Before Tea/Evening Meal

A 5.2 today after running about and getting my eye screening done. Now watching the opening Olympic ceremony…
A happy 7.1 for me on this fine sunny day.

I went out on the bike this afternoon and collected what felt like 4ibs of blackberries, so, I might just
have blackberry and apple with yoghurt for dessert tonight and a handful of blackberries in my porridge
in the morning - Can't wait..... 🙂
Today is a 5.1 (physical meter: 5.0 - app must round up?).
After a warm humid day, it was a 5.6 for me tonight.
4.6 today.
5.1 yesterday (though ended up quite a while before a very late tea - we had a 20 minute drive then fiancé suggested we had a bit of a walk around before eating so may actually have been lower by the time I ate). Had a lovely curry at a small Indian restaurant and I succumbed to the temptation of a peshwari naan with it after the walking! Absolutely delicious (though for some reason they'd dyed the coconut in the naan bright orange...). Checked on return home (between 1-2 hours after we started eating, not completely sure but probably closer to one) and 7.1 so very happy with that but shall see what it's like before breakfast this morning! (Not checked yet)
And it's a 6.8 for me tonight, I might have a short bike ride this evening and pick up some more
blackberries as there seem to be loads around just waiting for me.
5.4 tonight. Noticed seems to be a little higher if I’ve *just* gotten in from work/running around than if I’ve been home chilling for an hour plus (the 4s last week were preceded with a good two hours of nothing). Glucose being slightly higher post exertion is normal-ish, right?
Pleased with a 6.6 after a nasty late morning spike probably caused by stress. By the appointment time for my weekly foot dressing change there was still no ambulance and the controllers were telling porkies. I should read these out on Jackanory - "Fat Controllers Fairy Tales"! 🙂 I might put in a formal complaint but on the previous two occasions only had a waffling response months later! :(
I think most of you must live in England I cannot remember the last time I had a warm humid day