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Thanks Lindarose. 🙂 I booked the day off before Christmas with no idea what the weather would be like but determined to go out whatever the weather. If however it had been snowing like last Thursday/Friday then I wouldn't have been able to get out and if it was torrential rain then I may have reconsidered. 😉 Luckily, it wasn't too bad. Nearly banged my head on the ceiling in that shop. Apparently, it was built in the 17th century - obviously people weren't as tall then. :D Bakewell has quite a few shops like that and is a nice place to go but gets very busy with visitors. Chatsworth is fairly close by.
Frosty first thing, then it started snowing so I left it a bit later before setting off for a ride into Cheshire to Byley and surroundings. It was still very cold (full Winter gear on) and the melted frost left a delightful cruddy mess on the roads. I felt pretty good on this ride though as I think my Tuesday outing would have helped. I'll have to get out more often. :D

Strava stats are 55.1 miles completed at an average speed of 15.1mph and elevation gain of 1880 feet.

A few issues with bg levels on this ride. Started at 11.7 mmol/l, at 11 miles 9.7 mmol/l, at 22 miles 4.6 mmol/l, at 30 miles 3.8 mmol/l, at 38 miles 5.7 mmol/l, at 44 miles 6.8 mmol/l, at 50 miles 3.3 mmol/l 😱, at 53 miles 5.7 mmol/l and back home 5.7 mmol/l. Had quite a bit on this one - 4 gels, malt loaf, energy/protein bar, energy/protein drink that I made in the bottle. I saw the main consultant at the clinic on Friday and he said 'what's happening with this pump?', after I said I'm not sure but I'm on the waiting list he said he would get on the case to hurry things along. So positive news with that. 🙂

Pedalling along the quiet lanes and taking in the surroundings I was thinking about the sad news yesterday regarding AlisonM. I know she mentioned she used to cycle when living in London. So this one was for you Ally. 🙂

(Not many photos today it was freezing. Sorry!)

This is at Byley. I remember taking a photo here last March showing all the daffodils in bloom. It's the 22nd January and the daffs are appearing and some are in flower. Spring is not far away (well, it's either that or global warming!)

Here's the Garmin
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You're very brave Matt cycling in this cold weather. Do you think the low temperatures affect your BGs! How lovely to see the daffs out already and know that spring is hopefully not too far away!
And a cycle ride for Ally is a lovely sentiment. 🙂
Daffodils!? Blimey, not even our snowdrops are out here!

Yes, strange goings on. I haven't seen any other flowers anywhere else. They obviously like to look after them around there as they have those posts with the tape attached presumably to stop vehicles driving onto the verge. Nice smooth road surface as well. :D

You're very brave Matt cycling in this cold weather. Do you think the low temperatures affect your BGs! How lovely to see the daffs out already and know that spring is hopefully not too far away!
And a cycle ride for Ally is a lovely sentiment. 🙂

I've often noticed low temperatures will make them drop but being diabetes it's not every time. 🙄 I lowered my Tresiba this morning but I'm still expecting bg's to drop in the night. I'll lower my Tresiba tomorrow morning as well but by Tuesday it should be back to normal. It's never easy!
No it certainly doesn't sound easy. So you'll have to eat something with carbs to keep you from going too low tonight? Hope you've got something nice to enjoy 🙂
No it certainly doesn't sound easy. So you'll have to eat something with carbs to keep you from going too low tonight? Hope you've got something nice to enjoy 🙂

Possibly. It depends what reading I get before bed. This is where the beauty of the pump would come into play as I could set a TBR during the ride whereas with the Tresiba once it's in, it's in. Tresiba is once a day so in some ways it was slightly easier to manage something like this when I was on split Levemir. Roll on pump day!
An earlier start today and it was just a bit on the cold side! We'd had rain, sleet and snow last night and as the temperature had dropped overnight this had turned to ice making riding conditions difficult in places, nice and sunny though. I headed towards Knutsford and came back via Byley (had a check on the daffodils - I think a few more flower heads have appeared). The temperature must have risen a degree or so in the 4.5 hours I was out (still cold) and heading back towards the Staffordshire Moorlands the mist and fog descended. No rain though which is always a bonus.

Strava has it as 60.6 miles completed at an average speed of 14.5mph and elevation gain of just over 2000 feet. Fairly pleased with the start to the year as that ride takes me to 258 miles.

Levels as follows (used both blood and Libre, these are all blood) - at start 7.8 mmol/l, after 12 miles 10.6 mmol/l, after 30 miles 6.6 mmol/l (Libre had been showing more than this), after 38 miles 6.4 mmol/l, after 50 miles 5.8 mmol/l and back home 8.3 mmol/l. Some variation between the blood readings and Libre as per usual. Had energy bar and 3 gels on the ride. This just shows the capricious nature of the dia-beast-es as similar distance, temperature as last week yet the carbs required were completely different. I have got a bit of a cold at the moment (sat facing someone at work who has been coughing all week) so maybe that had something to do with it.

Ice on the canal near Macclesfield

I've taken a few from this spot near Gawsworth (usually stop to check my blood) showing snow and sun on the hills. This one has the mist and fog rolling in which I'd meet in a few miles.

Here's the Garmin (Strava's roundings are 0.1 of a mile and a whole 0.2mph different 🙄) - 4 hrs 8 mins ride time
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It was cool here too Matt but we have been spoilt this year no real snow etc & it is still Jan. Sun was out here & very little slippy stuff,
It was cool here too Matt but we have been spoilt this year no real snow etc & it is still Jan. Sun was out here & very little slippy stuff,

Yes, it's not been too bad so far this year. Nice and sunny today first thing but the ice was the problem. I saw a car at Bosley near Macclesfield that had gone off the road through a hedge and ended up in a field :(. Three police cars there dealing with the aftermath.
Hope everyone was ok in the car Matt. When I was a kid was miles from home & there was a Sherpa van upside down & a right mess due to icy roads. Freighted me because of the state of things.
Into February and it was an 80 up today. No, not my age although I might look it - it was an 80 mile ride out to Whitegate in Cheshire and then on towards Delamere. Stopped at the Whitegate cafe again on the way back. Weather was okay, cold but not as cold as last week, dry with some sun and some mist. This was a tough one with some issues with BG levels. Now there's a theme emerging here because this ride involved going through Byley (that's the third time in 3 weeks) so all those interested in the Byley Daffodil Watch (er, that'll be me then as I think Robin and Lindarose were just being polite showing an interest a couple of weeks ago 😉) anyway there's exciting news - see photo below.

Strava has it as 81.0 miles completed at an average speed of 14.4mph and elevation gain of just under 2500 feet.

Levels. Well this is what makes T1 and exercise a bit frustrating. I reduced my Tresiba this morning. I was using the Libre and as it's been behaving itself relied on that most of the time. Started at 7.7 mmol/l and it was a fairly steady 5-7 mmol/l. (In normal circumstances okay but on the bike I try to run it higher 7-10 mmol/l). Then it was dropping into the 4's with a down arrow. I was stopping and checking and shovelling stuff in and it went up but it kept dropping back. At the end of the ride I'd had all 7 gels, some of my glucogel, energy/protein bar and a banana. I returned on a 7.7 mmol/l. Should be fun through the night. 🙄 I'll keep on pedalling though. Inspiration, strength, courage, determination - Type 1.🙂

For daffodil lovers everywhere feast your eyes on this

Almost home (near Rudyard) - paused for a rest, I mean the view at the top of the hill 😉

The Garmin
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The daffs look beautiful Matt. And yes I really am interested. But to be honest I'm more amazed at how far you cycle! Hubby dared to suggest it's a photo taken last April! 😱 Ha ha
Definitely not just polite interest. Our daffs are still about three inches of green poking through the soil, (though our snowdrops are out.) I reckon all you cyclists give off so much heat as you pass, it gives them a head start.
The daffs look beautiful Matt. And yes I really am interested. But to be honest I'm more amazed at how far you cycle! Hubby dared to suggest it's a photo taken last April! 😱 Ha ha

Definitely not just polite interest. Our daffs are still about three inches of green poking through the soil, (though our snowdrops are out.) I reckon all you cyclists give off so much heat as you pass, it gives them a head start.

I was only joking. :D The flowering daffs are unusual as I haven't seen any anywhere else - even in the same area. Behind me where I took the photo there was a long verge of them without flowers yet although fully grown. I spoke to a colleague at work who likes her gardening about it when I saw them a couple of weeks ago and she seemed to think there was an early flowering variety. It could be the heat although they won't get much from me - I'm too slow. :D Saw quite a few snowdrops as well. I don't want to jinx it as it'll probably snow next week and it's still early February but it had the feel of an early Spring day. 🙂
Back out earlyish today with snow forecast. It was cold.....not just a bit cold but very cold. Very strong winds, sleet, snow showers (and some sun) made it interesting riding conditions. On the way back with sleet in my face and almost coming to a standstill with the strong headwind I thought this is refreshing but also roll on nicer weather. :D I headed into Cheshire as snow was on the hills and went on one of my usual routes around Jodrell Bank and Goostrey. Got back home to thaw out. I spent yesterday in the freezing cold cleaning and (in the garage) adjusting the bike and it was running like a Swiss watch. I'll have to do it all again. 🙄

Strava stats are 51.8 miles completed at a rather slow average speed of 14.3 mph and elevation gain of just over 1900 feet. Remember if it's not on Strava it didn't happen. :D


Not as much testing as it was so cold. Levels as follows at start 6.3 mmol/l, at 20 miles 5.7 mmol/l, at 25 miles 6.2 mmol/l, at 33 miles 6.4 mmol/l, at 40 miles 5.8 mmol/l, at 47 miles 6.7 mmol/l and back home 8.1 mmol/l. Slightly lower than I'd like on the way round. I had energy/protein bar, 3 gels.

Jodrell Bank telescope in the distance through the trees across the maize stubble field

Dusting of snow up in the hills near Bosley (I think it's a radio antenna up there)

The Garmin
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Hello all

Just thought I'd bore you 😉 with my cycling today. Nice sunny early Autumn day and I completed just over 60 miles at an average speed of 15.4 mph (no, I'm not the quickest) and elevation gain of 2400 feet.

BG levels as follows: 30 minutes before start this morning 6.0 mmol/l (too low so had 3 biscuits), at 10 miles 7.9 mmol/l, around 40 miles it was 9.2 mmol/l and at 50 miles it was 6.2 mmol/l. Back home it was 5.3 mmol/l. Apart from the biscuits before the start - during the ride I had two pieces of malt loaf, a flapjack plus some dextrose gel - no need for the banana. Levels often carry on dropping hours after and during the night - so extra testing is normally required.

Anyone else get active on this sunny Sunday?
Nice going bro! Want to get into cycling myself - soon, I keep telling myself.

Overall good control as well - although you spiked a little bit (9.2) - maybe spread the biscuits out a little bit more to help with this?
You were braver than me today Matt, couldn't face the cold walk this morning. I'll be doing my normal work to the office in the morning though.
Nice going bro! Want to get into cycling myself - soon, I keep telling myself.

Overall good control as well - although you spiked a little bit (9.2) - maybe spread the biscuits out a little bit more to help with this?

You can get a reasonable road bike for £300-400. There's plenty of good second hand options as well. (Then you have to get the clothing, extras, upgrades etc, etc 😉:D). I've always done it because I enjoyed it and like going out seeing the countryside and knowing I got there under my own steam. You get to see things you'd never see from a car and can get much further than running or walking. The exercise benefits are a definite bonus.
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