Changing lancets/needles

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I change my lancet regularly...

.....every St Swithin's day.
(unless it starts to bounce off)
I change my lancet every time there is a blue moon in the sky 🙂
I have to say that I am really bad with changing pen needles, often only change once the vials run out. Am trying to be better though (in fact, gunna change my pen needles now :D) and trying to use one needle per 3 injections so at the end of each day. Lancets i use 5 times (maybe a couple more if i forget) as i have the multi-clix ones 🙂 i only recently started changing them as I got it new a few months ago and my docs were being useless and refused to give me thr prescription so i was using the same needle for months 😱 but now thats being changed once the lancet has run out thankfully
I have to say that I am really bad with changing pen needles, often only change once the vials run out.

😱doesnt it start to hurt more after leaving them that more? on injection number 3 with the same needle i notice it hurts more and it more difficult to err, stick in me! :D
doesnt it start to hurt more after leaving them that more? on injection number 3 with the same needle i notice it hurts more and it more difficult to err, stick in me! :D

sometimes it hurts quite a lot, which is why I'm trying to get better at it, say every 3 injections or so. In fact have just changed needles as i bruised this morning 😱 I'm surprised i haven't gotten infected or something from it! I guess I've been lucky!

So am trying to be better with it - working at changing needles once an injection and lancets once every 5 (getting good at that :D hurray for multiclix but 😱 for realising it took me many months to get a new prescription and finally change the needle, no wonder my poor left hand fingers are so rough and sore, have started using my right hand for blood tests to soften up my left!)
hehe ok, im glad you are going to chaning needles a bit more often!! We have to look after our injections sites as much as possible since we might be injecting for years 😱 I dont worry so much about lancets as I find it easier to get blood when they are a bit more blunt and I dont mind a bit of pain 🙂
hehe ok, im glad you are going to chaning needles a bit more often!! We have to look after our injections sites as much as possible since we might be injecting for years 😱 I dont worry so much about lancets as I find it easier to get blood when they are a bit more blunt and I dont mind a bit of pain

hehe, its what happens when you decide 'to hell with it' and just dont care :( stupid rebellion :( but hurray for sharp needles! I have a cool little clipper now which is really most of the reason i change them now, it brings back memories of the old days CLIP haha!

I find that too, with new lancets i barely get any blood out :confused:
hehe, its what happens when you decide 'to hell with it' and just dont care :( stupid rebellion :( but hurray for sharp needles! I have a cool little clipper now which is really most of the reason i change them now, it brings back memories of the old days CLIP haha!

I find that too, with new lancets i barely get any blood out :confused:

yeah they are so sharp they dont make you bleed much!

I have a clipper thing too but dont use it much, god i'm so lazy :D
I aint tested for so long so i dont do nothing at the moment r.e lancets
when you feel as down as i do at the minute the constant f**t a**ing around aint on top of my to do list

Steff !! you need to test , I know how you feel though and I think maybe everyone on this site does , we have all been there and felt like saying **** it , but at the end of the day we are cheating ourselves no one else :( Its our lives and our health we need to try and look after as long as possible without complications. Cheer up !! if you need to talk you know where i am ok 🙂🙂
trust me steff, i totally understand how you feel.

Our health is the most important thing though, if you can find the motivation to test and look after yourself please do :(

wow life is hard, wish we were all happy. im sending some love to everyoneeee xxx
when you feel as down as i do at the minute the constant f**t a**ing around aint on top of my to do list

Hi Steff, sorry to hear you're not feeling good at the moment. I'm sure you know that you probably should be testing so I'm not going to list reasons why you should be just wanted to say it's worth bearing in mind that high (or even just fluctuating) bg levels can have a really big effect on moods so it can become a vicious cycle of levels being worse because of not testing, meaning you feel more down, so you don't test etc etc etc....
hope you feel more back to your usual self soon!
This was one of the first thread I started when i joined the site.

I am doing pretty good at changing my pen needles at the moment, I am changing my lantus needle every time and my novorpaid one every day, which means around every 3 injections. The lancet well that gets changed about weekly. I just started using the muliclix so I don't have the lancet drums things on prescription yet.

Steff- In the past when I have felt down my blood sugars have been high and getting them down improved my mood, so as Aymes has said you might have got yourself into a cycle. I don't you can get the motivation to start testing again
Im a lot worse with my lantus needle than my novorapid needle, I leave it there for a few days - eew!
I find lantus stings me, so I don't want a painful needle and then the stinging, that would almost be self harm!
wow life is hard, wish we were all happy. im sending some love to everyoneeee xxx

seriously... what was I on when I wrote that?

I find lantus stings me, so I don't want a painful needle and then the stinging, that would almost be self harm!

Haha in that case I self-harm - Lantus stings me too! It's evil stuff, sometimes it really hurts and I have to slap my thigh for a while lol
...Haha in that case I self-harm - Lantus stings me too! It's evil stuff, sometimes it really hurts and I have to slap my thigh for a while lol

Yup! Lantus has always stung me too! It's because it is in an acidic solution which then reacts with the fluids in the body to form crystals which then gradually dissolve to release the insulin.

I have a multiclix and have only got two boxes on prescription in the past year - one of them is still unopened. At 200 lancets per box, and average 6 tests a day over a year, that's...erm...around 12 fingerpricks per lancet. I always change the needles every time - just the habit I got into after finding them a bit blunt and painful if reused.
Yup! Lantus has always stung me too! It's because it is in an acidic solution which then reacts with the fluids in the body to form crystals which then gradually dissolve to release the insulin.

WOW that really does sound sinister! hehee! How on earth do you know that's how lantus works?? It does make sense, explains why it's slow acting 🙂
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