Comfort food.

I like the expression "manky" !!! As a child growing up in Glasgow, we ate it. We were well fed and ate what was on our plate and it was fine. Now as an very mature way!!!!!!! It's disgusting BUT ours was bought from a local , reputable butcher , supermarkets were just begining and my mother would never have bought such a thing there. It's changed days as we have changed our tastes and widened our horizons.
Perhaps 'manky' is a London expression :confused: . Yes, when I was growing up we ate all kinds of things (liver, especially) that I wouldn't eat nowadays. My family wasn't badly off but in those days (the 60s/70s) people didn't seem to think as much about how wholesome (or otherwise) food was. Of course, given the prevalence of smoking, there were bigger health risks around than just a bit of extra fat on our meat 🙄.
I remember seeing 'chips and gravy' on the menu in fish and chip shops when I lived in the West Midlands: I was never brave enough to try it though. There seem to be lots of Italian ice cream shops in the central belt of Scotland (where I live now): I think that lots of Italian PoWs stayed after the War.
Yes, they did. They had the best chippys and the 'tally' ice cream shops were the best. They settled and married after the war and so it goes.......they also opened Italian Deli shops....then there was Nardinis on the front in Largs.oh memories.
Yes, they did. They had the best chippys and the 'tally' ice cream shops were the best. They settled and married after the war and so it goes.......they also opened Italian Deli shops....then there was Nardinis on the front in Largs.oh memories.
What's a "tally" ice cream shop? My (Scottish) partner's told me about the 'ice cream wars', when drugs were sold from ice cream vans in Glasgow. Clearly parents had more to worry about with their children than the number of calories in ice cream 🙄.
What's a "tally" ice cream shop? My (Scottish) partner's told me about the 'ice cream wars', when drugs were sold from ice cream vans in Glasgow. Clearly parents had more to worry about with their children than the number of calories in ice cream 🙄.
I've just realised: "tally" must mean 'Italian'!
I must be a lot older than your partner!!!! Tally was basically vernacular for Italians in the 50s and 60s, definitely not acceptable nowadays......there was never any offence meant but the world has changed. Yes, there was a lot of trouble with the ice cream wars within the housing estates in Glasgow, but I've been South for over 40years so maybe its different now. However I live in Berkshire but Glasgow will always be home to me.
I must be a lot older than your partner!!!! Tally was basically vernacular for Italians in the 50s and 60s, definitely not acceptable nowadays......there was never any offence meant but the world has changed. Yes, there was a lot of trouble with the ice cream wars within the housing estates in Glasgow, but I've been South for over 40years so maybe its different now. However I live in Berkshire but Glasgow will always be home to me.
My partner left Scotland at a young age and only returned five years ago (with me tagging along). I like Berkshire too: early in the morning the day after the 1987 hurricane I was riding on my motorbike down the A34 from Oxford to Newbury for work - and got blown onto the verge :rofl:
My partner left Scotland at a young age and only returned five years ago (with me tagging along). I like Berkshire too: early in the morning the day after the 1987 hurricane I was riding on my motorbike down the A34 from Oxford to Newbury for work - and got blown onto the verge :rofl:
Left 80s with DHs work. Bit further down the M4........Reading onwards.
Left 80s with DHs work. Bit further down the M4........Reading onwards.
I only spent six months working in West Berkshire (based in Newbury and going as far east as Reading) in 1987-8, although when I grew up in Wimbledon I did lots of cycling around East Berkshire - including racing on parts of the A4 😱.
I remember the hurricane. I was living in a ground floor flat in Southsea and was woken by the wind and a terrible noise. I went out at 5am because my car had moved slightly.i repositioned it and made sure brake on. I then realised the noise was gravel or similar usually stuck to the roofing which had blown onto the parked cars ( not mine as it was too far) a swanky car belonging to a sports reporter had its sun roof smashed. Driving on M27 for work in Southamton was eerie - lack of cars and frightening from debris and gusts of wind. On the Saturday I sang in a choir which was singing the Messiah in Chichester Cathedral. There was some damage to the Cathedral but concert took place. However conductor removed one number and upped the tempo on the rest as the orchestra had to get back to London and the coastline wasn't working so they had to travel to Eastleigh.
Sorry no food involved on this post.
To add to Italian icecream, a long time ago I acted for a man who drove an icecream van in the family business [ not naming the business) had an argument with a rival and ended up hiding a gun ( cannot remember if it was an air gun) in his van. His van was chased by the Police.
I remember the hurricane. I was living in a ground floor flat in Southsea and was woken by the wind and a terrible noise. I went out at 5am because my car had moved slightly.i repositioned it and made sure brake on. I then realised the noise was gravel or similar usually stuck to the roofing which had blown onto the parked cars ( not mine as it was too far) a swanky car belonging to a sports reporter had its sun roof smashed. Driving on M27 for work in Southamton was eerie - lack of cars and frightening from debris and gusts of wind. On the Saturday I sang in a choir which was singing the Messiah in Chichester Cathedral. There was some damage to the Cathedral but concert took place. However conductor removed one number and upped the tempo on the rest as the orchestra had to get back to London and the coastline wasn't working so they had to travel to Eastleigh.
Sorry no food involved on this post.
I was in Oxford at the time: I was woken in the night by dustbin lids and so on - but Oxford's (of course) in a valley, so we were quite protected. I had to be in Newbury early the next morning and after getting blown off the A34 on my motorbike I just threaded my way through the lanes - managing to get past fallen trees that were blocking cars getting through. I was working at a GP surgery that day but of course no patients turned up! That evening I was due to visit my family in Wimbledon: devastation on my journey all the way from Newbury through to London.
To add to Italian icecream, a long time ago I acted for a man who drove an icecream van in the family business [ not naming the business) had an argument with a rival and ended up hiding a gun ( cannot remember if it was an air gun) in his van. His van was chased by the Police.
I'm imagining an ice cream van being chased by a police car on 'Police Interceptors' :rofl:.