Cataract operation

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My instructions were:

Pred drops, 1 drop 4 x daily for 3 weeks
Blue ones , 1 drop 3 x daily for 4 weeks

Definitely more than 4 DAYS so do check. I was given a chart to tick off when I had done each one, which was ridiculously helpful.

Activity was restricted to:
Do nothing for 2 weeks. No housework, exercise, swimming, running etc. Walking however was fine. I swim a lot and was advised to leave that another couple of weeks, so four weeks in total, just to be on the safe side.

I’m typing this currently sat with dilated pupils at Spa Medica having my post-surgery review and hoping they will say I can have the other eye done ASAP!
I doubt if you can overdose on them - after the 2nd op I took them nonstop for 8 months, usually 4 times a day each, down to 2 a day right at the end, but one month we tried one of them 6 times a day.
My instructions were:

Pred drops, 1 drop 4 x daily for 3 weeks
Blue ones , 1 drop 3 x daily for 4 weeks

Definitely more than 4 DAYS so do check. I was given a chart to tick off when I had done each one, which was ridiculously helpful.

Activity was restricted to:
Do nothing for 2 weeks. No housework, exercise, swimming, running etc. Walking however was fine. I swim a lot and was advised to leave that another couple of weeks, so four weeks in total, just to be on the safe side.

I’m typing this currently sat with dilated pupils at Spa Medica having my post-surgery review and hoping they will say I can have the other eye done ASAP!
Thanks Deb, that's very useful 🙂 I have my post-op review this morning so will get clarification about the drops. I've actually found a letter to my GP (on my patient record) that says 4 drops, 4 times a day for each, which conflicts with what is written on the actual bottles! 🙄
Hope it all goes to plan...
Thanks Deb, that's very useful 🙂 I have my post-op review this morning so will get clarification about the drops. I've actually found a letter to my GP (on my patient record) that says 4 drops, 4 times a day for each, which conflicts with what is written on the actual bottles! 🙄
Let us know how it goesAlan
Cataract surgery follow-up appointment this morning. Good news is that I can resume light exercise in a week or so and there is no sign of infection in the eye. Not so good news is that my pressure in in my right eye is 34 (which is pretty high 😱 ) This is due to a reaction to the steroid drops used to reduce inflammation :( Apparently, this happens to about 1 in 3 people, so fortunately they are used to seeing it, and I have been given a course of magic pills that will reduce the pressure 🙂 Once I stop the drops, the effect will disappear 🙂 Also, the stents are in place and fine. She suggested that my pressure should drop to low teens once everything has settled down 🙂 Back for another check in 3 weeks 🙂

Other mixed news - the vision in the right eye is now 6/6 🙂 The left eye, however, is pants :( The cataract is quite bad in that eye, and should be done in the next 3 months, which, of course, will be good as hopefully then it will be as good as the right eye 🙂 Also, I won't have the pressure problem with that eye because they now know I need the magic pills (think that's a trade name) 🙂 Not great news is that I will almost certainly have to pull out of the Yorkshire Marathon :( With the recovery from each eye eating heavily into my ability to train it's simply not feasible :( Would much rather have good eyesight though, there will be other marathons and I'll be better placed to admire the scenery 🙂

Thanks again to everyone for your help and support 🙂
Update, he was invited for the pre op assessment on Wednesday, not bad just 1 week after he saw the optician.
From those who have had it done are there any questions we should ask at the appointment?
Where are you based, @Leadinglights ? My OH feels his brewing cataracts are moving on.
Ooooh. Interesting.

We're not in Coventry or Warwickshire, but are always given the option for referrals there. I'll mention it to the chap. 🙂
Ooooh. Interesting.

We're not in Coventry or Warwickshire, but are always given the option for referrals there. I'll mention it to the chap. 🙂
The referral for the assessment which he has tomorrow and the procedure will be at SpaMedica, Herald Avenue, Coventry, CV5 6UB
Cataract surgery follow-up appointment this morning. Good news is that I can resume light exercise in a week or so and there is no sign of infection in the eye. Not so good news is that my pressure in in my right eye is 34 (which is pretty high 😱 ) This is due to a reaction to the steroid drops used to reduce inflammation :( Apparently, this happens to about 1 in 3 people, so fortunately they are used to seeing it, and I have been given a course of magic pills that will reduce the pressure 🙂 Once I stop the drops, the effect will disappear 🙂 Also, the stents are in place and fine. She suggested that my pressure should drop to low teens once everything has settled down 🙂 Back for another check in 3 weeks 🙂

Other mixed news - the vision in the right eye is now 6/6 🙂 The left eye, however, is pants :( The cataract is quite bad in that eye, and should be done in the next 3 months, which, of course, will be good as hopefully then it will be as good as the right eye 🙂 Also, I won't have the pressure problem with that eye because they now know I need the magic pills (think that's a trade name) 🙂 Not great news is that I will almost certainly have to pull out of the Yorkshire Marathon :( With the recovery from each eye eating heavily into my ability to train it's simply not feasible :( Would much rather have good eyesight though, there will be other marathons and I'll be better placed to admire the scenery 🙂

Thanks again to everyone for your help and support 🙂

I am glad it went well, I can understand your apprehension. 😱 It must be frustrating to have to postpone the Yorkshire marathon and stop training. I hope by next year you are back to your running programme and able to take part, as well as enjoy the scenery! 🙂
Just on the timeline conversation; my mum saw her optician for her normal 2 yr eye check on the Friday and was told she had cataracts one of which needed “doing”. Monday spa medica called to say can you come for pre assessment tomorrow. She did and was booked in for the op Saturday. All went well.

8 days from optician finding it to the op. Hampshire.
Just on the timeline conversation; my mum saw her optician for her normal 2 yr eye check on the Friday and was told she had cataracts one of which needed “doing”. Monday spa medica called to say can you come for pre assessment tomorrow. She did and was booked in for the op Saturday. All went well.

8 days from optician finding it to the op. Hampshire.
That is quick! 😱 🙂 Glad to hear it went well 🙂
Ooooh. Interesting.

We're not in Coventry or Warwickshire, but are always given the option for referrals there. I'll mention it to the chap. 🙂
O H had assessment this morning and booked in for the procedure this Saturday. It seems like a bit of a whirlwind but at least not a long wait, 10days from seeing the optician to getting it done. We were able to choose an appointment time for when convenient.
O H had assessment this morning and booked in for the procedure this Saturday. It seems like a bit of a whirlwind but at least not a long wait, 10days from seeing the optician to getting it done. We were able to choose an appointment time for when convenient.
Oh my. That IS impressive.

I had hand surgery for a cyst in a joint at the Nuffield in Leamington. That was an NHS referral. The appointment with the surgeon was in days, then booked in for a few days later for surgery, but it was cancelled on the day. An hour before I was leaving to go.

Apparently they were not allowed to operate on NHS patients within 6 weeks of the referral. But, what a piece of nonsense. Insane. Theatre was booked, surgeon ready to go with zero chance of slotting anyone else in, and I waited the balance of the time.

Surgeon profusely apologetic and mortified, but I can only assume neither he, nor his PA had done another in the past.

All bonkers.

So glad your chap is being done quickly, because often the waiting is the worst part. Fingers crossed for him.
Oh my. That IS impressive.

I had hand surgery for a cyst in a joint at the Nuffield in Leamington. That was an NHS referral. The appointment with the surgeon was in days, then booked in for a few days later for surgery, but it was cancelled on the day. An hour before I was leaving to go.

Apparently they were not allowed to operate on NHS patients within 6 weeks of the referral. But, what a piece of nonsense. Insane. Theatre was booked, surgeon ready to go with zero chance of slotting anyone else in, and I waited the balance of the time.

Surgeon profusely apologetic and mortified, but I can only assume neither he, nor his PA had done another in the past.

All bonkers.

So glad your chap is being done quickly, because often the waiting is the worst part. Fingers crossed for him.
Yes he was comparing it to the urgent referral made for cardiology made last November which was for July which has now been postponed to a yet unknown date.
Pleased all went well @Northerner

12 weeks now since had right eye done & result is remarkable like your experience, its well worth getting done & something people shouldn't put off.
I have my cataract op coming up on Wednesday, getting a bit nervous, even though I know both my parents had them done, but looking forward (please pardon the pun) to being able to see better, second one is booked in for 10th July.
Went to the eye centre to have my nystagmus checked on. Fortunately my wobbly eyes are no more wobblier that they have been in the past but the beginnings of cataracts was found and may be a contributor to my vision being less acute than it was. Trip to opticians to see if vision can be improved with a new lens prescription, otherwise treatment for cataracts might be in order for me.

All the good vibes in this thread about the operation make me quite relaxed about it.
As you say confusing information.
One thing says throw the eye shield away after the first night, elsewhere say to wear at night for 2 weeks.
O H had only been given the one lot of drops (the steroid ones) although the booklet says to use dry eye drops but at the preop assessment they said antibiotic drops also.
He will have to ring to check.
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