Campaigning on test strips

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Managed to access on laptop using same browser, must be a tablet glitch.
I couldn't afford to buy strips anyway
Mine cost the NHS £9.95 If I buy them over the counter they cost about £15.
I couldn't find my Bayer contour test strips on there!
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Well you will have to use a vpn and pretend to be in the UK won't you.
I think it's a crying shame that Type 2s cannot be prescribed testing strips. This is 20th century thinking, unchanged from my early days as a doctor. Meanwhile, the explosion in treatments for diabetic complications continues apace, and costs the country a fortune, probably a hundred times as much as it would cost to supply testing kits to Type 2s.

The NHS is run on crisis money with a crisis mindset. Nobody gives any thought to cost benefit analysis. It makes me so cross.😡
I think it's a crying shame that Type 2s cannot be prescribed testing strips. This is 20th century thinking, unchanged from my early days as a doctor. Meanwhile, the explosion in treatments for diabetic complications continues apace, and costs the country a fortune, probably a hundred times as much as it would cost to supply testing kits to Type 2s.

The NHS is run on crisis money with a crisis mindset. Nobody gives any thought to cost benefit analysis. It makes me so cross.😡

Completely agree, it's disgraceful, surely prevention is better (and cheaper!) than cure. What about the people living in poverty who can't afford them? The powers that be don't give a s##t about them 😡.
I've had lots of dealings with the NHS, not for myself but my dad, and they were always reactive rather than proactive in his care, it was so frustrating and all the while my poor dad suffering 😡
We Type 2's are prescribed them in Spain. I hope I can get them in England!
I phoned up my surgery yesterday and talked to a friendly receptionist and asked her about strips and lancets. She said she couldn't see any problem with me having them and told me to put a note in the 'repeat prescription' box which I will do. She kept asking me what the hospital had said, I told her I've never been to a hospital and she couldn't grasp how I knew I was diabetic. I said Dr A told me. She had a word with somebody else but still seemed very confused. I will be really pleased if I get some. She asked where I've been getting them from and I said Boot's! I feel if they'd given me a meter etc., when I was diagnosed I would have 'known' I was Type 2 Diabetic and wouldn't have blanked it for a year. I've still not come to terms with it, nor got a handle on the eating/lifestyle. It seems unreal.
Right @Ditto I need the name and address of this surgery as you mentioned such a thing I have never come across at mine :D
I know. I was surprised myself. :D
I think it's a crying shame that Type 2s cannot be prescribed testing strips. This is 20th century thinking, unchanged from my early days as a doctor. Meanwhile, the explosion in treatments for diabetic complications continues apace, and costs the country a fortune, probably a hundred times as much as it would cost to supply testing kits to Type 2s.

The NHS is run on crisis money with a crisis mindset. Nobody gives any thought to cost benefit analysis. It makes me so cross.😡

Mike. Type2 diabetics are prescribed test strips if they are on insulin. I am type2 and have been on insulin since first day of being diagnosed, I have also had test strips since that day, I have never had any problems in 10 years and order 200 whenever I want.
Mike. Type2 diabetics are prescribed test strips if they are on insulin.
I've met a couple of T2 on insulin. Neither was prescribed strips. Hadn't been given a meter. Were injecting same amount of insulin every day regardless of what they were eating or doing.
@ukjohn .I used to have problems after going on insulin. They thought the 50 per month that I had when on Gliclazide was more than enough, I did get it increased a couple of times till I received what I needed.
I've met a couple of T2 on insulin. Neither was prescribed strips. Hadn't been given a meter. Were injecting same amount of insulin every day regardless of what they were eating or doing.
Omg 😱😡
For a T1 to have trouble getting test strips is criminal and I for one would make an official complaint to the surgery.
I have had my meters replaced by the surgery standard model (TrueYou - test strips £20+ for 50 to me or £10 to the NHS) without notification and quantity reduced to 25/month. Complained to my GP who increased it to 50/month. Then I find my prescription has been changed to 0 without notifying me. My previous GP has retired and we now have 2 female GPs and 1 locum Male. The reduction resulted in me having a discussion with the GP about the situation. Unfortunately she has the common attitude of it's a waste of time me testing, the annual HBA1c is adequate, but she did agree to give me 50/month so I can adjust my evening meal according to the one a day test.
In the meantime my wife (also T2) has had her test strips removed totally in what is obviously a surgery policy.

I have been fighting my local surgery regarding test strips since the day I was diagnosed Type 2. I've been on a monthly diabetic review for 7 continuous months... the numpties don't seem to realise if you test 4 times /day for a month then you need 120 test strips... plus I get the occasional dud reading. However, this is not new... nearly everything I have prescribed I have to fight to get....
Maybe if the NHS stopped treating Health Tourists for free.... they could afford to give us testing strips.
coming over here, taking our strips, jeez....

don't think its that straightforward
I have been fighting my local surgery regarding test strips since the day I was diagnosed Type 2. I've been on a monthly diabetic review for 7 continuous months... the numpties don't seem to realise if you test 4 times /day for a month then you need 120 test strips... plus I get the occasional dud reading. However, this is not new... nearly everything I have prescribed I have to fight to get....
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