetes forum)
I have met some medical staff who understand.
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