• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Before Tea/Evening Meal

What a wet and windy day it's been here! I'm pleased it's nearly over.

Anyway, it was a 6.4 for me this evening.
And a 6.2 for me pre-dinner this evening - still very windy here - don't like the wind
wherever it comes from....😉
tonight a Len
A happy 5.9 for me on this very chilly evening.
Hi 5.3 on this cold winters evening
Evening all. It was a 6.3 for me pre-dinner this fine day.
Hi 6.6 tonight

spent half the day on the phone & working remotely (Via Teams) which as some of you will know unfortunately for me,
is the modern way many businesses operate, I’m very much a in-person person but I’m adapting as,much as I can

TC everybody