@Whitney Queen I think your basal is maybe a little high too. I understand you not wanting to speak to your team, but this is something fairly simple they could help with. You’re not bothering them - that’s their job.
I found low carb tedious because it just moves any issues to a different place. There’s a lot of rubbish about it online and it’s not a magic answer. For Type 1s the magic answer is insulin and using it correctly. What is useful though is a healthy diet, just like it would be for anyone else, a reasonable routine, and a good understanding of how insulin works. There are enough people with diabetes and an eating disorder, and they’re particularly prevalent on the low carb sites. This forum isn’t immune from them either. If you feel your control needs tightening, then that’s to do with your insulin not ‘bad’ foods. Most people with Type 1 eat a reasonable amount of carbs. A half-unit pen is always useful to have for your bolus insulin as you can then do more accurate corrections when needed.
I can’t remember if you said you’d done a DAFNE course but there’s an online version if you haven’t.
Is it your blood tests today? Good luck if it is : )