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Took the day off work today for a fasting blood test at the hospital first thing this morning so managed to get out this afternoon for a ride. Weather was glorious - sunny, dry but a bit breezy. Actually felt quite warm in the sun. I headed into the Cheshire lanes and back through Congleton and Biddulph Moor - hilly! Things were going fine until a hypo on the way back that knocked the wind out of my sails. Ended up with a rubbish average speed. 🙄 I'm blaming the fasting blood test for putting things out of kilter in terms of food and timings rather than my own incompetence - I half expected issues of some sort. 🙄

Strava stats are 41.6 miles completed at an average speed of 13.9mph and elevation gain of just over 2100 feet.

Levels as follows: at start 9.4 mmol/l, at 11 miles 8.9 mmol/l, at 22 miles 7.4 mmol/l, at 30 miles 2.8 mmol/l (oh dear) 😱, at 34 miles 5.6 mmol/l, at 38 miles 6.2 mmol/l and back home 8.0 mmol/l. I had 3 gels, malt loaf and energy/protein bar.

It's all here on this one - Jodrell Bank radio telescope, random verge daffs and stubble maize field.

Hard work in the breeze but glad I made it to the top! Near Biddulph Moor. (Sheep to the right of photo)

Garmin (still need to get that Jeyes 🙄)
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Sorry you had a bit of a tough ride today but it makes sense your thinking that the fasting for your blood test caused the problems. You did well anyway 🙂
I notice a lack of daffodils or other flowers 😉
When I was out with Milo yesterday I saw a patch of beautiful primroses in someone's garden. Reminded me of when I was a child and they were quite common. Don't see them much nowadays. Sorry not related to your bike ride Matt but thought I'd mention it anyway!
How could I even think it! I need a bigger phone screen! :D
Sorry you had a bit of a tough ride today but it makes sense your thinking that the fasting for your blood test caused the problems. You did well anyway 🙂
I notice a lack of daffodils or other flowers 😉
When I was out with Milo yesterday I saw a patch of beautiful primroses in someone's garden. Reminded me of when I was a child and they were quite common. Don't see them much nowadays. Sorry not related to your bike ride Matt but thought I'd mention it anyway!

Yes, the daffs are all coming out now. It was all very nice and Spring-like in the sunshine. Nice again today (but I was back at work 🙄) and it looks like the weather is set fair for the weekend and the early part of next week at least where I live anyway - have to make the most of it. :D
Jodrell Bank! I've got a pic of my Dad painting that back in the 50s. 🙂
A week from today 31 years ago I was in a pretty bad state in hospital in Sheffield with DKA having just been diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. My Mum was there with me on that day. Fast forward nearly 31 years and today I went to see my Mum on Mother’s Day. Thanks Mum and thanks to Frederick Banting and Charles Best for keeping me alive and all the doctors and nurses for caring for me over the past 31 years. Because of all those people I was able to cycle over 80 hilly miles to Sheffield to see my Mum. Amazing.

It was lovely weather again today being sunny and dry but a bit windy on the tops. A slight chill in the air meant I stuck with the bibtights rather than bibshorts hoping I wouldn’t overheat but I did have a summer jersey on. I set off early from North Staffordshire for the hilly trip through the Peak District to the steel city. I’ve not been back for a bit so I decided to head into the city centre for a look round the busy city streets. It was a bit different from the quiet lanes I normally ride on. After seeing my Mum I headed out of Sheffield and back through Owler Bar, Baslow, Bakewell, Monyash, Hartington and Warslow.

Strava stats are 82.3 miles completed at an average speed of 12.9mph and a not unexpected elevation gain of just over 6200 feet. 😱

It was one of those days where my blood sugar kept saying 'feed me'. Started at 6.0 mmol/l (had a couple of biscuits), at 12 miles 4.7 mmol/l, at 26 miles 5.5 mmol/l, at 41 miles 5.0 mmol/l, at 47 miles 7.2 mmol/l, at 61 miles 2.1 mmol/l 😱, at 67 miles 7.4 mmol/l, at 72 miles 5.8 mmol/l, at 77 miles 4.2 mmol/l and back home 6.8 mmol/l. Should be fun tonight. 🙄 On the ride I had 5 gels, banana, energy/protein drink, two breadcakes (rolls) at my Mums, medium bakewell pudding - well it was just after the 2.1 mmol/l and I thought why not.

Apologies to Robin and Lindarose for the lack of daffodil photos but good news for @Northerner @Flower and other ex-Sheffielders with some photos of Sheffield to reminisce. It's a changed quite a bit.

Looking down Fargate from Pinstone Street ("be there 2 o clock by the fountain down the road" - sorry Jarvis the Goodwin fountain disappeared in 1998 🙄)

The 'new' Peace Gardens

Couldn't not go here could I. Beautiful downtown Bramall Lane home of Sheffield's finest. (We don't mention the other lot with the stupid name from S6 😉:D)

Me at Bramall Lane (bit of a faux pas wearing blue)

Had this road all to myself on the way to Hartington

The Garmin
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What a fantastic effort to see your mum Bet she was so happy to see you! Wow 80 miles! No daffs required :D
Great pictures Matt, and a terrific effort - glad you had good weather for it 🙂

Haven't been back to Sheffield for a few years now, but even then the city had changed a lot since I left in 1996. I love the 'new' Peace Gardens, the landscaping around the railway station and the area around the Crucible/Lyceum - the 'new' Winter Garden is fabulous 🙂 Love that city and often consider selling up here and returning - thanks for making me homesick! 😱 😉 🙂
What a fantastic effort to see your mum Bet she was so happy to see you! Wow 80 miles! No daffs required :D

Ah yes she's 79 now but still fairly active. My Dad died 9 years ago so she's always happy to see her children and grandchildren. 🙂

Great pictures Matt, and a terrific effort - glad you had good weather for it 🙂

Haven't been back to Sheffield for a few years now, but even then the city had changed a lot since I left in 1996. I love the 'new' Peace Gardens, the landscaping around the railway station and the area around the Crucible/Lyceum - the 'new' Winter Garden is fabulous 🙂 Love that city and often consider selling up here and returning - thanks for making me homesick! 😱 😉 🙂

Weather was great. 🙂 The city is not looking too bad nowadays - looked good in the Spring sunshine compared to back in the 80's when it was a little rundown with the 'hole in the road', haymarket area and the 'old' peace gardens - full of er, 'characters' on the benches. Plenty of construction still going on - the Grosvenor House Hotel and what was the Anvil cinema at Charter Square and Charter Row has all been pulled down and is going to be re-developed. I didn't get a chance to have a full look round but there is probably a lot more going on.
Weather was great. 🙂 The city is not looking too bad nowadays - looked good in the Spring sunshine compared to back in the 80's when it was a little rundown with the 'hole in the road', haymarket area and the 'old' peace gardens - full of er, 'characters' on the benches. Plenty of construction still going on - the Grosvenor House Hotel and what was the Anvil cinema at Charter Square and Charter Row has all been pulled down and is going to be re-developed. I didn't get a chance to have a full look round but there is probably a lot more going on.
I stayed at the Grosvenor one Christmas - absolutely hideous and never again - obviously, now they've pulled it down! 🙂

Good to hear the city is on the up 🙂 It's actually 40 years this year since I went to live there originally, as a fresh-faced student 😱
Great weather again today - similar to last week but not as windy. After a morning digging in the garden I managed to get out for a ride this afternoon. With the nice weather I took he mudguards are off - it's almost Summer isn't it? 😉:D Fairly unremarkable although very nice ride around the glorious Cheshire lanes but it was special to me as it was 31 years ago today that I was diagnosed with Type 1. Plenty of reflection on this ride about what has happened over that time and what I have managed to achieve living with T1 and looking forward to hopefully good times ahead. 🙂

Strava stats are 52.6 miles completed at an average speed of 15.6mph and elevation gain of just over 1900 feet.

I've had a few issues over the last week with erratic bg levels o_O. I've got a Libre sensor on and this one has been behaving itself so on the ride it started at 7 mmol/l and remained fairly constant hovering between 5 and 8 mmol/l. So fairly pleased with that. I had 2 gels and malt loaf on this ride.

Now I did see plenty of daffodils, lots of other flowers and blossom so this picture is a bit rubbish really. I just happened to stop at this point near Siddington to check my blood. A couple of weeks ago it was a sea of yellow but these ones are starting to die off.

Lovely view from the road above Rudyard Lake (Kipling's (that's Rudyard Kipling not the fictitious cake maker) parents had visited Rudyard when courting and named him after the place

Looking back on the climb up from Rudyard

The Garmin
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They're great pictures. Everywhere looks so very green and lush. Well done on 31 years living with D and showing it who's boss! 🙂
Thought of you today, as we were driving down the M6 on the way back from the in-laws in Preston. I was trying to spot the Jodrell Bank dish, but left it too late. When we used to drive up and down with the kids in the car, there was a prize for the first one to spot it. It was always easier if it was vertical rather than horizontal.
They're great pictures. Everywhere looks so very green and lush. Well done on 31 years living with D and showing it who's boss! 🙂

Thanks Linda. 🙂 That's what stood out for me - how green it was! Not sure about showing it who's the boss - not this past week anyway. 😉:D
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