can’t cope anymore

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I’ve started taking a diary of my blood sugars exactly what I’m eating, carb content and symptoms! So far I’ve seen sausages, Yorkshire puddings, mashed root veg and cheesy broccolli forced me to have a nap for an hour or more. I’ve had melon, yogurt and banana muffins to cause me to nap for several hours and now the stuff from the experiment which caused me to have weak arms and legs! Some days in the diary I haven’t had as bad symptoms these 3 are just the major days, I’m going to try continue it for a while and see what they all have in common. Fingers crossed! I had to apply for personal independence payment today as I can’t even imagine working full time feeling this way!

What were your bloods like a couple of hours after eating the stuff that made you feel lethargic?
Have you had a look at Idiopathic postgraduate syndrome? The symptoms of a hypo after eating without the low sugar. As previously suggested it could be a good idea to try small low carb meals and see your reaction. By low carb I would say 10-20 carbs maximum or preferably no carbs at also eg cheese, ham and mushroom omelette.

I’ve started taking a diary of my blood sugars exactly what I’m eating, carb content and symptoms! So far I’ve seen sausages, Yorkshire puddings, mashed root veg and cheesy broccolli forced me to have a nap for an hour or more. I’ve had melon, yogurt and banana muffins to cause me to nap for several hours and now the stuff from the experiment which caused me to have weak arms and legs! Some days in the diary I haven’t had as bad symptoms these 3 are just the major days, I’m going to try continue it for a while and see what they all have in common. Fingers crossed! I had to apply for personal independence payment today as I can’t even imagine working full time feeling this way!

That’s good 🙂 That’s a fair variety of food there.Pre-bolusing was discussed before to stop any big spike, so I know you’re aware of that. Also, when you didn’t take insulin for your recent test meal, you would have spiked higher obviously but you said your symptoms weren’t at the top end of bad, which suggests it’s not spikes affecting you.

I agree with your thoughts that it’s less likely to be the foods because your symptoms started pretty much when you were diagnosed.

It’s so sad that you’re being so affected that you’ve had to apply for PIP.

Just some random things off the top of my head - are you taking a good quality multivitamin and mineral preferably with probiotics every day? Are you taking Vit D? I know what you’re feeling is more than ‘run down’ but every little thing might help you. Have you tried cutting out most processed foods in case additives make things worse? Are you getting any other symptoms that you’ve presumed to be unrelated but that might be, eg eczema, fungal infections, rashes, etc etc.

You know I think a trial of animal insulin would be a good move. I still think that. The symptoms of intolerance of human/analogues build up and affect your body. That makes it more difficult to spot because the effects aren’t always so obviously related. A trial of animal insulin gives time for your body to ‘clear itself’ and would be conclusive - that is, you’d either feel a lot better or it would have no effect.
What were your bloods like a couple of hours after eating the stuff that made you feel lethargic?
In terms of the sausage Yorkshire pudding, brocolli cheese and root veg meal my bloods were at 11.6 before then within an hour were at 6.0. In terms of the melon, yogurt and muffin my bloods were at 8.6 before (I pre bolused too much and my bloods dropped to 3.9) then they went up to 10.1. In terms of the experiment without insulin with the fry up my bloods were at 8.6 before and then went up to 14 before injecting insulin bringing it back down to 9.
In terms of the sausage Yorkshire pudding, brocolli cheese and root veg meal my bloods were at 11.6 before then within an hour were at 6.0. In terms of the melon, yogurt and muffin my bloods were at 8.6 before (I pre bolused too much and my bloods dropped to 3.9) then they went up to 10.1. In terms of the experiment without insulin with the fry up my bloods were at 8.6 before and then went up to 14 before injecting insulin bringing it back down to 9.

On the sausage, Yorkshire pud etc., meal, do you know what you peaked at as a high? What was your breakfast, or last meal before the sausage, Yorkie etc., meal? Of if that was your breakfast, and therefore fasted, what was your blood at when you got out of bed?

I'm not an insulin user to bear that in mind when I make a comment, but have you considered eating a zero carb meal?

Have you recently done any basal testing, to ensure your basal is holding you level?
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Protein and eventually fat too will cause a blood sugar rise. I wouldn’t recommend going without insulin like that as a Type 1.
Idiopathic postprandial syndrome, I assume. I love autocorrect!
Sorry yep you’re right. Stupid autocorrect 🙂
How about calling diabetes uk? They might be willing to contact your g.p or consultant about giving you the benefit of doubt and allowing you to swap both your basal and bolus insulins.
Yeah! I’ve been thinking of calling them! I may actually do it tomorrow! I just had the same meal I had with the experiment the fry up and I have the exact same symptoms this time with the insulin as I did without it, this time my throat is as dry as anything and my bloods have only gone up to 9.9 at the moment! :((
On the sausage, Yorkshire pud etc., meal, do you know what you peaked at as a high? What was your breakfast, or last meal before the sausage, Yorkie etc., meal? Of if that was your breakfast, and therefore fasted, what was your blood at when you got out of bed?

I'm not an insulin user to bear that in mind when I make a comment, but have you considered eating a zero carb meal?

Have you recently done any basal testing, to ensure your basal is holding you level?
With the sausage/ Yorkshire puddings meal I started at 11.6 then it went down to 6.0 then it was going down fast as it was at like 9 one minute then 6 the next so I panicked and had some skittles and then stayed at about 9 for a bit then it went up to 14 a few hours after and I had to correct.
On the sausage, Yorkshire pud etc., meal, do you know what you peaked at as a high? What was your breakfast, or last meal before the sausage, Yorkie etc., meal? Of if that was your breakfast, and therefore fasted, what was your blood at when you got out of bed?

I'm not an insulin user to bear that in mind when I make a comment, but have you considered eating a zero carb meal?

Have you recently done any basal testing, to ensure your basal is holding you level?
I’ve upped my basal a unit recently as I was waking up at 8 all the time and now I’ve upped it a unit I’m now waking up in the 5s which I believe is much better! So I don’t think raising that would be a good idea? I’m on tresiba! Because of my symptoms I regularly starve myself all day and my bloods stay stable and don’t really raise or lower so I think that means it’s ok? however I do have weird spikes sometimes which can happen like 5 hours after a big meal?
Thanks everyone for your support and advice so far! It means a lot as I don’t really have a very good support system! I was diagnosed just a few weeks before moving to university and kinda missed out on all the beginners advice and training on diabetes as my new team didn’t give me an appointment for a year. Im only 22 and I don’t have any parents (orphan) or extended family like aunts and uncles etc either so it’s been hard dealing with it all on my own! Especially with such debilitating symptoms! I appreciate every reply even if I can’t respond to them all 🙂
I am really interested to hear that your tiredness is still being triggered even without taking the insulin @Whitney Queen

Does that make you feel it is more food related? Are you still interested in trying a switch to animal insulin, or are you more interested in trying to identify possible food triggers at this stage?
Yes, and an appropriate change of insulins should give an answer very quickly - even if that answer is ruling out the insulin as a cause.

The symptoms of crushing fatigue and brain fog match human/analogue intolerance very well. If it’s not the insulins, then that’s a big thing ruled out. If it is the insulins, then that would be amazing as it’s not an illness and is easily sorted.
Hi Mike,

Although even without a bolus, basal is still being taken, so it could still be possibly insulin related. It's a difficult situation to be in.

That’s true, but the tiredness seemed to be quite acute around food, rather that general or random lethargy.

You are absolutely right, it’s an absolutely horrible situation for @Whitney Queen - and I guess it’s worth trying anything, but the tiredness, triggered by eating food (with or without bolus insulin) didn’t feel so obviously insulin-related to me I guess?
Hello everyone! I have good news and bad news, bad news is I asked my diabetic team if they knew how to push for allergy / intolerance testing and they ignored my question. Good news is that they’ve referred me to the pump team and that they’re going to get in touch with me. (Doesn’t mean I’ll get one though as I don’t believe I meet the requirements as my hba1c is fine, probably because I have to
Not eat!)
Hello everyone! I have good news and bad news, bad news is I asked my diabetic team if they knew how to push for allergy / intolerance testing and they ignored my question. Good news is that they’ve referred me to the pump team and that they’re going to get in touch with me. (Doesn’t mean I’ll get one though as I don’t believe I meet the requirements as my hba1c is fine, probably because I have to
Not eat!)

The tough reality is intolerance/allergy testing can be done with multiple testing, but to be honest, the best way to really get to the bottom of what your body is doing is to do in depth food diaries, matched with symptoms, and in your case, insulin doses and regime (whether you pre-bolus or multi-bolus, for say fast acting or slower acting foodstuffs, respectively), and your blood scores.

Personally, I could be very wrong, but were I in your shoes, I'd be focusing on what my food. I'm not saying you're totally wrong with your insulins, because I can't possibly know. I can only say what I would do, if faced with your chanllenges.

Personally, I would go back to gluten first, and cut it out - right out - for at least 3-6 months. For someone whose body can't cope too well with gluten, it can take a while to heal from the sometimes daily challenges it faces - hence the need to go that a real go. Unfortunately, gluten has to be all out. Cutting down isn't that answer, unlike other intolerances, such as dairy, or in my case tomatoes. I can manage small amounts of tomatoes, but more than that and I suffer - and, oh how I love tomatoes!

As I understand things, keeping a food, insulin and bloods diary will stand you in very good stead for both your pump discussions, and if you are also changing insulin.

I know it's a chore and a total boar, but data is empowering. Data can show you trends, and trends of an unwanted nature can be tackled based on your data, not anyone else's but yours.

I'm sure it is no consolation to you whatsoever, but the Endo I see recommends patients with auto0immune conditions, facing issues, go gluten-free, because of the often low grade, but very debilitating symptoms that can develop over time.

Maybe he's a bit "odd", but he is the guy in our area who gets all the "odd-bods" and atypical individuals. Sadly, I have to include myself in that grouping, probably justifiably!

Good luck with it all. Feeling unwell or "off" for a long time is just pretty rubbish.
Hello everyone! I have good news and bad news, bad news is I asked my diabetic team if they knew how to push for allergy / intolerance testing and they ignored my question. Good news is that they’ve referred me to the pump team and that they’re going to get in touch with me. (Doesn’t mean I’ll get one though as I don’t believe I meet the requirements as my hba1c is fine, probably because I have to
Not eat!)

Presumably they referred you to the pump team in case it was the Tresiba that was the issue?

Your GP would be the one to talk to about possible allergies or intolerances. Please avoid any tests you can buy online - there’s no proof they work at all and the NHS advises you avoid them. Also, avoid the kind of ‘clean living’ forums that are populated by people with eating disorders. Be very aware that although some people do have genuine food intolerances, a surprising number of people don’t and ‘avoiding gluten or wheat’ is in and of itself a sign of disordered eating. Your best bet is to get the help of a proper dietician.

It would be a massive coincidence if you developed food intolerances at the same time as you were diagnosed with Type 1. Apart from the insulin and food issues, there are a number of other things it could be epso keeping in touch with your GP is best. I think you said they weren’t very sympathetic before but you can change GP.

I stress again - you sadly need to be active and a bit pushy to get answers.

Did you get a copy of all the blood tests you’ve had done? That’s important. Often when they say they’ve “done all the tests” they only mean they’ve done some basic tests. As I think I said, a relative suffered for months and was referred to a specialist because her GP had “done all the tests”. Except they hadn’t - and the answer was actually very simple. So - wasted months when it could have been sorted.

I hope you’re not feeling too bad today.
Presumably they referred you to the pump team in case it was the Tresiba that was the issue?

Your GP would be the one to talk to about possible allergies or intolerances. Please avoid any tests you can buy online - there’s no proof they work at all and the NHS advises you avoid them. Also, avoid the kind of ‘clean living’ forums that are populated by people with eating disorders. Be very aware that although some people do have genuine food intolerances, a surprising number of people don’t and ‘avoiding gluten or wheat’ is in and of itself a sign of disordered eating. Your best bet is to get the help of a proper dietician.

It would be a massive coincidence if you developed food intolerances at the same time as you were diagnosed with Type 1. Apart from the insulin and food issues, there are a number of other things it could be epso keeping in touch with your GP is best. I think you said they weren’t very sympathetic before but you can change GP.

I stress again - you sadly need to be active and a bit pushy to get answers.

Did you get a copy of all the blood tests you’ve had done? That’s important. Often when they say they’ve “done all the tests” they only mean they’ve done some basic tests. As I think I said, a relative suffered for months and was referred to a specialist because her GP had “done all the tests”. Except they hadn’t - and the answer was actually very simple. So - wasted months when it could have been sorted.

I hope you’re not feeling too bad today.
Nah they referred me to them as I asked whether I’m just extremely sensitive to my blood sugar changing. I was just on the phone to the gp they booked me some bloods for milk, eggs and gluten on Monday however she was saying she can’t do anything again and to be honest I’m now thinking either this is going to end up killing me due to it keeps getting worse, (now when Im forced to nap i can feel my heart beating faster, it feels like i cant move and my throat dries and crisps up) or I’ll end up killing myself I can’t cope anymore and I feel like none of the professionals care about it or care to figure out what it is just because no other diabetics feel this way. Got off the phone from the gp feeling worse than before calling them!
hello, I’ve posted a few times now over the years about this same problem which has never got figured out and is getting worse, I am officially at breaking point with my diabetes. Everytime I eat I get sore eyes (which are visibly puffy and red) headaches, overwhelming fatigue, constant yawning, the feeling of needing to stretch my entire body, muscle cramps, extreme brain fog and not being able to concentrate and being extremely forgetful. The only way I can avoid this is to not eat and therefore I starve myself all day until dinner time at about 8pm. I can’t get a job because if I had a job which started at 9 if I ate breakfast I would be knocked out and unable to work. I have been to both my diabetic team and my GP and none of them care anymore now that they’ve eliminated all the obvious things such as coeliac disease, thyroid problems etc. The problem started AS SOON as I got home from the hospital 4 years ago with my type 1 diagnosis and therefore I still believe it’s something to do with diabetes but the diabetic team do not think it is. I constantly contemplate taking my own life If this problem does not go away soon as it genuinely is debilitating and I can’t take much more of this, I’ve been asking for 4 years now and I am no closer to finding out what the problem is and I spend all my time crying and feeling angry. If anyone has any advice or has had similar symptoms please let me know.
Hi! Sorry to know that you are not well. Just to let you know my personal experience. I had very high sugar 13.5 hba1c and I was advised by my Doctor and specialists to change my diet to very low carbs. I took that diet and became worse. I could not even walk or do the house work. Even my sugar was not reducing much.
I tried keto diet and other diets but results were even worse. That I found one diet which is mastering diebeties.
In which eat as much carbs you want but to avoid very oily stuff and eat all fruits, just avoid procedsed fruits. Since started that the results are amaising.
I eat rice, chapati, potatoes, all starch vegetables and fruits. Sugar level came dramatically down in just less than 2 months now my sugar levels from 13.5 to 7.5 just in two months.
I never starve myself. I feel each day more energetic and happy. I don't eat anything processed of the market. Even the juice I take out in the house to avoid added sugar. I hope it would help.
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